Welcome to /who/, the Doctor Who General!
LAST GENERAL: My name is Nardole Who. When I was seven I had an imaginary friend. Last night was the night before my friend's wedding. My imaginary friend came back.
Welcome to /who/, the Doctor Who General!
LAST GENERAL: My name is Nardole Who. When I was seven I had an imaginary friend. Last night was the night before my friend's wedding. My imaginary friend came back.
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So who's someone outside of Doctor Who, who has done well in running other British shows, that could do well as the new Who showrunner?
We have this picture of John Simm up in our local pub because he's the only thing our area can boast about.
That is a disturbingly hires photo and I didn't expect it to be when I clicked on it
I felt very uncomfortable
So when will it be announced that James Corden is the Thirteenth Doctor?
Neither did I. You can see the goosebumps on his neck...
When they announce that Howard Overman is the showrunner.
Charlie Brooker
Thread theme: youtube.com
Howard Overman
Neil Cross
Dennis Kelly
Jack Thorne
I support a transgender companion.
>Neil Cross
Is he really outside of Doctor Who when he's written episodes before? Genuinely wondering, cause he's not really a staple like Gatiss or (sigh) Whithouse or anything
i have News on the identity of the 13th doctor
So which of these showrunners here would introduce a transgender companion?
Brooker would have to severely restrain himself for Who.
And I've got news on the identity of the next Master: Billy Treacy
>Bill decides to only save 12 and leaves Nardole and the children for dead
There was something offputting about the end of the finale, as fantastic as it was. If the episode ended right when Bill left the TARDIS, I would have been convinced that the entire episode was all in her imagination, due to the combination of her brain being eaten away by the programming and the complete denial of her conversion.
Sally Wainwright
mind if i use some utter shite special effects to poppin
He's spoken before about Doctor Who and pretty much said he doesn't feel any great need to go full-on intense Black Mirror about it, IIRC. Moff asked him to write an ep a while back, and he was stoked at the idea but too busy at the time.
He'd have to restructure his current projects to such a degree I don't think he'd ever take the job, even though he'd be great at it and likely enjoy it, but it's nice to imagine.
I'm still hovering around some headcanon that 12 got back in the TARDIS through some non-Heather means, and the whole Heather thing was a dying hallucination (or legit spiritual experience? you decide!) of Bill's.
>Howard Overman
Misfits became lame once they started replacing characters, so Overman can't handle a show with a rotating cast. Otherwise, our best case scenario would be Merlin... Eh.
>Neil Cross
Luther kept swinging from really good to yet another lame cop drama. Maybe he could do well, but his Who episodes don't speak highly of him.
>Dennis Kelly
I could see it. Utopia was cool.
>Jack Thorne
Hahahahahahaha. No. Absolutely not. Fades was shit. Glue was disappointing. Farther he stays away from Who, the better.
>mfw someone saved my webm and renamed
>mfw you did exactly the same thing to me
>Utopia was cool
And Utopia got so low ratings that it got cancelled after the second season. Not the kind of creator you'd want to save Doctor Who from slipping ratings.
Will Nardole get old?
I like this answer.
Rudy was better than Nathan, and I enjoyed Fades.
I liked Rudy too, but then they replaced everyone else with lamer characters. Misfits just lost its spark after that.
admit it /who/ 10s regeneration is one the most kino things to ever happen in doctor who
why is the little britain man in doctor who? who and what is his character? why did they have to make him so cringeworthy?
Reply to this post or David Benioff and D.B. Weiss will showrun Doctor Who.
Which one?
he should be the next master
Holy shit the ending of Arrangements for War
But I would actually like that as long as they understood Doctor Who and GoT should have completely different tones and accounted for that
Chan since when you came back Neo? Missed you! tho
Question: Were there ever any hints of the Time War in Classic Who? Like were there any rising tensions between the Daleks and the Time Lords?
it was made up by RTD what the fuck do you think
Time war is a concept that RTD made up.
Christopher Lee would make the perfect master, but you better hurry up and get all you can out of him before he drops down to the ground any second considering that he is 93-years-old.
I left around Pyramid I think, because too many spoilers were coming out and I wanted to keep some surprises for myself. So I just stayed off here and a certain other Doctor Who discussion forum for a few weeks, and got to enjoy a few surprises I wouldn't have otherwise.
:) Hope you enjoyed the finale
No but RTD (and other writers too eventually) retconned some classic stuff to fit into it, like Genesis of the Daleks
Any year now :(
>Expecting D&D to understand Doctor Who
They don't even understand their own show.
Genesis had the Time Lords plotting to snuff out the Daleks, and Remembrance had Davros giving out a speech stating his wish to obliterate them. So yeah, there were hints.
/who/ told me that there were rising tensions in the classic series though.
If Nardole isn't back in series 11 I swear...
Can I have George RR Martin instead? He has experience writing SF.
