Just a reminder multi kulti doesn't work. Any nation that has two or more cultures struggling for dominance/cultural preservation will fail eventually.
This is evident in NI, Ukraine, Yugoslavia, Rhodesia and the list goes on. I know this myself.
Just a reminder multi kulti doesn't work. Any nation that has two or more cultures struggling for dominance/cultural preservation will fail eventually.
This is evident in NI, Ukraine, Yugoslavia, Rhodesia and the list goes on. I know this myself.
this is now a terrorwave thread
Very true. The Protestants should be driven out from Ireland by force.
How about you dirty paddies get the fuck off our land?
OK, so let's no descend into another Sup Forums circlejerk about the fall of the west. What can we do to mitigate this individually?
There are a few countries that are options:
I would say probably quite a similar culture with some slav differences.
Quite poor, but definitely livable.
Hot women.
Strong Christianity and therefore bulwark against Islam.
I would imagine this to be a VERY different culture. Bit worse than Poland geographically due to surrounding countries.
Very poor.
Don't know about the women.
Again strong Christianity.
>arguing against multi-culturalism
>on a board populated almost entirely by right wing nationalists
Multi-multiculturalism is retarded though. I think people's fondness for it is because they think of culture as food or music.
Culture is far deeper than that.
I'm not even one of the totally anti-immigration people on this board either. For me, so long as an immigrant adopts the values and culture of the country there isn't a problem.
Very different culturally to the west.
Some parts moderately wealthy, a lot of very poor parts aswell.
Hot women, but slowly becoming more westernised.
Strong Christianity in most areas but the caucases are a big problem. There has been a fair amount of terrorism within those countries plus spillover into Moscow etc.
It's such a large landmass though that you could probably carve out your own piece of paradise.
Hot women
Hot Country
Requesting some south americans to give me the low down on e.g. Argentina
Culturally opposite to the west.
No proper internet.
I've heard they're pussy whipped.
Mostly dirt poor.
I'm not into chinks.
Wow literally
What? Are you fucking... UGH
I just literally WTF
Eastern Europe is really the last place where homogenous European populations live but it's v poor and the people there will ostracise you for being a westerner. Technically by fleeing to these countries in an effort to avoid multi kulti your contributing to it.
Stay in your lands and fight for cultural preservation.
>I think people's fondness for it is because they think of culture as food or music.
>Culture is far deeper than that.
I agree, and it's a sticking point I often encounter when debating friends, although to be honest I struggle to further identify culture myself, or at least to verbalise it. How would you argue that culture is deeper than that?
Look at wider trends of behaviour, IQ, propensity to violence, the scientific output a community, their art, how intellectually diverse it is, whether they have rights that are enshrined and recognised
>no rifles
>no anti vehicle weapons
Fix this
Midwest is pretty hwyte
Niggers can be kept in check if the executive powers allow police to do their job
Mexicans will soon be gone
Hot women (but also lots of fat ones)
Insignificant muslim population where most aren't even practicing the religion outside of Ramadan
Big and self-segregated enough to where if things got too bad we could just take half the country and from a majority white ethnostate.
Rap music (being slowly replaced by EDM-type music made by white artists)
Nigger sports
wow, really? thanks for the heads up bro
Because you've succeeded every other time you've tried aye?
no such nation
SHit taste, looks like How to be Tryhard Jamal or Rapefugee , no wonder all you shit countries suck
Absolutely and that's why NI belongs to the British
it will be fun when it fails tho and we get to go around shooting nigs and muslims
Northern Ireland is best Ireland
Multiculturalism is a jewish creation. The jews are the destroyers of the world.
Kill every jew before they kill you.
Whould not racewar with/10