When Trump loses, the Sup Forums tears will sustain me for weeks, maybe even months. I shall descend upon this board like a wolf upon a lamb, and bask in the unending impotent rage that this board will pump out. I will gaze upon the suicide threads and rage posts, and I don't think my penis will ever be harder than it will as a million Sup Forums tards cry out in itty bitty white boi penis fury simultaneously.
They'll try to convince themselves it was a rigged. They'll try to convince themselves that the Jews had pulled a fast one on them.
"We will riot!" They will say. "Race war!" "Day of the rope!" they will cry.
Time will pass, and they will do nothing because all they can do is talk. They are too cowardly and weak to do anything
But none of that will balm the pain of knowing that their God Emperor, their hero, will go down in history as an amusing foot note, an embarrassment, as the loud obnoxious asshole who lost to the first WOMAN president, a woman who the entire nation thought was a literal criminal but still preferred to Trump.
>FUCKING LEAF has a good point but the Trumpfags are already crying foul about CTR despite the fact that Trump shills flooded Sup Forums for months before everyone caught up to his bullshit lunacy
Kevin Martinez
k..keep me posted
Isaac Clark
whats the matter? realize that your drumpf is gonna lose? gonna cry? i told you idiots for months she would win but you wouldnt listen.
Jayden Hill
Why are you here if you hate Sup Forums?
Austin Bell
I came here to laugh at your delusion and post I told you so when your hopes are crushed.
Luke Price
Why so hateful?
Noah Sanchez
No one else in Sup Forums fucking likes Sup Forums that much. You guys are the reason why saying anything slightly edgy gets people to tell you to fuck off back to Sup Forums and you guys are also known for being the reason why newfags come here.
Christopher Moore
I cant stand racist and bigoted people. Its the best thing in the world to see you pathetic losers realize your own defeat and accept that the world will never be the way you want it to.
Gabriel Clark
I know Trump isn't going to win, and I really don't like him, but youre a loser, m8.
Liam Lopez
Whoa faggot, was I asking you specifically? I don't fucking think so. Why are you on Sup Forums if you hate it?
Colton Clark
Sup Forums is awful, I can't wait for Election Day and for the excuses to come rolling in
Apparently no one here supported Romney four years ago, just a bitch ass group of people
Sebastian Nelson
He actually wanted to hear more about your masturbation.
Hudson Kelly
Cuz if he posts enough he'll make a dollar
Thomas Robinson
Go kill yourself, FAGGOT.
Adrian Taylor
So why talk to them if you hate them so much. Isn't being so hateful towards people a bit draining?
Benjamin Diaz
Shockingly, not everyone here is a right-wing racist. Crazy, I know!
Joshua Thompson
the tears will give me a laugh But I will cry after Hillary nukes the the world ;_;
Liam Sanchez
Carter Torres
Just answering your question. Maybe I'll stop being pissed off when you guys stop trying to indoctrinate newfags here.
Nathan Garcia
Whoa, completely unnecessary. I am just having a civil discussion
Jayden Sullivan
nope. love every second seeing you disgusting wastes of life suffer. its not like im here all day like you are. I have a job and a life. Guess that makes me a "normie" right? LOSER
Carson Wilson
>Dislike Trump >Dislike Clinton more >Will be happy if Trump gets elected so that America doesn't end up with an 'anglos at the back of the queue' president >Trump losing the election will probably be the most entertaining day on Sup Forums so far
November can't come soon enough.
Adrian Fisher
Europe is going more nationalist everyday
Austin Clark
Are you the first person to cone to that realization or just a bit slow? I think the latter.
Joshua Cook
The majority of canada elected trudeau, so if anything you should get out of OUR country, bigot. Mad? Nothing you can do about it! your kind is dying out.
Levi Nelson
Shut up and KILL yourself. Sup Forums is garbage and Trump is going to lose, and honestly, Canadians are superior to Americans on here.
Owen Wright
right on brother
Alexander Young
unfortunately for you america is the strongest nation in the world and matters infinitely more than europe.
Isaac Morris
True that
Jordan Perez
This is what happens, new people come and they either agree with what the majority here has to say. Or..... they protest for a bit and either leave or agree
Brandon Moore
There's still months to go. Too early to decide. I want murica to be great again.
Anthony Cox
They won popular vote not by much.
Liberals: 6,943,276 Cons: 5,613,614
Austin Gomez
Something tells me you live a sad life
Gavin Allen
You both are sad people
Jason Hall
>i-its not that much
holy fucking shit the delusion never fucking ends. we are the majority, end of story. my statement is 100% fact and you can do SHIT about it
also, nice source.
