Are they pro or anti-Trump? Stopped watching after season 11

Are they pro or anti-Trump? Stopped watching after season 11

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why would you watch something that would be considered blasphemy in your country?

Anti-Trump. They made several episodes showing how stupid Trump is and never even mentioned Hillary

Anti. They are libertardians and love open borders in case you hadn't realized.

they mock everyone

It's one of the most disgusting bluepilled (or rather bluepilling) libtard shit shows.

People just tend to confuse "edgy" with "redpilled".

Nice meme burger virgin now fuk right off
>never mentioned hillary

colorado cucks strike again

They're Jews from Denver.

So Shilleries as fuck.


They just make fun of her ass and put a bomb in her snatch. I think they are neutral because they made garrison trump, and they made garrison funny as fuck.

snuki episode's a few years old doesn't count I hope these cucks btfo hilary pre-election or they'll cease to matter again

on scale of 1 to 10, how hurt are your feefees? Don't answer it, the answer is 11

You'd be surprised to know how much American entertainment is consumed in the Middle East. I used to watch more American shows when I was in Iran.

They made Garrison act like Trump but the Canadian pm look like him. I believe they just do what they always do and shit all over everybody


They are going to shit over Trump garrison again when the next season starts too. I actually like Trump garrison though.

Take a guess.

Just kidding. They portrayed Trump getting violently raped.

I wonder if they'll do an episode about this

Maybe. They don't seem to hold back on anything.

Newest season mocked political correctness and Trump

They make fun of everyone and don't hold political bias, maybe you should try a different show if you're looking for a bunch of fat cartoon Coloradan kids to affirm your political beliefs

>waaahhh they made fun of my idol!!!!
Drumpf babies everyone

Because when you're shilling from Eglin AFB in Florida as hard as these faggots you sometimes forget to change the flag.

So after all this watching you don't know what South Park is about still? They make fun of everyone and everything you retarded paki.

Muh shills invading muh safe space. Read the posts and try to keep up, you fucking failed abortion.

garrison is actually trump

South Park ended in season 5. Everything after is a whole different animal

This. It got worse every season, with the last season being absolutely shit.

hello mr paki

It died with the first real time Kenny died. Everything after that is not the same thing.

They're anti-everything libertautists

Why are the creators such cucks? They got so scared that muslims would hurt them if they showed mohammed that they literally attack Christians at the end of the episode. It's like a open borders bimbo getting raped by a refugee then blaming whites

South park has gone from a funny toilet humor show of the late 90's and early 2000's about events that revolve around the town of South Park to a indoctrination show for Millennials and middle aged pot smokers

No, they hate republicans. Why would they like trump?

As far as I know they hate both parties, but liberals more

Don't blame the creators, blame the channel. They never wanted any censorship, it was Comedy Central's decision for security reasons. They even take a jab at them later.

Have you seen any of the recent episodes? They fucking trash PC culture over and over again... I just think that nothing is sacred to them and they'll trash anything and everything. I still think they're funny.

>they literally attack Christians at the end of the episode
Don't you understand sarcasm? They were showing that they can do that with Jesus, Bush and everything related to Americans because freedom. It worked even better because of CC's decision to not show Muhammed.

Also, I think maybe you got the wrong message out of that episode if you watched it. It was making fun of people like think pic related actually happens.

They're still funny but they're not as funny as they used to be. I just hope they end it before it gets pathetic, like the Simpsons has.

They're pro common sense
So anti-trump and anti-Hillary

I agree, although the one thing that I think SP has over the Simpsons is that they make fun of what ever current event is going on at that particular time. It helps to keep things from getting stale.

For me it went stale when they stopped doing their own thing to become a "current events" show, annoying as fuck.

How do you figure? There were plenty of good seasons after 5. I feel that season 11 was the last good one, but I don't see the significant of season 5.

I kind of like that they did that... Oh well, different strokes and all that

Think there always neutral
I bet they will make an episode about the election and bring back the giant douche and turd sandwich

Its still a bluepilled show. Remember the parable user. Satan owns the fence.

Will they go all the way and commit to president garrison, or will an american trump come in to take his place?

Its garrison, they spoke in an interview that they made Garrison Trump because that locked in the "Trump" character.

That they regret making garrison*

Do you have a link to that interview?

Matt (((Stone)))

No I'm trying to look right now, I think the theme of the interview was mainly about the fractured but whole game coming out.

What do you think ahmed?


Is canadian trump actually Obama?

Makes you think.

ok it wasn't hard to find.

This video doesn't have him saying he regrets it, but I could have sworn I saw that somewhere.

they laugh about it because it's funny


Pretty sure they're (((libertarians))) which is just as bad. And the cultural Marxist kind too

They're probably lean more to anti Trump, although their show is reasonably ballanced when compared to family guy or the simpsons.

>marries a stripper/whore single mother
>pays to raise some black man's bastard
>The whore literally has another man's name tattooed on her arm
100% full cuck.

I wonder how often Trey lets the baby daddy fuck his wife in his bed.

South park is red pilled they use Eric Cartman to out the Jews. I'm sure matt and Trey are pro-trump all the way

pakistan what the fuck are you talking about m8?
snuke = suitcase nuke that fits in a snatch
snooki = some reality tv monstrosity they take the piss out of in a later season

I watched the snuke episode yesterday, they didn't trash her as much as they could have. Will be interesting to see if they lean to a particular side next season

I'm actually curious what you mean.

You are correct, user.