You want the good showrunners, but you need the hack frauds
>thinking that RTD made up time war
Fuck off, both of you.
Yeah, but it's not like Hinchcliffe wrote something that said "30 years from now, it would be cool if the guy who had my job did a Time War between the Time Lords and the Daleks".
That should definitely help quell any future hiatus' and get the show running on-time again (:
you were memed on
Alright /who/, you think you're better than Moffat? Pitch me a Doctor Who story
when will they hurry up and just bring gallifrey back proper
it never hurt the classic series
He made up the Last Great Time War - not the first Time War, but surely what those anons meant
I don't think I'm better than Moffat, I think he's great. Only Doctor Who story I'd love to see that Moff would never think of is a drama surrounding the S7B production troubles - erased from Doctor Who, scrambling to write a Jenna-only 50th, etc.
>you think you're better than Moffat?
i don't though
Isn't it pretty much definitively back since Hell Bent?
What music are they going to use for 12's regen?
breaking the wall
Christopher Lee died on 7 June, 2015. He was 93-years-old.
Probably Breaking the Wall, although I'd love it to be a special arrangement of A Good Man
Unless it's like 11's and they bring back a rarely-used cue (Akhaten) out of nowhere
anyone else a little bit disappointed they didn't explore Nardole's robotic components more? like give him an unusual but useful function
I am thinking about writing a story where The Doctor suddenly has a mysterious regeneration and he regenerates back into a previous incarnation, mostly likely Matt Smith since he seems like he would want to return, now he has to figure out what caused this spontaneous regeneration so he can get his face back which only leads to him regenerating into a new face and a new incarnation of The Doctor.
>Unless it's like 11's and they bring back a rarely-used cue (Akhaten) out of nowhere
They brought that back because fans went berserk over that song for some reason and loved it. I'd say the equivalent of that song for 12's era is Breaking the Wall.
reminder moff actually pulled this off pretty well
Chan please, don't tell me you realized your own exile in Planet Mondas Forum, DON'T TELL ME YOU ARE A MONDASIAN MEMEMAN tho
Chan I liked a lot the finale, I think the Heather driving the Tardis with such a skill killed the moment, it was going quite emotional and deep the scene then she comes as a deus ex pilot machina and ruins everything, but I'm happy that she appeared, I knew it she would save Bill somehow. And Simm's appearance was nothing big, Michelle acted way more better than him, we were excited for him because you know, 10th fans. (8/10) tho!
>I am your Comrade
I don't think I'm better than Gatiss.
capaldi is a very good actor
Okay I don't think I'm better than Moffat, but I sure as fuck am better than Gatiss
I loved it, it was surprising in a good way and was a really good arrangement combining the two cues.
I agree with a lot of your thoughts! Simm wasn't the big focal point but I loved some of his delivery - I WILL NEVER STAND WITH THE DOCTOR!
>They brought that back because fans went berserk over that song for some reason
As one of those fans, it's because I really think that although the episode itself was weak, Akhaten was a fantastic concept and the bit pre-leaf could have been a GOAT finale.
I liked this scene but honesty after Moffat going on and on about some kind of grand plan on how they were going to make it a plot point that Capaldi already appeared in The Fires of Pompeii I was kinda disappointed by it just being this. If he hadn't said a word about it, the scene would've been fantastic though.
whatever happened to that Peter Jackson episode?
But he was already fully functional
I wonder if our genderfluid genius has done anything with Foreman recently.
ah i see, i dropped out of being obsessed with doctor who during season 9 so i wasnt keeping up much with what moff was saying so i loved it
BBC couldn't afford it, or afford to give away a Dalek
What the fuck was this shit
I wish the Beeb had the budget to do variants like this, I did like their method of infiltration in Victory of the Daleks where they create an inventor to "invent" them.
All retcons, but:
The Time Lords send the Doctor to destroy the Daleks before they can even be created
The Daleks plan to make an android duplicate of The Doctor in order to invade Gallifrey and assassinate the High Council of Time Lords
Davros wants to blow up Gallifrey or something
I'd actually like this to be his theme
Whatever happened to our Foreman audio?
It was never gunna happen. The sketch with Capaldi and Jackon was always just intended to be a nod and a joke towards the idea.
that wasn't even the exact quote
he even gave himself a second chance when he used up a regeneration to save himself lol
>hey, alien slavers. Even though your leader just went back on his word and tried to kill me, I'm perfectly happy with you guys just leaving. And I don't expect you to return with reinforcements at all.
>wait, Harriet just blew them up. How dare she murder slavers? That bitch. I'll rewrite Britain's golden age just to make her pay
>"I created you!"
>"No, we created you."
shame the rest of the episode was mediocre
The 11th also had Infinite Potential in there.
So he did. I don't know how I missed that because it's right near the start.
>A gay man once told me not to transition because I was "such a cute boy", so gay men are on my shitlist for life
So I guess Foreman will be anti-gay.
>Series 5 was 7 years ago