Can Sweden even be saved anymore?

Can Sweden even be saved anymore?

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You're worse than sweden to me

Shouldn't you be passed out drunk right about now?

I don't drink

What are you gay

You're worse than america to me.

save them from what, Sup Forums memes? top lel.


>58% white.

You're worse than america to me. [2]

No. Not really. All that can be done is contain the cancer into certain cities. But on the whole, the country has been fully compromised.

I'm straight

Well at least they're not


What are you?

When the inevitable race war starts Sweden can be saved

There have never been a country named Sweden.

We are masterrace


>58% whiter than sweden

Yeah, we need to conquer them and throw every muslim out of there
they don't even have any kind of army, we just need to tell Carl XVI Gustaf to fuck off

>sees leaf

Sven was always doomed, one way or the other

I guess your name is ISLAM and you live in CHECHNYA

No, why?

Ok Ahmed

That's a nice clock you got there, ready to meet the president?


pic related, swam for sweden yesterday

Pure white Canada strikes again.



You're worse than denmark to me.

Our blacks were imported for slave labor. What's your excuse?

I don't really see a problem with sending your champion negroid to competitions

m8, it's been a year and a half since I was in Swedistan, and perhaps you ARE waking up. But around christmas 2014 the likes of you two were either none-existent. Or too cucked to speak up in any company. (ooh, i hope you are waking up, a pure literal nordic sharia country would be so embarrassing)


Fuck, I need to get on Habbo and close the damn pool again

Hopefully it dies quickly. They are worse than Jews, regarding their obsession with leftism.

>What are you?
Simple, a ruski who don't drink is a mudslime. Case solved

I knocked up some slut in Sweden and told her that we would get married once the baby was born. After I left the country and she doesn't know my real name. Have fun paying to that kid Sven you cuck

I am not a dirty muslim

Sweden is Sweden and it will never change. Yes we have a lot of refugees but they can defend Sweden too.

I do not know how make them them feel they have to protect Sweden and the Swedish ideals and the Swedish way of living at all cost but i hope we do.

They are here and we cannot change that.

High Five


NRM or SD can't redeem Sweden?

Maybe if you get rid of the feminist government and drive the rape-ugees out. Sweden might come out of the recession that the migrant crisis has caused in ten years. But I don't know

But Sweden has to deal with the surge Black Lives Matter too. So good luck in saving your country from the hordes

>but they can defend Sweden too

The delusion is real with this one.

You Russians are worse than i believed, half your fucking population is muslims. Who are you and how can you even say what you you are saying?

SD yes
NRM no


The west is fucked. America might have a chance. But think about the psychology of the West:

Every A-type personality ("alpha"), drop their comfortable lives and the known they had in Europe to venture into the unknown to the other side of the world back in the day when nothing was researchable and people were communicating with letters.
The people who stayed in Western Europe: B-type personalities ("betas", or as we call them today: "cucks").
Who populated America? Lots of Germans, lots of Swedes, lots of Brits, lots of French fucks. Common denominator today: Cucks, the lot of them.

Of course they're not gonna fucking stand up to themselves. All that is left in Western Europe are fucking cucks. There are still some non-cucked men. But most are from Eastern Europe or other continents. Same rule applies there: A-types pack their shit and leave for Western Europe and start grabbing women. Why do you think all the ethnic Wester European women like foreigners?

>Be my grandparents
>Be 60's
>Immigrate to Sweden from Balkan for better life
>Be me
>Pure Balkan blood still runs though my veins
>Look around myself and into peoples eyes
>Beaten, docile and cucked men everywhere (with some exceptions, they are always worth the mention)
>Fire rages in my eyes
>Fucking hate Sweden
>No proper summer (we got 3 weeks of legit sunshine this spring/summer)
>Dat feel when the motherland is calling for me
>Will use the educational system here in Sweden and then gtfo
>Then start prepping for WWIII which will be between West and East Europe
>East will win
>East is love, East is life, East will not be cucked: Look at Russia, look at Poland, look at V4.

Rise East Europa, destiny chose you to defend the white race!

Epic tabs

Have you been triggered by the word "dorty"?

Who the fuck are you then?
I'm a native russian girl.