Ryder Lee
insult if you want. wont change the fact that at the end of the day you lost and we won.
Nicholas Moore
>Canadians are superior to Americans on here You can say that when you stop being such awful shitposters
Joseph Ross
>are the majority, end of story. my statement is 100% fact and you can do SHIT about it >also, nice source.
So Sup Forums what will you be drinking when the God Emperor wins? I have a bottle of Chivas ready to be opened on the day Trump takes the throne.
Camden Hill
Jace Young
Your name is Jason Cormier
Adrian Mitchell
People haven't even voted yet....
Anthony White
Get a job you niggers in Toronto. Also start taking showers. No one wants to touch you, not even hookers. NO BLACK MALES Kek how embarrassing that even hookers don't like you.
Justin Wood
Zachary Lewis
Trump is literally the last chance for peace and stability.
Hillary wins and I'll be lighting a cigar and buying an expensive bottle of scotch. The chaos that she'll bring will be glorious.
The world will burn.
I'm gonna bet on people being idiots, human nature. Trump may lose because people are stupid.
America has a coal burner mentality. Eight years of Obama.
America is gonna fuck up and it's gonna be good.
Trump wins and things will be stable. I get to enjoy the fruits of civilization. The supply of video games, anime, and shit I enjoy may not be impeded.
Trump could be boring.
Asher Morris
i take joy in your suffering. im smiling ear to ear every time i come to rub it in your face.
>liberals are faggots
awww gonna cry? this is OUR country now. Trudeau won. You lost. Take it in. The younger generation is much more liberal, and it's only going to keep going that way here. We support gay rights, all races, and all beliefs. You know more and more kids are taking on this belief. We grow, you shrink away.
Elijah Garcia
I'm screencapping this leaf to laugh at his microdick tantrum when Trump wins in November. I will collage the CTR sunhumans and embarass them for weeks.
Benjamin Young
You are doing gods work
Nolan Jones
and you support this. enjoys getting fucked by niggers
Brandon Thomas
>thinking us being wrong about a nomination compares to you being wrong about who won TWICE
grasping at straws, and this image will be even more funny to us when hillary wins.
Jayden Sanchez
Ok.. glad I can make you smile. You need it you seem so angry and sad.
By the way the only thing worse than a sore loser is a sore winner
Luis Clark
It will be entertaining. At this point in both 2008 and 2012, Obama's average on RCP was almost exactly his winning margin. Right now, Clinton's lead is 7.5 points.
She's probably ahead in Georgia ffs and maybe a couple of points behind in Arizona.
Unless Trump has managed to learn how to debate competently (his primary debates were NOT competent in the least - he 'won' them by keeping the conversation about himself), he is absolute toast, and the Republicans will almost certainly lose the Senate, and possibly even the House, which is nigh impossible in most elections.
It's proper to call Trump lemmings. They supported this man for no real rational reason, other than his rhetoric with zero substance or his paltry proposals with zero realistic chance of passing through Congress. All at the expense of throwing the whole fucking election to support an absolute garbage candidate because they fucking love memes so much.
Joshua Davis
Xavier Nelson
Stop projecting.
We are the top shitposters on here, you are known for eating burgers and being racist.
Adam Hernandez
Josiah Thomas
thank you for correcting the record
0.05$ been deposited into your account visit correctherecord.com to check your balance
Joseph White
No you really are sad
Nathan Myers
this way of thinking is why you will always be a total moron who will only be known for being on the wrong side of history. your opinion means nothing.
it brings a smile to my face, imagining a fat loser raging about muh niggers and muh jews. too funny.
Xavier Garcia
You are projecting too much. You have no arguments and you should ***FUCKING KILL*** yourself!
Ethan Wright
Oh, please. Do you not know of the Clinton administration of the 90s? She'll propose menial reforms for law enforcement and empower the cops even moreso as part of criminal justice reform (which, regardless of your political stance, needs to be done).
Hillary Clinton is the moderate Republican we need.
Xavier Morris
It will be glorious.
I can`t even imagine how shit Clinton will be, but the tears of reddit trumptards is worth it.
Cameron Mitchell
Fuck off, spic. You don't get to talk shit
Canada is #2 (Australia is obviously the number one country in the world)
Ryan Torres
Thanks for your support, I suspect your 1k monthly salary from the JIDF has been received.
