Yes yes well done democrats well done

Yes yes well done democrats well done.


*whips out wand and aggressively flicks arm*


I really don't understand how Hillary could lead in anything ...

If you compare the people that follows her to trump's people or bernie's people.

How is this not talked about ?

Trump and Bernie had huge following and people showage unlike Hillary.

Could it be that the numbers are made up to just put the next puppet into it's place.

Im not sure suomi-bro. People around me aren't really paying attention to the polls, I figure even normies can smell bullshit if it gets up to their eyes

I laughed , i bet 15% of those who did show up are actually protesters.

inb4 seizures

I donĀ“t follow the US elections because its almost impossible to get a decent source. All the mainstream ones just talk about how Trump upset a woman and trumpgen just posts shitty memes.

However, however if theres one thing Ive learned, its that the polls generally seems to be manipulated to how Clinton in the lead, this is then spun at 400mph by CNN and WaPo to make it look like Trump is doing really badly when hes not.

people are not coming because they know it's over

show*, now how

Oh boy, if the organizers already make up about half of the attendees, you know what's going on.

And shills really try to tell us, that this woman has actually good polls? That the people of the us want her as president?

While the echo-chamber "is" true, the echoes going around on here, aren't exactly false, at least in this matter.

It's not necessarily that people don't show. The crowed is vetted to display a "diverse demographic" and each person is ensured to be pro Hillary.

You don't want any dissent is the crowd in case someone knocks her off script again. Can't have her standing there, brain glitching and unable to speak anythink off the cuff.

I'd like to make the point that some of us actually live here and poll rigging coupled with election fraud for Hillary could basically ruin our country.

nice forced Sup Forums memes you got there

about as forced as your women having sex with refugees i.e. completely consensual.

They're rigging the polls now so that when they rig the election later they can say "well I guess she won since she was up in the polls for so long better luck next time goys :^)"

Democrats actually have jobs that don't involve the dead steel industry to be at during the day.

they will not give up their power, we are going to have to take it. be prepared

Democrats are hip and young and watch her rallies online. Only old people and old fashioned people go to rallies.

>1 post by this ID



Wow great argument fagtron you sure convinced me with that hot rebuttal

The polls, however rigged, target "likely voters." Of course it would show Clinton either in lead or not losing by a landslide. What people don't realize: Trump has far more likely voters based on enthusiasm. Bernie didn't have voters because millenials and illegals don't vote.

This. Plus Clinton will drop out due to health and they'll rush somebody as the new nominee. Dubs say so.

Trump's rallies have more views on YouTube though

>illegals don't vote.
[citation needed]

Hillary has the Silent Majority now.

Considering she is basically continuing her predecessor's foreign policy who is what 0-4 or 0-5 in terms of failures in every conceivable way? Shouldn't even be a challenge but the DNC controlled media won't let it go.

You realize that would kind of undo all the opinion poll rigging and most of the work her campaign has done, right?

Clinton will not be president. It's all planned.

They're silent because they don't exist.

I think there's lots of people who take part in the polls who haven't engaged in the political scene yet. They know just the basics, for example hillary is a politician. Trump is an outsider, from that point of view hillary would be a safer choice when presented with having to chose one.

Hillary's entire campaign has been one blindingly obvious piece of evidence after another that the powers that be have absolutely no fucking clue how to control the monster they've created. The Media Machine has taken on a mind of its own.

No matter how much they try to pretend like they can control it they just can't get the results they want. No matter how much money they throw at it they can't use it to manipulate people how they want to. The Machine is self-sustaining now. It may not be self-aware, but it's the next best thing.

Francis E. Dec's Gangster Computer God has broken free of its chains.

That's why trump has 5x more viewers on his rally's than her and sells out arena's. Lol you faggot

lol getting pegged by your findom mistress doesnt count as a job you spineless cuck. I want to consenually fight you.

It's really mostly people default democrats who will never vote republican because they constantly hear that republicans are evil.

Hillary's success relies on the public not knowing about her, while the success of Donald relies on people knowing more about him.

Mind explaining a little? I'm not a conspiracy theorist but this is a fucked up election and a lot of things are possible.

The funny thing about that is that they are both playing to make their opponent be better known, and this helps Trump both ways.

getting pegged with an ES can?

Uh, Emily--I know you're a chick, but if you're going to use a language, you might as well use it properly. You could start by not capitalizing every word. But more importantly, it isn't "Less than 100"--it's "fewer than" you should be using. This isn't just a rule that you need to memorize that you mixed up, it actually shows you don't understand the meaning of the words you are using, which is a problem. So please pay attention; I'm taking this two minutes to help you understand.

You have "less than" if what you are referring to is uncountable. Something uncountable is like water or blood. If you have a lot of it, you don't say you have a thousand waters (unless you mean bottles) or a hundred bloods (unless you mean gang members). You have "fewer than" if what you are referring to are countable. Like marbles, dogs, blades of grass, stars, etc. Ask yourself: could I have 100 people? If "yes" then you can't say "less than" if you're talking about people any more than you can say that you have "fewer" intelligence.

Please take the time to digest this, Emily. I only want you to excel as a Twitter author.

Getting pegged from 400 meters away with iron sights.