Who here MASTURBATES to the FACT that Trump is LOSING right now?
I literally MASTURBATE and CUM based on the FACT that Trump is LOSING in the POLLS and will LOSE in the general ELECTIONS.
Yeah. Oh fuck yeah. You better believe it.
Who here MASTURBATES to the FACT that Trump is LOSING right now?
I literally MASTURBATE and CUM based on the FACT that Trump is LOSING in the POLLS and will LOSE in the general ELECTIONS.
Yeah. Oh fuck yeah. You better believe it.
Other urls found in this thread:
Why do you hate Trump so much?
Makes zero fucking sense and your brains are mush.
yeah, I do
My balls start quaking...
And then I SHOOT CUM
I shoot HOT CUM
The media.
He's just a social loser that gets off on following the media agenda. Really pathetic desu.
I'm don't masterbate about men or politics so no.
then get out
I don't care about the elections (pointless shitshow), but I will masturbate when some Sup Forumstard goes full Dylann Roof in November.
Please start a race war. I would cum.
Go back to cleaning the toilets in your convenience store Akmed. Daddy won't let you man the register until you finish that.
How about you FUCKING kill YOURSELVES?
Trump is basically everything that is wrong in a candidate rolled into one.
And yeah, I am a social person, I come here to laugh at all you failures. The media and the left-wing are right about Trump.
>Trump is basically everything that is wrong in a candidate rolled into one.
Trump is a KEK and a LOSER
I 'pay tribute' to Donnie very often and I'm afraid that I might not be able to have a hard on without staring at his face
Alright. I'll take the bait in your little echo chamber.
>He's racist
>He's sexist
>He wants to fuck his daughter
>He has no real policies except meme replies
>He can't keep his fat mouth shut when people bait him
>He is a member of the rich business American elite, no matter how hard he tries to portray himself otherwise
>He even said Republicans were retards for years and years before he became one so he could run in this election
>He's a birther
Do your part, sane Canadian. The shitposting epidemic in Canada is spreading to the point we may not be able to contain it.
You will bust a nut
Neogaf faggot
Leaf, confirms fag position.
If you lose the election you win - Trudeau
>hahahahaha Yeb will LITERALLY kill himself after failing
>Trump starts going down hard
>starts losing his shit and throwing tantrums
>ratings tanking
>literal karma
Cumming hard desu.
Do you realize Hillary is part of the same cabal Nixon, Bush, and Raegan were all a part of? They are the arms of the same corporate interests you claim to hate. You think you're fighting against the ruling dynasty but you've actually just succumbed to their lies.
Also everything else you mentioned is about how much of a meany you think he is. Maybe it's time to man up and get over your self esteem issues?
Because, simply, he is a racist.
Next question?
Trump is an asshole. He was waving his arms around like a retard to imitate a handicapped reporter. Why would you want someone like that?
>he's racist
He's dated black chicks. You're wrong.
>he's sexist
He paid his female employees the same as his male employees. HRC in the Clinton Foundation did not. You're wrong.
>He wants to fuck his daughter
Again, mind controlled by the media. You're wrong.
>He can't keep his fat mouth shut when people bait him
Yes, Canada doesn't understand what its like to speak up for yourself. You're wrong.
>He is a member of the rich business American elite, no matter how hard he tries to portray himself otherwise
Yes, because we should elect losers who have done nothing with their life, as in being a liberal art teacher. Your PM. You're wrong.
>He even said Republicans were retards for years and years before he became one so he could run in this election
Quote was debunked by snopes you fucking idiot. Typical Canadian. You're wrong.
Kill yourself.
>foreigners think they know more about American politics than Americans
Always makes me laugh at your ignorance.
>I am a social person
We're the ones laughing at you though, trying so hard to conform to whatever is deemed the right belief and having no real sense of identity.
You're not even really human. Just a walking husk compromised entirely of memes.
>telling you the truth
pick one
All we can trust is objective fact - Hillary is a criminal, murderer of children
reminder that leaf posters are trolls with vpn
7/10 made me laugh
Well leafposted
Oh yeah.
Daily reminder to all non-shills to just keep asking these faggots to explain themselves.
>All this burger denial
Dumb fat burger, I saw the video where he said Republicans were retards. And why do people think interracial dating somehow disproves the notion of racism? It doesn't.
Your entire post was just pure denial and insults. Dumb fat burger. Don't you realize you're just like the SJWs, circlejerking in your little echo chamber? The SJWs are more intellectually honest than you, though.
What with all the "ITS OVER THREADS"
there are 6 of them on the front page right now
>Maybe it's time to man up and get over your self esteem issues?
Nice projection.
Nothing you say can change the fact that Trump is part of the same elite he claims to despise and you think he's against. Nothing you say will also change the fact that he will lose in November.
>all this mapplenigger ignorance
Post the video then retard.
>"i saw a video on the internet!"
goddamn you're fucking stupid.
Put your British proxy back on.
It was a video with his fucking voice, he was sitting down when he said it. I remember it very well.
Why do you think you're so tough and smart, in your little echo chamber?
Also, answer honestly: Are you going to get upset if I leave you and stop replying? That's a theme I noticed on Sup Forums. If I only have one post in a thread, or if I ignore certain posters, they sperg out. Is it because you guys don't get enough attention in real life?
If you claim to be a leftie or progressive and support Hillary after what she did to the Bernie Sanders campaign you have no integrity
If the media colluded with her then, understand that they are still colluding with her now
Me too...
