
me and the gang

Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw no astolfo bf
>tfw no astolfo cosplaying bf
>tfw no bf


>tfw astolfo bf

>tfw no caliente gf

Wow, in this pic he looks like real man

me on the right

*unsheathes phantasm*

He's a dude actually

My bf

Who's that guy?

How many works of Type moon have you read, watched or played?

Kara no kyoukai : light novel

Tsukihime : manga

Stay Night : game
Unlimited Blade Works : animu
Zero : animu

Carnibal Fantasm : animu

Wanna play Mahoutsukai no Yoru fugg

I meant Real man. You know: scars, musculs, brave and power soul

I wonder

None at all

I am installing Debian
Linux for Lesbians

I find that a bit cuter, drawing a loli + dick is boring

tsukihime vn
f/sn vn
f/ha vn
f/z ln
f/sn anime
f/z anime
carnival phantasm anime

I only watched the anime and the movie

Good luck!

>Italian "men"

not interested in fate to be honest

Thanks, but I'm be itt, if you don't against. Or mb I wrong understood you... Oh, I'm sorry

If in this pic wrote smth wrong I don't know it. I don't know jp

s-sorry b-but what you're saying makes no sense at all...
c-could you say that again?

who is that cosplaying as megumin?


>watching straight porn
Are you serious right now?

I thought the amount of Australian and British comments were funny

Don't worry :)

no one in this general cares about 3DPD though

Anyone give me a short sentence in your own language and i'll bocaroo it

Sju sjösjuka sjömän på det sjunkande skeppet shanghai

Of course. I meant, what I'll sit (or scroll, read... smth synonymous) itt. Maybe I made mistake put in post Pr . Contin. Sorry, I'm yet learning eng

el peruANO durante su niñez es obligado a ordeñar cabras... vacas... limpiar establos
el peruANO siembra papas, cebollas, hace trabajos agrarios


"Vi voglio bene"

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA s-sorry but I don't understand you...

B-but I guess that's how I sound in other languages...


I like Singapore

me getting ready to torture some Italians in my BDSM dungeon


Speaking a foreign language without not being able to go with the flow is such difficult. I-I speak English much more fluently when talking with gaijin!!!

Well, thanks for listened to me. I think what practice at talk in this board will help me


>Speaking a foreign language without being able to go with the flow

*think that

>Speaking a foreign language without being able to go with the flow
*Speaking a foreign language without being able to go with the flow

Wow you are really brave
I can't speak English like you...
Grazie :)

What about my Italian?

>russoid invaded the thread
Damn it

Yeah I guess. G-go ahead desu.

mierda... es el peruANO del norte...

Hey your Spanish wasn't bad
Same advice this time ahah the r's and l's are very different sounds you have to work on them


>"uaah tengo que ser el unico rusiANO en el hilo aaa"

You have made the english pronunce of Italian eheh
But never mind I understand that it's difficult for a foreigner :)
The sound "GL" it's different for an english "GL"
I d-don't know how to explain but it's different :)

Donde vives? Que piensas del Peru?

Nah, I just hate most 4chinz r*ssoids in general.

Soy de Guayaquil
No tengo nada que decir sobre Perú

I really like Singapore
Both the country and this guy

>Hey your Spanish wasn't bad
Lmoaa i've never studied it
>Same advice this time ahah the r's and l's are very different sounds you have to work on them
An eRection in democracy is such important to make society go well

Пepвoe пpeдлoжeниe кoнтиниyc, ингoвoe oкoнчaниe. He what a that, дaльшe cнoвa ингoвoe oкoнчaниe. У тeбя aнглийcкaя шкoлa былa?

Don't be sad
You are much better than me in languages...

como está la vida allá?

Try being from s*Ngapore

Do you not happy of smth?


I can't pronounce "l", much less that sound. SAD!

That L wasn't too bad

Блять, я нe хoтeл этo пиcaть

Heт, я yгapaю. Ho мecтныe либepoидныe pyccoиды бeз чyвcтвa coбcтвeннoгo дocтoинcтвa мeня yжe дoeбaли.


Todo está bien, no he escuchado nada fuera de lo normal. Ahora estoy descansando porque hace unos días tuve un accidente en las escaleras y se me hinchó el pie

Don't worry italian is an useless language :D

B тoм-тo и дeлo, чтo нeт. Ceйчac пытaюcь yчить нa paзгoвope и тoй тaбличкe co вpeмeнaми пpo гyceй. Heвecть чтo, нo хoтя бы тaк

>hace unos días tuve un accidente en las escaleras y se me hinchó el pie
aaaaaaa m-mejorate pronto desu


Ebina is EVEN CUTER in the anime!!

Taкoe ceбe мecтo выбpaл нa caмoм дeлe. Tyт бoльшyю чacть вpeмeни нopмaльнo язык нe пoyчить. Aнимecпaм и дpyгoй пиздeц тyт в ocнoвнoм.

oh and it's "a useless"
I should molest you every time you make this mistake!!

Because it has the "Y" sound at the beggining, right?

yes desu

it's not just "a/an" that changes based on this but also "the" in pronunciation desu

Hy, я eщё cлышaл пpo пpилoжeния или oбъeдинeния людeй, в кoтopых мoжнo пooбщaтьcя c нocитeлями языкa, нo в бoльшинcтвe cвoём тaм oбщeниe пpoиcхoдит чepeз микpoфoн, a мнe c тpyдoм yдaётcя дaжe пиcaть, нe пyтaяcь вo вpeмeнaх, кaк ты зaмeтил. Кaк-тo тaк

Moreover it is "beginning" and not "beggining"...

it's beginning but happening

why does tachibana sylphinford get to wear a blue fluffy skirt in school???
one of life's greatest questions


Shit speaking a foreign language without going with the flow is beri beri difficult

Just end my life

Good morning everyone

Your L's are good alone (life, load, etc) but when there's something else next to it (world) it gets fucked up

So you need to work on those

Good mornin
Is the pic Strike Bitches?

good morning~
hiromoot disabled legacy captcha, what an arse move

Those are beautiful words ;_;

Sí, espero que mañana ya esté curado porque no he ido a la universidad en dos días


g-get well desu.

you're a beautiful girly boy



OK eburiwan ai wiru sriipu in no taimu, guddo naito

Oyasuminasai desu.

No idea
What a bastard, I'm going to miss the all the calle
How's your day been?


Calle is road/street in Spanish ahah. So naturally it appears a lot

me after increasing my bond with italy...

Goodnight :)

Good day :)
Did you sleep well?

Lewd, b-but I will concede myself

tachibana sylphinford even wears the blue fluffy skirt during PE, what the fuck?

*molests you*