Did this BASED gentleman just killed Trump's campaign?
Did this BASED gentleman just killed Trump's campaign?
>you will never fall asleep together with Caroline and Catherine Cruz, listening to their soft breath as they snuggle up against your chest.
Why did it have to come to this?
stfu dude
look at Krautbro over here, securely derailing Mexiposting
did donald finally give back the delegates?
I have to be honest;
That was the intention of this thread.
Goddamn his wifes hot
Stop being such a paedophile, christ.
Why Brits get so fucking triggered about this?
It's like a religious hate.
Oh gods, just kill me now. I don't want to feel this pain anymore.
>They're child rapists and none are good people
It's Sup Forums, comments ,ade about little kids are never innocent, regardless of the context.
Those two are adopted. Pic related is his real daughter
The worst thing is, that son of a bitch Ted probably gets to experience this every night.
How even is this remotely fair!?
Man, she loves her daddy.
Are you satisfied that you corrected the record today, you sombrero-wearing, tequila-slurping, work-avoiding, soon-to-be-decapitated-by-cartel-militia cunt?
>goldman sachs shill
>spic posting
Back to the melon picking fields you go.
No one is being paid to shill for Hillary by the way. It's a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.
Muzzies really need to leave Germany asap.
oh hey Dahnald, I didn't see you there
I'm coming for yoooouu donaaaaalld
It's not fair some people get to be happy while I'm lonely.
I want to have cute daughters of ny own.
At the very least, they should share. There should be some kind of law for that, they shouldn't be allowed to hog all the happiness.