yes, this thread again.
Movies/TV Shows that couldn't be made today
why does he marry a nigger
In all seriousness, this masterpiece.
Just imagine the diversity™ enhaced cast.
You either die a hero, or live long enough to marry a nigger
I can imagine
The masses would go crazy over the "stereotypes" and jackie saying nigger
And Sup Forums would throw a shitfit because it's "diverse"
You could but it would be from the POV of the Zulu, and be about their heroic victory at Isandlwana.
After having rewatched The Office recently there are a lot of "racist/sexist" jokes that I don't think would be put in a modern show.
>no women besides a whore and the wife of a saloon keeper, both of which only appear in one small scene
>only white and mexican males form the cast
>the Union is shown as being more brutal than the Confederacy
>the Ugly is a Mexican minority bandit
Jesus Christ, Leone!
>no black people
>mexicans are always bad guys
>confederates aren't just ebul racist proto-nazis like most movies say they are
>it's another pol circlejerk thread
>he knows everything ITT is true
just imagine an arabic elf
It would make more than Titanic these days though? Only a matter of time?
if Star Wars can't beat Avatar than an unnecessary remake of an already perfected adaptation sure won't
Swiss family Robinson
>Christian Patriarchal Values
>Moral and intellectual superiority of the white race
>barbarity of other races
>weakness, over emotionalism and inferiority of women
>man's dominion over all animals
>romance of colonialism
>Find a place safe from Sup Forums
>would you really want to be there?
>Gremlins were literally modeled on niggers
When was the last time anything got blocked or cancelled or whatever the fuck you people think is happening actually happened? Eli Roth makes movies about tree huggers being cannibalized and having their clits cut off, Quentin Tarantino's characters curse at a rate of 5 'nigger's per minute, Mel Gibson is being nominated for Academy Awards, Clint Eastwood directs new movies almost as quickly as Takeshi Miike, what the hell do you people want? Bi-weekly Starship Troopers sequels? (It's a funny and well directed action movie but if I see the phrase 'commentary on fascism' one more time I'm going to build a time machine and kill infant moot).
This flicks are fucking shit and I'm sick of seeing them here. John boorman would have done such a better job that it's not even funny, just tragic.
>what the hell do you people want? Bi-weekly Starship Troopers sequels?
Why must you taunt me with what can never be?
bruh calm down. Surely even 4chin commenters like me and you are capable of a little nuance. Tarantino can shoot out 3 "nigger"'s per second, but there's a difference between that and other aspects of film, like LoTR's almost all-White cast, The Network's deconstruction of mass media and how it turns people into parodies of themselves whether they're a rightist or a leftist, Falling Down's even-handed approach to the insanity of America's ethnic tensions, and Zulu's portrayal of Imperialists as heroic and transcendent. These are things that we're lucky if we can catch even a hint of in modern productions. You can scream for people to "go back to Sup Forums all you want, that doesn't change the fact that pop culture is frenetic, and that that changes the media we consume on a year to year basis in the 21st century.
> be zulu
> cheer as the imperialist pigs are slaughtered by the righteous Indigenous people
I love this movie
Lord of the Rings fucking sucks and so do you you shitters. Movies with white casts are made all the time, and the kinds that cast token whatevers are the kind that would be shit no matter which continent the sidekick's from (yes I include your stupid fucking meme-hobbit flicks in this category). Movies made by people who recognize that 'subtly' inserting Chinese handmaidens and African soldiers in 16th Century Denmark is retarded are still being made. Just look for them. The Vvitch immediately comes to mind. All Europeans (except for the ayy lmao Argentinian but we'll let that pass) and a couple of historically accurate Injuns. The moral of the story is that true evil exists in the world and that they weren't able to survive because they didn't Christian hard enough.
>You can scream for people to
>in a text only medium
This is the surest sign that you're dealing with a cunt online. Anything you do is a 'screech' or a 'squeal' or a 'wail' or something retarded and if you point it out you're just digging yourself deeper. Get an infected taint wound while watching Master & Commander.
South Africa is rightful Boer clay.
>nigger in chinese=hogwai
Bruh you know there's already one about Isandalwana, it's called Zulu Dawn
That's actually a Jewish male in Mexicanface (brownface?), Wallach is 0% Mexican. I think this makes it worse for a current year casting director?
LOL that's like 40 years later and he still looks better than most at that age
fuck off jew boy.
Rule Britannia
It's strange how he looks like an older version of himself. Uncanny.
Peckinpah's Straw Dogs.
Watched this recently, and picturing the backlash that would incur if this was released today would be hilarious.
This is a web forum for media discussion and you sperg out at 110% over the most laid back non-confrontational dialogue you can imagine on this site.
see, this is what I meant