Is there a single legitimate reason to hate Iran?

Is there a single legitimate reason to hate Iran?

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You are probably Iranian diaspora so you tell us.


Why would one hate on the Aryan nation?

honestly lad looks nice back in 1970 then they went full derka derka, could be a nice place but they decide that and I don't like it

Yes. There's a Shia'te Tradition where the whole extended family gathers in a hall turn the lights off and have sex with the first woman they grab. It's called "Mutah Marriage" or something. One guy grabbed a girl during one of these sex orgies an decided to scissor off the hair of her hala fuckbuddy to check which cousin he fucked in darkness. In the morning at the breakfast table his sister had locks of her hair missing. True story told to me by a shia bro in Canada.



they want to destroy israel

concensual incest is not bad though

Also many Muslims fuck goats and pre-pubescent boys to avoid committing sexual sin like fapping or having sex with a woman, god forbid.

>Nothing on walls
Fucking basic bitch

not really no
only ones that hate iran are arabs and maybe americans

Yea they're full of muslims

>As if destroy the Anti-Goy Machine is a bad thing

The government has abandoned their ancient Persian heritage in favor of inferior Islamism.

They're the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world.

Could we get them to change their flag by pointing out that the middle shit looks like a clit and vagina?

Iranians are a fucked up bunch shias in general they self-harm and torture their elderly and kids in mourning of "Muharam" month and once they're doing beating themselves up with knives chains and swords they gather in a hal turn the lights off remove clothes and fuck the first pair of titites they can grab its fucked up but its an Iranian tradition.

We are the largest state sponsor off terrorism, idiot.

Good times, good times.

So ur a Saudi?

>Mutah Marriage

Can't find anything which describes that. Give me a source that isn't in sandnigger runes.

And no, I don't really believe what a paki says about Iran.

Are you retarded?
Haven't you heard about islam? It doesnt matter they are shias, they still muslims.That can be the only reason to hate them less.


Only bad thing about Iran is that it's a muslim country, besides that they're pretty ok in my book.

Google "Shia Islam Group Sex"

Iran openly funnels large amounts of money and weapons to sandnigger terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah. I support what the US does in the Middle East because we BTFO those goatfuckers.

The government deserves to be castrated and their heads hung in the town square for public display.

The people are pretty cool desu. Can't say I've met many bad people in the 20 years I spent there. Most of them respected me and my religion (Christian Orthodox)

Iranians are shia muslims - the only muslims that are possible to negotiate with

Was Jimmy Carter a fucking pussy for not backing up up his boy the shah of Iran?

And Saudi Arabia openly funnels money to Al Qaeda and ISIS and we're fucking friends with them for some reason.

Paki shush. Youre just a Poo outside the loo

The culture, the people, the religion, the race, the food, the location, the terrorism, the genetics, the language, the fashion, the history, the embassies
There are literally so many reasons to hate Iran bro

They're mudshits.

Damn this pakistani really doesn't like Iranians. Got any source for these claims shitter?

There is no proof that the government is funding those groups, it is likely that the money comes from rich Saudi individuals. Either way, Saudi Arabia is strategically important to us at the moment.

i bet u love curtains n shiet, ahmed

>pakistan poo outsides the loo meme
>pakistan has had drainage and waste management since 3300 BCE

Yeah fuck off there bud, while you were fucking your own sisters haram shia assshole in the dark we were laughinggirls.jpeg at your pathetic existence. More power to your whores getting fucked by their own grandfather under mutah marriage.

I like this Paki and I think he should be an honorary Aryan.

Listen faggot, im a sufi. You are literally 10 steps below me you caliph loving shit.

yea he does not apparently
anywho,majority of pakistanis view iran favourably,so much so that pakistan is the most pro iran country in the world
oh and they do indeed do that on muharram,though my brother's friend who is shia says most of the well off families don't do it,only the less income families

No it is all geopolitical they are better than Saudi Arabia and the world would be less cancer if we had them on our side.

>still follows Islam

How does it feel being a million steps beneath me you fucking degenerate pedo-worshipping cave dweller?

Thank you for correcting the record!

>He doesn't understand the importance of strategic alliances

I realize that it's too complex for you to understand, but don't argue that what you don't know.

No more than any of those other 3rd world shitholes in the middle east.


Stop being a cucklord faggot don't lick Iranian balls nobody likes Iran they're a bunch of sadisitic pedophiles & sister rapists

>can confirm, fucked a 41 year old tight iranian milf in Canada with a jacked Husband and a 14 year old daughter

She drank my semen and rimmed my asshole whilst ignoring 7 missed calls of her daughter who was ready to be picked up from the school.

Iranians have no morals.


iran is white, aryan and beautiful, just like india and k*rdistan.
aryan union when ? :^)

We know ur a faggot and fucked the husband. You just said the you enjoy rimming.

They are brown and muslim.

sounds like you're the one without any morals

yeah that group sex thing,you misinterpreted it
what that was was that may couples have a joint marriage ceremony like is everywhere in the world

look im sunni but seriously,posting false information is a terrible thing to do

plus i hate americans and would gladly help iranians if i could

>muttah with mother queries
>c-can I fuck my mother & still be a good Iranian shia boy?


