>be a middle class US citizen
>voting for this shmuck
No fucking thank you
>be a middle class US citizen
>voting for this shmuck
No fucking thank you
Other urls found in this thread:
>reduced taxes across the board
That's not a bad thing you loser
Please don't tax our inheritance, daddy.
>reading (((someone)))'s opinion rather than a speech transcript
>cutting taxes during a recession is bad
when did this meme start?
I really don't understand how anybody can really get mad at lower taxes. Why do people believe that richer people should be taxed more when they already hold most of the tax burden?
The politics of jealousy.
Because they think the deficit matters more than fixing the economy (it doesn't)
If the deficit mattered than WW2 would have been bad for the US economy.
because future generations have to pay for it you cucks
>lower taxes are bad and hurt the economy goy
>now excuse me while I loan out all these sup prime mortgages to Pablo
>future generations will have to pay higher taxes while they live in a good economy
Oh no how awful.
you want higher taxes when the economy is good, dumbass
You want low taxes when the economy is bad.
how the fuck else would capitalism work with central banks without trickling down?
central banks don't trickle down money
that'e the lesson we should have learned after 2008
the only way to stimulate an economy is either
A. lower taxes
B. Stimulus
If you just give free money to Wall Street they horde the money
CTR going hard today
It's impossible to pay down the debt when you have a giant budget, e.g. for military expenses. You should know that what you're going to eventually get a default.
>be a middle class US citizen
>voting for this shmuck
No fucking thank you
>CTR going hard today
Not as hard as TTR
>defaulting in a currency you literally control
you can only default if you're some cucked country like Greece that is owned by the EU.
I can no longer support this sad cuck. I'm out.
It's kind of hilarious how a pissing contest led to the choices of either trump or hillary and both parties regret it.
>he still believes the media narrative after all the lies
you people are hopeless
I'll admit the Ryan tax plan is literally retarded as it raises the nominal tax rate on the lowest brackets by some 2% because Republicans are retarded and incapable of doing PR properly, but I will never understand the general principle of how cutting taxes for everyone is somehow a corporatist plot to cut taxes only for the rich.
Most people wouldn't be affected by it, they are already paying either 0 or 25%, whats more is cutting taxes will only increase the national deficit which Trump so frequently says is a problem that needs fixing. Less than 1% of the pop. is affected by the estate tax.
Because they're the ones who lowered middle class wages through pushing mass immigration laws.
They should be paying a lot more in taxes.
You only reduce the national deficit by cutting spending not raising taxes
I hope you all realize this this is basically Paul Ryan's economic program. You know, the cuck you spent the last year or more hating is the same cuck Trump just endorsed and whose economic program he is now shilling.
skip to 6min
>Hitler breathed air, I better stop breathing air
>it's impossible to pay the debt
No it isnt, you just stop spending
Also starve the beast motherfucker