Guess who just endorsed Trump!

Guess who just endorsed Trump!

Fat Man confirmed for based!

Other urls found in this thread:

should not make light of this, japanese was bombed by America for no reason, innocent people were kill by act of terrorism


autistic americans are going to take this bait you know

>for no reason

Thats what they still teach you in your shit tier Nip schools, don't they?

>rape and murder 600 chinks
>blind side our naval base to declare war
>get shitstomped into the fucking ground and have your entire culture gutted and replaced with video games and jacking off to cartoons

we should've just kept firebombing every single one of you until the screaming stopped



Even though your trolling, the nuking of Japan was the most important even in the 20th century.

Imagine what the world would be like if the US and USSR had nukes and neither of them had seen it in a combat situation before.

All those close calls during the cold war would have led to launch because no one would have known the consequences on a population.

>Blindsided military base
It wasn't random attack, your president knew about it for a week before hand and your military sank Japanese transports and fishing boats before the attack.