Why cant other countries win the oylimpics?
Its been USA led year after year, at this point its just a USA bragging contest...
Why cant other countries win the oylimpics?
Its been USA led year after year, at this point its just a USA bragging contest...
315 million people. The fact that Australia has 7 and we only have 19 shows that they are doing better this year than we are.
Learn basic math.
>Why does a country that sends 500 people wins more medal then a country with less then 100 people
wew lad, weak bait, I give it a 5/10
5 vs 4
19 vs 7
Math is hard for you isnt it?
They only send 100 because only 100 could qualify.
How is Hungary so good? I thought they were Eastern Europeans and poor and hungry like us. You guys have a scholarship system going or something?
Other countries punish competition. The vast majority of their population are just shoved into school and told they can ever aspire to be that is even worthwhile is an academic whereas Americans have much m ore freedom to choose the path they want to go down in life.
Yep. OP is retarded. Water is wet.
Because The US has a lot of people and a lot of money.
WADA is an american company