Why is Dave sperg out whenever people ask him about this sketch? I thought it was pretty funny.
Why is Dave sperg out whenever people ask him about this sketch? I thought it was pretty funny
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>can't walk down a street without plebs screaming Rick James at him
>Blames a white crew member for being racist
Real excuse
He's a Nig who cant honor agreements
Got paid millions
So he fucked off for a 6 month drug binge in South Africa
he couldn't go anywhere without some faggot screaming "I'M RICK JAMES BITCH"
It was funny. But people drove it into the ground by quoting lines from it. Imagine how often he heard it? I don't blame him.
Because he's a stupid faggot who can't appreciate the good things in life and the good opportunities that were given to them. Also, he has a gripe with white people even though they're probably his biggest fans. And he won't shut the fuck up about that damn banana peel thing that happened. I honestly thought the heckler that threw it to him was just random garbage, but he has to turn it into a race thing. "He threw it to me because they think i'm a monkey!"
Seriously, fuck him. Charlie Murphy, Donnel Rawlings, Bill Burr, and Neil are what made taht show good.
>bunch of 14 year old white kids screaming quotes from the skit and saying nigga
He's been pissy for a while, but I don't blame him in this instance.
He must've realized at some point that racists are always gonna cling to satire, right?
Is that what made him quit?
Paul Mooney poisoned Dave's mind with negro victimization bullshit.
>They're not laughing with you, they're laughing AT you
Two reasons. The intellectually respectable reason is that it isn't possible to do subcultural in-jokes on American TV. A black comic laughing with an assumed black audience about the wacky behavior of Rick James becomes a shuck and jive act when the audience turns out to be mostly white. It's the difference between Eddie Murphy's "nobody can understand James Brown" bit and something closer to Steve Harvey or the "oh my dayum" guy. If you knowingly offer eccentric or stupid behavior by a black guy as the joke *in itself* past the point where you know that most of those laughing are white, you're going to find yourself wondering if you're kind of a minstrel act. The fact that people like even know who he is indicates what the problem was. If they're successful, every black comic reaches the point where they become self-conscious about who's laughing and why, and it usually results in a rethink of their work, and often an artistic decline.
It's like when Richard Pryor decided no longer to use the word "nigger". He didn't need to do it, and it seemed PC and undermotivated, but it was probably the right thing to do for him personally.
Oh, and I forgot, the less intellectually respectable, pragmatic reason - having one hit is worse than having no hits. If he hadn't played dead for so long, he wouldn't have a career now, because he'd be Rick James, bitch.
>Two reasons. The intellectually respectable reason is that it isn't possible to do subcultural in-jokes on American TV. A black comic laughing with an assumed black audience about the wacky behavior of Rick James becomes a shuck and jive act when the audience turns out to be mostly white.
Rick James is absurd mostly because of his drug use and antics, not because he's black. Make him white and his fighting with Charlie Murphy is still hilarious.
It is one sketch. People act like it's his whole life. Pretty anoying.
>drug binge
Fuck off... He didn't used no motherfucking drugs motherfucker.
>I honestly thought the heckler that threw it to him was just random garbage
You're a moron. Who the fuck sneaks a banana into a comedy show?
I don't know, someone who wants to fucking eat while watching him? It wasn't even a full banana.
honestly I think the man just ran out of good material. take a look at the unreleased season three stuff CC put out after they realized he wasn't coming back. there isn't a single good skit in the lot.
>it was just random garbage
>no it wasn't
>w-well who cares it wasn't even the whole banana
Yeah, but he is black. White people laughing at a black guy being a buffoon is a charged thing for a black performer.
Have you ever heard of anyone sneaking a banana in anywhere? Literally, anywhere? Ever hear about black athletes getting banana thrown at them? You think there's an epidemic of people sneaking in bananas and then throwing them at black people for totally not racist reasons?
He did say by the end of the show he was concerned about enforcing stereotypes rather than satirizing them. Also he finally realized (((they))) didn't care, Comedy Central just wanted to milk the show for every last dollar.
Sounds like you guys have some weird issues then and if he didn't like doing the joke to the crowd why would he even mention it to his staff? He didn't see the audience every tapping?
>Sounds like you guys have some weird issues then
Yeah, I mean, minstrel shows? What are those?
Pretty much this Mooney has the biggest victim complex imaginable. It's funny to think of that clip with him and Jim Jeffries before Jim went full shit laying into him.
Those are still popular really? I guess since Ted Danson did it at Whoopi's roast it's popular still
No retard, it was his snack, and what I meant by full banana that it wasn't a planned racism attack like it was here:
He just threw the banana peel because he had it in his hand and Chapelle's fucking sucked. It's the same as when people throw empty water bottles and concerts.
>Have you ever heard of anyone sneaking a banana in anywhere? Literally, anywhere? Ever hear about black athletes getting banana thrown at them?
You live under a rock or something? See the link I posted.
>It wasn't even a full banana
Bill Burr was the white racist who laughed at the wrong time.