Culture Clash

Oh boy here we go

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i see a muslim girl who probably trained in thongs wear a hijab due to political reasons / attention.

so fuck her. and fuck islam..

those german girls had nice asses

10/10 would lick butthole

Holy fuck the look of jealousy in that egyptian's eyes, she wants to take of her clothes and parade herself so badly.

How come Germany gets to have 2 volleyball teams?



Those Egyptian girls are so brave. They should be the flagbearers for Germany during the closing ceremonies

Olympic happening incoming in a couple of days. You saw it here first.


Mudslimes pretend to be modest and moral but that doesn't stop them from buttfucking little boys goats donkeys etc

>i see a muslim girl who probably trained in thongs

keep your nasty orientalist fantasies for yourself kafir.

And thanks for remind us that the only reason their clothes bother you is that you can't masturbate while watching them, sick mind.

>Holy fuck the look of jealousy
You're projecting though she's literally just looking at her

>if i only post pictures of them while they're shouting maybe they'll not realize muslimas are 10 times more beautiful than our man faced whores


They don't, that's France

>Make it happen


T'essaies bien trop dur.
Sois plus subtil, Jaque... tu ruines tous les efforts des autres faux-mouloud.

>Tfw you get back to Egypt you know your hairy ass is getting stoned

really made me think

Kill yourself subhuman shitskin mudslime filthy islamic dog. You must be slaughtered you terrorist savage subhuman

Nice anti-Muslim bias, AIDF


The end goal of the Anglo agenda is that all races mix themselves into a brown unity race controlled by beady-eyed Anglo BLOOD, that is intelligent enough to work for Anglo BLOOD and consume Anglo BLOOD products but dumb enough to resist Anglo BLOOD oppression.

Can you now understand why we Aryan National Socialists hate your race?

egypt looks like they're sweltering


who won?

The tip of her butt is unblurred

>Culture Clash
Is that a fancy term for "Race War"?

Daily reminder that the eternal Anglo shitposter is a turkroach.

Anglo detected



The Catholic Church would like a word

Found the Muslim oh look French flag

Hey, aren't you dead? Weren't you that shooter in the mall?

>implying anybody wants her dry roastie vagina

>athletes dont generate more heat due to physical activity
>clothes dont get in the way
I fucking hate this Olympics
the only real event is signaling.

>keep your nasty orientalist fantasies for yourself kafir.

iranian women practically invented pussy waxing

Remember when France was full of French? Me either.


Except sodomy among mudslimes is widespread while homosexual pedophile priests are an exception

>llahu akbar

what's Walt Disney got to do with this?

je récolte les toi, ne surestime jamais la stupidité de ce board. De plus je suis maghrébin.

Lmao smuk Mark Carney sneaking in there

At least he masturbates to a woman, and don't fuck five year old boys in swimming pool in the middle of day to please that murderous thief of yours, Hummhad.


Well, they lost 2-0 so it's pretty clear that wearing a trashbag to play volleyball in the blazing sun is unhelpful at best.

Ouais bon sur Sup Forums ça marche bien, j'avoue.

We have these types of "people" to

They are called Protestants

t. muhammamad el islamabad

Egypt, not surprising considering they lived their whole lives in the dessert

>that strategic bit of unblurred butt

that's some zettai ryouiki type shit right there


Why isn't Sup Forums pixellating the Muslim girl? Or photoshopping her into a beach body?

Really makes you think, isn't it...

>de plus je suis maghrébin.

Dégoûtant. Retourne dans ton pays.



>pic not included: male team wearing shorts and singlets yet still able to thrash both women's teams at once

You have to go back to your mud.

>people from different angles take different pictures
really activates my cerebellum

photojournalists are only allowed to submit a single photo?

Shot number 2 is much more dramatic and captures all of the emotion on Egypt's face though. Ffs the butt isn't even in focus.


I know which culture I side with

The one with the almost naked ladies

Dumpy trash bag lady lost 2-0 though so we can agree that her clothing was unhelpful at best.

Redditors in here pretending girls in underwear aren't degenerate and that hair covering is. You don't have to approve of whoredom to hate muslims. Go back faggots.

>that little bit of ass they forgot to pixelate
some muslim kid is getting the fap of his lifetime tonight

And after the hijab madness in the media has worn off, photo 1 will die a quick death because it is compositionally boring.
Women can't into art.
>hurr durr! They need to see the whole scene
>hurr lets frame it so that everything that is happening is literally right in the middle
I'm surprised she didnt insert herself into the corner of the frame like it's a fucking selfie


>there is literally a 1 in 4 chance i'm replying to an algerian goatfucker right now

I would smell that ass

She looks like a sloth


Could an Arab man masturbate over a pic of a womans hair?

The German women looks like a baked Potato, with a flat saggy ass to boot.

The Egyptian woman is curvy, high test, and beautiful in a dusky exotic way.


*tip quran*

>the Egyptian woman is high test

How useless is that headscarf when the rest of her clothes are skin-tight and show everything?

LOL exactly as I expected from NeuFrenchistan

Kill yourself achmed, mot even anglo

Top kek

Enjoy your feminists, white people.

>women having modesty is bad

hhahhaha frenchies or muslims, its the same nowadays. Makes me sad though :(

They don't even get lightweight tops. Are adidas sabotaging their olympic dreams by giving them comfy winter hijabs?

she's a national embarrassment

she looks hot

maybe she should take off that stupid hood

she might win

>No amount of clothing a woman chooses to wear should prevent them from doing anything they want to do

Try shitting with your pants on

>Try shitting with your pants on
*pics of Walmart's dude*


my 8" dick is shriveling up inside me for hibernation

Top kek

this is priceless. the towel head is celebrating one point.while the german is wondering why she is acting like this. germany goes on to destroy egypt 2-0.
no mention of score in any article.

lol she lost

but why

Daily reminder that whether you're Aryan or mudslime, your ancestors were assfucked by the superior anglo race

Isn't there a mudshit rule about hiding the bootyshape? Pretty sure those leggings are absolutely haram.

germany is the one in the hajib right