Your friend is full of shit and you have provided no sources and nothing is mentioned anywhere on the internet about this. I've been through two pages now of google nothing has come up muharam iranian torture or sex in any way shape or form. If anything it just talks about 12 days of fasting or some other bullshit

I was a an early 20's fag back in the day and the milf was 8/10 I have no regrets only pity for that cock hungry shia whore
You're a mega cuck, don't be one. This traditiona thrives in Shia communities all across the world they keep it hush hush because nobody wants to admit they've been fucking their own mother in the name of Ali & Hussain

I kek'd

Muslims and islam have destroyed our country. We are 60% or more brown

Pakis are bullshitting ITT, do not believe them.

Don't you fags have honor killings to do?

It's better to fuck your sister with her consent than to kill them anyway. But only Sunnis fuck their relatives. Shias are cool muslims.

what sadr meant was that many couples may have joint wedding ceremonies
what kind of muslim are you posting things without confirmation
here this will tell you the truth about the group muta thing

sorry,i meant that just the hitting themselves with the chains
sorry about that,forgot that he also wrote about torture and all in his post

They're a brutal Islamic theocracy, but then again so are the Saudis and there's a lot more reason to hate them.

>what kinda muslim are you

There's your problem timmy, you're still under the global islamic magic of deception and lies. Start asking about the infamous shia group sex escapades and you'll see Iranians shit their pants. If they're bro-tier and westernized they'll spill the beans


Come back to the thread when you can afford to be a real country with a real flag you fukan high-altitude brown nigger

Youre a takfir

But aren't Pakis #1 pedophiles and rapists in the UK and all over Europe? lmao
What are you doing here is called projection. gg neighbor.

You should have a secular military dictatorship rather than whatever the fuck you have now.

or you are just a bad person wrongly defaming a people
if you can prove that they do indeed condone group sex then post the proof

Oh you mean self flaggelation? Yeah that makes sense but the whole torture and sex having thing sounded like a load of BS from what the other guy was sayin. Thanks for clearin that up mate

TOP FUCKING KEK and you're the guy who raises his asshole towards the sky 5 times a day so a pedo may arrive from the heavens above to molest the fibres of your hand-washed asshole.

No, Iran is a pretty cool guy!

>islam and islam accessories


>the takfir is still shit posting

anytime mate

i hate IRan because it's the most overrated song by a Flock of Seagulls.

>people responsible for doing this to themselves yearly aren't fucked in the head enough to organize family orgies that can last upto 3 days

welcome to your first day on the internet chump

Not at all, Fucking based as hell.

Anti Usa
Anti Israel
Pro Russia
Pro Assad
Ex-Pro Gadaffi

Whitest country in Asia
Most secular country in the region

If they weren't muslims i would gladly live in Iran. (setting my self up for memes big time)

Sweden would be so much better if we took in Iranians instead of shit skin Iraqis and Afghanis.

>the pakis in this thread BTFOing the shitskin mudslimes and fellow pisslamic pakis

anyway, Iran is shit and belongs in the trash along with the rest of the Middle east

iranians are on our side,
they are shia
remember this

How does one filter threads based on the flag of the OP? I really just don't want to see leaf threads anymore.

>most secular country in the region
Iran is literally an Islamic Republic you fucking faggot

They booted the Shah. A bunch of Christian, Jewish, and anti-Ayatollah Muslims got shipped to the US where they stew in anger like angry Cubans.

Jimmy Carter let America get cucked. Iran was like Cuba Part 2: Revolucion in the Desert... Comrade.

Thats a hate word and you hurt my feelings, Im reporting you to the progression police.

Pakistan and the filth that live in it needs to be wiped off the face of this planet

Anglo coward strikes again!
Tehran has more synagogues than mosques you faggot! Jews have 25% representation in its parliament.
Take your lies elsewhere you fucking anglo faggot!
Even with the Islamic leaders, they are more tolerant to jews and other minority than western countries.

As long as they stay in their shitheap of a country, no. As soon as they leave it though and I have to deal with them ...

Why would I give a shit? Iran is a backwards Pisslamic theocracy regardless of what you non white niggers say

>Why would I give a shit?
Because Pakis are raping your women and children as we talk. But I bet you're a paki immigrant yourself.

>Iran tolerates Jew's better than the west
>Iran, the country with leaders saying to kill all Jew's tolerates them more than the west
>implying tolerating Jew's is a good thing

Fucking shitskins.

>choice between a US puppet government and a theocratic pseudo democracy
As much as I don't like Islam or religion in general, they made the right choice, kicking out foreign imperialists should always be priority #1

There is literally no reason to hate Iran, and the only reason the US does is the same reason the US hates Cuba, because Iran got sick of the US's shit and kicked them out.

He doesn't even have a cuckshed either.

Silly anglos

>clearly hate shitskins
Non whites truly are retarded

>american education
stop watching FOX news bro

There are lots of differences between American and Arabian jews. Hell even Israeli jews are not bad like the ones you have. see

>t. Buttblasted shia sisterfucker

Is there any reason to hate a nuclear militant Islamic theocracy.

Rare my nigga

Full of shit: the post

Since you are an American I am going to forgive you and your ignorance.

> Muslim accusing other Muslims of not having morals

D(Kek)/dt = 0