Josiah Perry
Because believe it or not, this board wasn't previously a Trump shilling headquarters. There was actual dissent, and when you disagreed with someone there were semblances of argument attached besides "CTR CTR!!! MUH 6 CENTS HAS BEEN DEPOSITED"
I'm actually with the leaf here, sadly. You all dug your own fucking graves a long time ago, you could have picked LITERALLY anyone but Trump that was running and they could have beaten Hillary. Instead you picked the most toxic non-conservative on the planet.
I remember the good old days of zimzam, hell even the 2012 election had great bants. This is just sad, a broken Sup Forums let down by literally their own memes.
Trump is only tanking from here, and I'm enjoying every moment out of you MAGA hat meme frog fucks.
Caleb Martin
Julian Lee
Clinton will either be a good Bill Clinton-esque candidate, passing semi-conservative good reforms, or she'll be a 'progressive'. I think the former is more likely than the latter.
Sebastian Ross
This whole thread doesn't have an argument, just a couple sad and angry Canadians shit posting like normal
Joshua Wright
I mean president, not candidate.
Angel Rodriguez
America won't matter when we become Brazil 2.0. White countries will alawys be the only thing relevant. Any nation that bends to BLM will become a third world shithole
Easton Watson
>you being wrong about who won TWICE
Sup Forums was voting ron paul
we knew we were going to lose
Levi Price
I am very white my friend, but why do you care
Dominic Fisher
She is the anti-russian, so she is probaly going to fuck us, too. What we need right now is reconcilation with them, so that our economy can pick up again and we can start to focus on the refugee problem. Trump is unpredictable tho', so I dunno if he would be better.
Didn`t even notice lol.
Gavin Peterson
Are you that swiss user that was making a compilation about the whole brexit thing? How'd that turnout man?
Nolan Moore
That looks suspiciously much like something CtR would say...
Carter Bailey
This thread has a bunch of sad and angry projecting burger Trumpfags like you in denial, sperging out everywhere. Kill yourself. Your whole world is going to crash down all around you.
Noah Myers
>believing the polls put out by the MSM >the MSM that are owned by Globalist Jews >the same Globalist Jews that are funding Shillary
Christian James
prove youre a pol oldfag
who used to say privatize the oceans?
Caleb Jenkins
I agree, at least with the first part.
Liam Bailey
Alright faggot, every election Sup Forums gets a nnew candidate for president. They always shill for somebody. Stop actng like an old fag because you have been here for 6ish years
Hunter Cook
Canada should just be range banned desu
Dylan Garcia
Thats not an argument hur dur. Do I win now?
Jaxon Perry
>be a good Bill Clinton-esque candidate, passing semi-conservative good reforms That's some top-tier delusions there m8.
Luke Davis
>Accuses Trump supporter's of sperging out. >says kill yourself in the very next sentence
Kek, keep in coming leaf. Your butthurt brings me happiness.
Austin Robinson
Yeah, it is gonna be pretty sweet.
Brandon Wilson
Please enlighten me what the right side of history is? Is it global communism? Oh no, because that used to be the right side of history back in the seventies...until the USSR fell.
Easton Garcia
And this time Sup Forums picked the meme canidate. Don't get me wrong, I only care about the impact the president has on germany, so I am marginally in favor of Trump, but he is so retarded that he is losing an election he should have won without trouble.
John Sullivan
>the only thing that makes me happy is laughing at people on an anime imageboard
Landon Adams
Remember Brexit? Doubt and shill as much as you like, Sup Forums will once again meme the impossible into reality. Kek wills it.
Caleb Watson
I am going to murder every fucking candadian. I WILL keep you posted.
Aaron Butler
It would be way worse than last time. Romney was a shit "lesser evil" candidate, whereas Sup Forums obviously loves Trump. Also at least for me, Hillary is more repellant than Obama.
Hudson Lee
Voting hasn't even started....
Parker Bell
You can't win. You're on the wrong side of history. This is your arrogance before your mighty, and final, fall.
I'm telling you to kill yourselves because I am compassionate, and I advocate putting you all out of your misery.
Logan Taylor
All that and you're still talking yourself up on an anonymous imageboard. Nice going OP.
Nathan Lewis
implying god emperor trump can lose
Asher Flores
>believing false left right paradigm >2001+3+3+3+3+3
Leo Williams
He/she/xir (got to be politicallycorrect with this one) will ignore your argument because bringing history that doesn't back his ideas isn't fair