Besides the fact this retarded theory has never worked in US history and would explode the national debt, why does Sup Forums support tax cuts almost all going to the top 1%, while neo-liberal austerity cuts to social services for everyone else to pay for said tax cuts? You cannot magically generate money for this wall, "bigger" military, Trumpcare, and other shit he wants to spend on if he CUTS TAXES! Do you understand that Trump's economic plans DON'T WORK?
Trump endorses Trickle down economics
Love me some wizards
Rollin for gold
Worked for 92 months under Reagan. Also what you fail to understand is the rich do not pay tax and Trump sama is closing that loophole.
This has worked and does work.
Who do you think build businesses and factories?
It's very basic economics.
>This has worked and does work.
Never has and never will.
>Make America great
>expect our tax rates are the lowest in US history.
>Worked for 92 months under Reagan
Yes Reagan helped his billionaire friends become even richer.
>omg those fucking rich people don't pay taxes!
>omg if you cut taxes on the rich the Government will go broke because rich people pay all the taxes!
t. Liberals
Trump is trying to attract more businesses to the USA. Too bad at the moment they are running like horses bolting from the stable.
You are a business hating nation right now, USA. Big government slaves, your leashes held in the hand of a black man. I wonder who made it like that? Obama the Hutt.
oh shit nigga I gotta roll
No a down trend in unemployment, up trend in GDP, income, job creation, labor force participation rate, we are talking about a time money was so good that the minimum wage was higher than it was today.
Trickle down works. Trickle up NEVER WORKS
niggers spend their money on gold teeth and shoes. Job creators are pivotal roles of economic stability and growth.
>Literally a billionaire
>taxing your country to greatness
Because poor people don't pay taxes. Can't cut their taxes when they don't pay anything in now can we?
>Literally a billionaire
He's not even that rich user.
Yes let's give the government more money. That will help the economy. If only all non producing jobs could be more well funded by actual working people. More regulation is what we need, yes ma'am.
Trump said himself this week that under his tax plan, the number of tax brackets will be reduced from seven to three,
You also seem to think that any meaningful deduction can be made from the average tax cuts of each bracket being presented as a lump sum figure. Percentages of larger numbers tend to be bigger than percentages of smaller numbers - pretty weird i know.
This infographic is wrong
You are a shill
Yeah no one here would vote Trump for economics, so that shit literally doesn't matter.
>McJobs up $600
>Everyone above the absolute poorest are making several thousand dollars more
>This is bad
More wealth for everyone means more wealth in the economy, more jobs being created and everyone generally being less poor
lets go
>tax cuts for the rich
>people who pay proportionally more taxes save proportionally more money from tax cuts
It's the only thing that has ever worked, ever.
>Trickle down economics doesn't work and never has!
Neither has Socialism, but you guys seem eager to try that shit.
i kek'd
>Trickle down economics
there's those words again.
>You cannot magically generate money for this wall
It's called printing money, bringing about inflation which leads to everyone getting marginally poorer, disguised behind the veil of having more (devalued) money to count. In turn, you can write off some or all of your own debt, still retaining a position of No. 1 superpower in the world.
It's not even particularly clever; he's just the least stupid one out of all of them, looking at the long term effects rather than the short term.
>1 post by this ID
I notice this happening in every thread which appears to take a significant blow to Trump's actual polities, someone rushes to slide it with some unrelated Sup Forums-tier 'rolling' shit.
Are you even trying to be under the radar? What are you doing, what is the purpose?
Top kek. Reagan added 2t to the national debt
>trickle down economics
>Middle class getting 2500-5000 more a year
>this is bad
those fucking tax breaks will save me nigger, I don't give a shit what the 1% or poverty niggers get
I'm not against the idea, but I think a better kind of tax cut would be one based on how many Americans your company hires.
Without printing money and by stimulating the economy DURING A WAR
He faggot we were in the COLD WAR. What don't you understand about that. Go back to sucking Obama's dic.
Obama has added more debt than ALL OTHER PRESIDENTS COMBINED!
come back when your nigger gets 8% GDP growth. To say it was insane was an understatement.
Reagan worked tremendously well for the economy. There was some debt, as the conflicts with the Soviet Union were going on at that time, and spending was up for that. It wasn't Keynesian style spending though to boost demand. He retrained the printing of money.
Household income increased 18% during his term, unemployment was low, growth was continuous, inflation was kept in check.
Bush, Clinton, Bush and then Obama all completely reversed the good direction Reagan had sent America on.
>retarded 1st year liberal arts major who started this thread doesnt reply to this
Of course not.
>Percentage-based tax cuts give more flat currency to people who make much more.
Holy fucking shit, tell CNN!
I would still save $2000 with Trump over Jeb so I don't really give a dam
>this retarded theory
What theory? "Trickle-down economics" doesn't exist.
His economic policies are so bad. It's the same old republican bullshit just doubled down. He's definitely not the candidate I thought he was gonna be.
>inb4 some correct the record bullshit
He's ruined his supporters and this board as well. His supporters have turned into the same old republican bullshit as well
Oh op you're right. I forgot this is the only thing trumps doing to help the economy. Fuck off shrill
Wasn't his tax plan before this even worse? Also I don't think protectionism is "the same old republican bullshit"
Another faggot liberal who ignores trumps tariff proposal
What did you think he was gonna be? Were you expecting NeetSoc? Basically a racist Bernie Sanders? Free shit is what you wanted?
Nice try. Trump is going to change tax policy and allow you to keep more of your money. Hopefully he will cut the size of government to compensate for the revenue loss. It's not trickle down anything. It you keep more of your money. Put that trickle down BS back in you demoncrat psyop playback and go play in the street please.
> household income went up continuously during Reagan's presidency
> household income hasn't risen once during Obama's
> supply side is discredited...trickle the rich...print more money...omg I'm a fucking faggot
It led to the prosperity of the 90s. Clinton's policies didn't impact until the crash of the 00s.
he wan'ts do add tax breaks for childcare and health insurance premiums
that is a fucking huge tax cut for the middle class and encourages white breeding
die in a fire cuck (larping)
pic for educational purposes only
>Worked for 92 months under Reagan
no it didnt.
>layered image on a black bg
Im using clover you cuck.
sounds like a personal problem.
Bottom 50% of the US just takes and takes and never gives back.
Your chart dont mean dink. You took a single view of how the economy functions and then used that for the litmus test of economic growth. Reagonomics were amazing, revolutionary. Run away wealth happened from the welfare class being permanent slaves, the corps can pay you below living wage because of a safety blanket.
this douche actually supports higher taxes and big, bloated inefficient corrupt government
wouldn't the counter argument to that graph be that the disparity in wage to productivity ratio is filled by the increase in benefits employees receive that was assured in with the industrial revolution?
what percentage of benefits is paid for by the government? there's a ton of people on medicaid and getting tax benefits for their medical plans.
The 1% have so much more money than everyone else any percentage cut across the board will appear to disproportionately favor them
But everyone still gets tax cuts. $2.5k less in taxes for me sounds amazing desu, even better if he gets rid of that MOTHERFUCKING INDIVIDUAL MANDATE TAX