Sup Forumstards conveniently ignore news that don't fit their agenda
( Pic. related. )
Sup Forumstards conveniently ignore news that don't fit their agenda
( Pic. related. )
Cause feelings.
It's much easier to blame all their problems on a scapegoat
A white girl saved today is a blacked pussy for later user
Not all blacks are niggers but all niggers are black. The ((media)) also likes to conveniently not tell stories like this and instead focus on their agenda. Good for this kid, lets hope he doesn't turn into a nigger.
wtf i love minorities now
>his bike
Bet the bike was stolen.
didn't he just get arrested recently?
these paint images are so fucking perfect. its like kindergarten drawings coupled with kindergarten logic.
It says facebook so I have to question it's veracity. Regardless, looks like an honorary black man not a nigger. There's a difference. Good job Boggs
Cool. Good for him to rise above the ghetto culture around him. I have no problems with black people doing good things.
Statistics are important.
Not exceptional feats.
>Ghetto culture
Yeah right "ghetto culture" forces niggers to rape 5 year old White girls.
A nigger behaving well is considered news worthy. Think about that for a moment.
Anyone who posts in this thread is proof that what you are implying is false. How's it feel being BTFO from the start?
history conveniently ignores news about hitler that doesn't fit their agenda. why?
Actually, funnily enough the media (CNN) reported on one of the nig shootings recently. It's a rarity but the comments were, "Why are you even posting this CNN we know it happens every weekend" lol
So there's a large subsection of people who want a spotlight on it and to shine the light on their dysfunction so that other people know. And then there's people who are just fucking tired of hearing about nig violence.
>conveniently ignore news that don't fit their agenda
Everyone does it.
The media, governments, journalists, blog writers
Eh, come on man, if anyone saved a little girl it'd be news worthy. Regardless, I think this is good propaganda for niggers. We should start showing them doing good deeds, perhaps it will turn the tide on the ghetto culture being pushed on them
one good nazi didn't mean all nazi's were good
Nazis dindu nuffin
This is old as fuck and we have had threads about it since the day it happened.
He was chasing after her to rape her.
You guys are the ones simplifying things
Its possible to both have compassion and empathy for individuals around you yet hold political stances that would holds your own self preservation as paramount
Grow up
Then you conveniently ignore the four nigger who broke into an 83 year old widow's (she's white btw) house, pistol whipped her repeatedly and set her on fire. She's lucky to be alive, albeit barely and scarred for life.
Which of the two scenarios [(((OP's))) or mine] is more common?
The reason this image exists is because blacks are expected to have little to no morals. That's why it becomes news when one black achieves great grades or simply does something good.
Temar may be a good black man, but many other aren't.
>ignoring the other rescuer, a white kid simply to push a black narrative
>Chris Garcia doesn't deserve equal praise because of his skin color
being this cucked
bloody savages
I imagine OP is busy slitting his wrist right about now
Keep these coming. I deleted all my pics and I like to have these
Sup Forums posts news about positive things?
how long have you been here?
Because this barely happens and Chicago shooting happen every fuckin night
>Post news article that contradicts Sup Forums's views
>Sup Forums goes full triggered and spams the thread with articles that support their views so they can reassure themselves their narrow minded view points are right and they don't have to think
never change Sup Forums
the fuck kind of haircut is that
>pol is one person meme.
This Man is a Hero.
Fucking RACISTS delete these posts immediately
and I mean now or I am telling moot
It's so funny when the nigger loving cucks and shills try to find a model minority nigger and he turns out to be a rapist murderer career criminal drug dealer etc
Did he also give her Herpes?
62% of blacks aged 18-35 have Herpes, anons.
Be careful with dem BBCs on Craigslist.
Thanks Greekbro.
All debts are forgiven
White. Blue eyes.
Raped a toddler, killed her, made a video of rape murder and put it online.
Keep in mind this pic is very outdated.
Could it be because that happened MONTHS ago? And even then there were plenty of threads about it.
>self-hating white guilt SJW Euroweenies in charge of not being newfags
It's the wigger haircut of choice. All the white kids in northeast philly who talk like niggers have this cut.
A group is never defined by its exceptions, that's why.
Temar Boggs is an honorary white.
Bitch better have my money... No holding out on Don Juan the Magic Trayvon
You tell me first.
Underated post
Pot calling the ketlle black
she owed him money
You have seen what five niggers in your life?
Dude... That is so fucked up, i mean, i am one who always stood against barbaric punishment practices however, i hope someone takes this nigger, locks him up in a basement and tortures him for the rest of his life.
wow that was terrible, this is why i stay armed poor lady was probably so worried for her kids safety.
That's 7,864 per year
Statisticians also ignore outliers.
This is like finding a penny in your shit. Yeah sure, it's a penny.. But that doesn't make the rest any less shit. And do you really want to dig through shot for one measly penny?..
What a cuck!
Seriously though, even if blacks were to a man that conscientious, I would object to Our people being replaced by them.
>15 minutes
Literally nothing
>temar Boggs, 17 years old was wanted for armed robbery
wtf america is crazy place to live.
>Seriously though, even if blacks were to a man that conscientious, I would object to Our people being replaced by them.
But of course if they were, they'd be busy building their own high-trust, high social capital societies, rather than fleeing the shitholes they tend to create on their own.
Yeah, we have a nigger problem here.
Statistics are a thousand times more predictive than cherry-picked examples user
I have seen them in Italy. I never talked to one. And please don't use that word.
>His bike
Not fucking likely
theres a reason why the black stereotype is not this guy, unofrtunately
>Gina Burger
Hate to ruin the mood, but that's a really puffy name right there.
WTF its elastic?
>Blue eyes
this doesnt make you "white" right away. blue eyes dont even come from a group of europeans who were white or had blonde hair. (those genes came from russia, ural, finnic and altai region..real whites)
blonde hair and were tall*
>his bike
wtf i want to be Blacked now!
poo-eyed mongrel detected
"History is written by the victors"
because this shit is like 4 years old.
Fuck you nigger apologist, where do you think you are?