I'm a big guy for you

Thought the oposite but don't abandon any hope swedish friend. Do you know if SD has any plan to reverse the situation with all those immigrants and general degeneration of your society?

I dont know man. From juding by the post here, no. Because everyone there who is at least aware of how fucked their situation is, is just som edge lord memer who would rather LARP as "le super cool nazis!" instead of doing anything. And even the one who do decide to do something just march around like the SA like fucking clowns. Complete baby brains.

But then theres Jimmie Akesson who is pretty cool. The Swedish Democrats are probably the best chance Sweden has

No. In case any of you present should climb the ladder of political power, and have the ability to influence actions of war in any country then I beg of you, PLEASE NUKE US.

Would you be my daddy?

Yes. Please see here. Things have changed.

I want to slap your ass

lmao ti ja i smo ista osoba osim to da ja nisam le cringemaster 2000

I remember all those Balkan wars in 1993 or so. When Serbs were genociding Muslims and Western world, including Sweden were condemning Serbs for doing so, saying how could such a thing be happening in 20th century and so on. We thought so highly of ourselves. We used to think we we would never ever under any circumstances would massacre our own citizens because of their religion.It looks, like same thing os happening in wstern world in next few decades. The puestion is who would be massacring who?

They will defend their way of life and if you don't submit you die , way to go faggot .


I have only met like 5 russians in my whole life and 2 of them i met in Bulgaria on vacation in 2005, they were very silent and and wary but once we got them drunk they were really nice and fun.

One i met on a parking lot in Umea Sweden in like 2008 . A girl, i could see on a long way something was wrong, her whole body language told me she needed help so i approached her, she spoke very bad English but the she showed me her arm which was clearly broken so i took her to the emergancy ward of Umea University Hospital.

The 2 last Russians i met last weekend, they were screaming and shouting how Sweden was invaded by blacks and muslims outside a kebab joint run by a couple of nice arabs or muslims and i could see in their eyes they felt really bad.

So i told the 2 Russian shitheads to take a hike and they did.

Just read it, it's things change toward a better future for Sweden. Can you recommend any objective Swedish news aggregator in english?

one gyros please

>So i told the 2 Russian shitheads to take a hike and they did.
tfw russians dont beat the shit out of a sven cuck. what has this world come to...

Sure it can. Round up everyone in established politics, execute them. Quietly, in some concrete basement in the back country. Just make them disappear. Then you go after the bureaucrats, because the commies undoubtedly packed the bureaucracy with cronies. Same for the mainstream media. Some of these you make disappear, the others you just give harsh sentences. No-one will protest, because you also roll up all the professional agitators. That should be easy, because they are already criminals. No-one will oppose the AntiFa fucking FINALLY getting some real justice. And if they do, well, just pick them up as well.

In effect you must behead the entire system that let Sweden go to shit in the first place. Preferably in a calm, quiet fashion that does not change anything for the person in the street. Don't turn back all their harmless socialist law, but definitely get rid of the people that put it into place. Because all the working stiffs that vote commie don't want multicultural society, or the socialist revolution. They want comfortable lives in which they can feel good about having done "the right thing". So let them. Let them keep their worker's rights, their paternity leave, their petty feminism. And I guarantee you, the vast majority of them will drop islam and immigrants just as quickly as they dropped the LGBT crowd in favour of the muslims. And as long as they don't see the bodies dangling from streetlights, most of them will either never care for the disappearance of the commies, or simply not care enough to run the risk of being taken in when their lives are functionally identical as under the commies.

And then, when you draw up the new constitution, rebuild the military, and start kicking out the Somali's and other useless cunts, life will go all the same.

imo no openly pro-Nazi, pro-white organisation has any kind of future in northern or western Europe. You have to moderate your language, push national conservatism, make it about "European values" instead of "White values". That's why SD are polling so highly (and parties like AfD, Danish People's Party, etc.) and why Sweden still has some chance to save itself.

I doubt in the end they'll have the balls to do what it takes to save themselves. There is no other way than to repatriate the muds, it's not enough that they just stop taking more in.

Please in no way i could have a chance in a fight against them. I am 50 and the russians were like 25, one of them so well trained he looked like russian special forces.

But when i approached them and told the to get the fuck off they looked afraid. I am not a big guy at all but i speculate they felt they were doing something they did not like themselves.