First I rub my glans at the starting lead Hillary has. Then I furiously JERK my DICK off at Trump nearly catching up, almost CUMMING in anticipation. Then he DROPS like a ROCK and I BLOW MY LOAD.
He picks up again, catching up, then SHOOTS pasts HILLARY. My HOT DICK then BLASTS SEMEN as Hillary DESTROYS TRUMP with an erotic 7 POINT LEAD
>he can't deny all his points have been systemically broken down and proven wrong
Yeah, keep thinking Trump is a racist. You're the ignorant one here, Canadian. Congrats on following the media narrative.
>Because, simply, he is a racist.
Doesn't this board like Trump being an obvious KKK grand dragon who salutes Hilter for every breakfast as he eats mexican tacos, chinese food and black liquorice?
>i heard a random video on the internet that what sounded like trump's voice. trust me guys, my bias isn't clouding anything here
You have no proof so you have no stance.
Kill yourself.
is this the conception of an original, significant memetic device?
He's baiting you cucks
You fell for it like Donald's polling numbers...
why is it that when i'm sick or hung over i feel the need to wank heaps
>literally admitting to just being a mindless drone that lets other people and "popular opinion" tell you what to think
It's time to stop posting a go photo bomb some more weddings while shirtless Mr. TRUDEAU
not being baited. just need to kill 15 minutes. this retard is providing good entertainment.
This Canadian is a typical green haired SJW freak. I love making fun of these idiots in my spare time
Range ban leafs when?
>Nice projection
Not an argument
Are you living under a rock?
Really, we don't want someone that has built shit. Hell no!!
We want someone in office that will continue down the road we are on. The road of death and destruction, that's what we want more of. We want someone in office that has experience with death and destruction. And who can deliver that? Hillary can deliver that in spades. Hell yes!!
Nice. Very good. Very slick. And I thought Americans didn't have any bait in them. You made me feel a slight anger for awhile there. Doesn't happen very often. 7/10.
Who /hotloadsforclinton/ here?
>hes' actually not racist. plz provide one single shred of evidence (there isn't any)
>he's actually not sexist. plz provide one single shred of evidence (except rosie odonell)
>he doesn't want to fuck his daughter
>he has pages upon pages of policies on his website which you can read if you ever left your CtR dashboard (all right here: donaldjtrump.com
>grant you this one - talks when baited. sure.
>he is rich, but not part of the elite-elite, which is comprised of older dynasties of families, bankers and politicians
>he tells the truth about the fake 2-party system in america. so what?
>clinton's campaign started the birther movement. what are you trying to prove with this? i'm not a huge conspiracy guy, but the birther charge is probably correct. bho was probably born somewhere besides the usa desu
is life really so shitty in singapore you have to spend all your time obsessing over USA politics? do you feel that inferior to the USA that you care about our politics so much?
i don't give one shit about stpid singapore politics, probably couldn't name a single politician except that dork who built your faux-country, lee kuan yew, who, despite being an autist, is more based than you nu-male faggot offspring will ever be. he would be ashamed of what his country has become, filled with faggot rappers and gay pop-culture shit, everyone obsessing over USA politics instead of living their lives.
I can't believe he's losing to Hillary. I can't believe the guy I defended now makes me ashamed of doing so.
>Because, simply, his opponents told me he is a racist.
uhhhhh you can read his quotes/history yourself and it's pretty obvious that he's racist. truncated list because the full one is like 7x this long.
Donald Trump violated the civil rights act by refusing to rent homes to black people.
Trump continued to refuse to rent homes to black people three years after Justice Department ruling on the matter sides against Trump.
Trump ordered blacks to leave casino floor whenever him or wife arrives on property.
1991 book written by Trump Plaza Hotel & Casino President quotes Trump as saying:
“I’ve got black accountants at Trump Castle and Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day… . I think the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It’s not anything they can control.“
>makes zero sense
Trumpfags are fucking delusional
If any of that is real I would have heard about it 1000 times by now. Anything trump says or does that could even be seen as racist is talked about nonstop, and that includes things discovered from before the election.
I for one do. Like I'm doing right now
Me too
Do not engage with OP in any form! This is a paid shill post, its only purpose is to flood this board with pro-hillary shit.
Leave this thread immediately, DO NOT REPLY AT ALL, even if OP tries hard to bait you. They are being PAID to waste your attention.
(replace spaces with dots)
Lmao, all you have are huffington post/ tabloid articles and heresay from a book written by a jilted business associate over a quarter of a century ago.
Come back when he says/does anything close to the "colored people time" skit with Bill DeBlasio or refers to them as Super Predators.
He also denied blacks the ability to rent out his offices based on the sole fact that they were black. He also lies about his income. He also mocked a physically handicapped reporter. He also has a piece of shit hair piece
>tabloid articles and heresay
From the same shills that circle-jerk the National Enquirer and Breitbart...
Lmfao, you guys are too much.
Being rich doesn't make you part of the elite dumb leaf.
4chin Sup Forums is officially dead
Trump fundraising sets off Clinton camp alarms
Trump campaign hauls $80 million in July, closing gap with Clinton
> s a g e
>Because wyoming and california have the same number of voters
>because there are exactly 33% democrats, republicans and independents (lol amercian independent party arent independents; decline to choose a party are independents)
Sounds like a real sciUNtific poll to me, boys.
Why do shills use such weird terms?