Ask me your questions :)
I'am a socialist
What's your view on open borders?
Do you really want to take this young lady's entrepreneurship dreams away from her and leave them to the mercy of the state?
I don't want to be at the mercy of the feminine version of Soros
Pourqu'oi hais-tu ton pays?
If the workers of a commune decide in a perfectly democratic matter that they do not want non whites working in the factories they control or living in their commune, is this acceptable? Why or why not?
Everytime I ask /leftypol/ this they get super butthurt and delete my thread.
National Socialist?
You are a cancer to humanity, end yourself.
Êtes-vous musulman?
Je crains que Pierre a disparu.
You are one of them killing your country. Please go away.
Un socialiste du parti socialiste je vois
Are you mentally ill?
Not him but acceptable I guess, even though direct democracy is a bad idea.
What is your view on sage this thread holy shit what a faggot?
In your opinion, what went wrong in Venezuela?
Why you didn't kill yourself yet?
when did you become retarded?
why do you think you own other peoples stuff, and can tell them what to do with it?
why haven't you redistributed YOUR wealth? is it because your a huge hypocrit?
what do you think of rich socialists?
You'll never get your hands on my property, deal with it.
>I'am a socialist
We can see how well socialism is working in Venezuela, and we can't wait for it to come to our country! Wow, yea! Can't wait for utopia to come.
Oh hey, will I have to turn in my gun? Because that might be a problem.
Does it feel good to believe in a system of gov't where you relinquish all personal responsibility for yourself and leave it in the hands of a group of people you will never meet? Is having all your personal decisions regulated through laws and your society intimately planned and regulated without your input put you at ease? Are you a child that needs to be babysat by your caring, nurturing gov't as you don't want to take any personal responsibility for yourself or your future?
oh look, he ran out of answers ... before he made any attempts
Non, je suis sain d'esprit
Pas sûr
Yes they can, only cosmopolitan capitalist want this
>when did you become retarded?
>why do you think you own other peoples stuff, and can tell them what to do with it?
I'am against an absolute propriety. Propriety belong the patriot.
>why haven't you redistributed YOUR wealth? is it because your a huge hypocrit?
I'am not rich but I redistribute a lot of my personnal wealth with taxes and I give money to poor french.
>what do you think of rich socialists?
They are not socialist.
We can see how well liberalism and capitalism work in your country.
Are you retarded ? You complain about immigrant but you support liberalism which create men like Soros or rothschild.
>I'am not rich but I redistribute a lot of my personnal wealth with taxes and I give money to poor french.
and yet you still have more stuff than billions of africans, how many starving babies could you feed with the proceeds of selling your stuff?
>You complain about immigrant but you support liberalism which create men like Soros or rothschild.
those are jews user, liberalism didn't create jews
and how have you come to the conclusion that I support liberalism?
And so ? Africans babies dying is a sad reality but it is not by providing us food that we will resolve the problems.
>those are jews user, liberalism didn't create jews
and how have you come to the conclusion that I support liberalism?
And jews support liberalism and liberalism support open border, inequality, feminism, atheist, pornography, end of the traditional value, leftism.
With this
>why do you think you own other peoples stuff, and can tell them what to do with it?
You state an absolute right of propriety. People that have gained wealth have a debt to the Country and the people where this wealth had been created because it was created with the help of this natural and humans resources.
But you cannot understand this because you are an anglo scum with a binary view :
Liberalism = the good
Everything else = communism = bad
Are you actually French? Or just another arab
blue eyes
not dark hair
not hairy
>this wealth had been created because it was created with the help of this natural and humans resources.
aah, other people own my stuff, got it
are you a moocher or a looter?
I don't say that people own you stuff.
Are you retarded ? I say that if a man create wealth with the help of natural and humans resources, this people and this country own a part of this wealth anglo scum
>this people and this country own a part of this wealth
ok, and what portion do they own? and who decides?
do you wash?
Are you the perhaps-misguided-but-alright kind or the shitty-reddit-thirdworldist kind?
you know the next thing I'm going to ask, don't you?
if someone else decides how much of my stuff they own, do I really own any of it? does anything prevent them from deciding that they own it all?
and if someone else decides how much of my stuff they own, can I really be said to own any of it? since it is not mine to decide what to do with
still their froggfoot eating snails-legs muncher?
surely this is just simple socialism 101, to refute my poor argument?
Êtes-vous vraiment un blanquiste?
ok, well your penance is to read atlas shrugs, and say 1488 hail rands
>"we see how well capitalism works in your country"
Bruh are you legit retarded?
We are one of the most powerful nations to have ever existed. Even our poorest people are fat. Let that sink in for a moment Achmed Von Crossainwhich de juis Mohammed
dude, your in $20 TRILLION debt!!
and welfare is pretty socialist
which is not a dig at you personally bro, all 1st world states are socialist to some degree and under crushing piles of jew debt
What is stopping you from starting a commune?
What are the best things about capitalism? Go.
even a slightly self-aware, slightly honorable, faggot would admit when he has lost an argument
coke, mcdonalds and iphones
oh, and prosperity
especially on an anonymous board where he has no reputation beyond the length of this thread
will he even admit it to himself?
does he know that many of us held reatrded positions on many things, before we learned the truth about them?
I hate fucking socialism, they are a plague, like commies. Leftist shit is the only trouble in my country. Fuck You. Hail Pinochet.
socialists are just commie lite, getting the boot in the door
did he rebly yed? xddddd