Or maybe i just look so impressive russians just shit in their pants when they see me :D (i am from the mining districts in the north).

"national conservatism" and european values" are the keywords for me although the second is a bit ambiguous, thanks

are u really russian?

Large scale repatratiation will be a thing, however due to Europe's cuckedness it will be "voluntary" and the returnees will get yuge grants. Give it another ten years.

US is the world source of degeneracy

Sweden has a much lower number of third world people compared to the old colonial powers in Europe. France have been importing Africans and the UK Asians since the 50s. The US is just 60% "white".

Meanwhile they have let their third world people be segregated in their own self-contained ghettos. If things were to get out of hand, you have to remember that hunting is one of the favourite past-times in Sweden. Swedish men know how to hunt, aim and shoot. Sweden is one of top ten countries in firearms per capita. Be it Swedish forests or suburbs, the hunter will reign supreme.

What is at danger of being destroyed is the Swedish welfare sate, being replaced by a more privatized and American economic system. I think that is horrifying, but seeing that Sup Forums-tards love Mad Max economics, this is probably a welcome change for them.

>90% african
US is bad? ok jamal

I really wonder if we'll ever just say "fuck it" and start seizing the property of leftists to pay for fixing their mistakes, once we have the power.

I would fucking love it.

Even more reason to drink.

>the number gets lower every time



What is up with those immigrants who hate Sweden
hurr durr sweden is bad
hurr durr balkan will rise

Fucking kill yourself. We dont want immigrants

62% of the US is non-Hispanic white.
Now subtract the Semites which are included in this category, 8 million Jews and 2 million Arabs.
58.6% of Americans are "white".
Now lets remove two extra millions for Turks, Iranians, Central Asians and Caucasians.
57% are white.

>says A-types pack their shit and venture into the unknown
>Lots of Germans, lots of Swedes, lots of Brits, lots of French populated America aka "VENTURED INTO THE UNKNOWN"
and somehow these ones are cucks
make up ur mind fucking sven cuck

Hade du varit en riktig man hade du inte brytt dig. Detta pinsamt barnsliga svaret visar den mentala svagheten hos etniska svenska män.

Jämför feminismen mellan Sverige och Ryssland (för att nämna två polariserade exempel). Sverige är ett utopi för extrem feminism och präglar unga pojkar, små barn, att bete sig feminint och där nästan varje Svensk man är sin partners bitch.
Samtidigt i Ryssland har männen fortfarande kontroll på nationförgörande kvinnor. Lika så i Balkan.

Och sluta ta det så personligt, Sven. Varken du eller jag kan ro för att vi föddes här.

"Love it or leave it", som man säger. Du borde väl om något applådera mitt val att sticka om du inte vill ha någon i Sverige som vantrivs. Du borde väl om något applådera att jag tror min flytt från detta land kommer göra mig lyckligare. Men igen, svag mentalitet, jantelag och en Svensk Tiger. Detta är ert kulturarv: Skygghet, pacifism och feghet.

Första steget för att fixa ett problem är att erkänna dess existens. Jag önskar dig, och Sverige, lycka till i kampen framöver.


totally, 72% of America is white.

kinda sucks how they had to get raped though

>cucked to fucking death

you're also in the top 3 of global rapes burger

If i am not mistaken the king is for immigration. remove from pic pls.

Even I as a far-right person accept immigration when it is about skilled white workers, its all about context.

As someone who travels a lot abroad, I can safely say Sweden has less of an infestation than the USA, Germany, The Netherlands, France and England.

And by infestation I mean ''people'' of color.
So if anything neither of us has a right to laugh at Sweden while we're worse.

Sweden has more muslims than britain right now and also a large people of color in britain are mixed. I guess you haven't been in one of our industrial cities

Industrial cities? Individuals of various visual perceptual properties are often contained within secluded suburbs.

Stockholm and Goteborg are the 2 biggest ones that came to mind, still nothing compared to Rotterdam, Amsterdam, London, Paris, Miami and so on.
Mixed people are still fucking subhumans, so they count as infestation.

But I dodge Malmo at all costs, so that could be why I saw less.

BS, you science is blacked.

Also, why would you fuckers want to save Sweden, Swedish sluts exist, and they sluttiest than ever, why do you want to save them instead of having some easy sex?