>Be a Trump fan
>Always say "He doesnt have experience as a politician but atleast he isnt a puppet of big banks and big players"
>Look up his tax ideas
>Benefits oly rich people
Welp there goes my will to defend this guy
>Be a Trump fan
>Always say "He doesnt have experience as a politician but atleast he isnt a puppet of big banks and big players"
>Look up his tax ideas
>Benefits oly rich people
Welp there goes my will to defend this guy
why do people who aren't being paid make shitty bait threads?
>Cant refute
>Use Ad hominem
You burgers are as good in discussion as your food in tastines
okay retard
go ahead and tell me how this benefits only the rich
Not that im against Trump, i just dont know much about this, but wouldnt USA lose lot of its tax income when they wouldnt get money from over 50% households?
wtf i hate trump now
His tax plans are skewed by Jewish tricks. Don't believe them.
I don't care what his actual policies are. Bottom line is he doesn't give a shit what liberals think, and that's amazing. Now fuck off with your shitty bait.
"vote for me and you wont pay any taxes, just rack up more debt and let future generations deal with it"
>ut wouldnt USA lose lot of its tax income when they wouldnt get money from over 50% households?
These motherfuckers believe in fantasy.
This. Based American destroying the muzzie. MAGA.
By carefully eliminating redundant government programs and reducing bureaucratic waste.
How much money are they spending on illegals right now?
He has since changed this.
inb4 >CNN
First result on Google.
You can't trust Republicans with money.
Nice meme frog bro! You've almost fallen in now. Soon, you too will eat the red pill.
His economic advisors are also literally people who donated a bunch of money to him. The majority of them don't even have a grad-level degree in economics.
Trump shills will cry for over a year about how Clinton is emblematic of crony capitalism but then when Trump goes beyond that, suddenly they're silent. Sad!
>0.10 USD has been deposited into your account
Don't forget one of them wrote this book.
Ya'll are fucking morons.
You've been duped.
>Trump's death tax repeal only helps the rich!
They death tax affects everyone but hurts the poor the most.
Relative dies? Leaves behind a 100,000 dollar home? HERE'S A 15,000 DOLLAR FEE IN TAXES!
What you need to remember is the value of the dollar
Poor people need their dollars more.
Liberals would have you believe repealing the Estate tax would help the poor and Trump's repeal of the death tax hurts them
but the opposite is true
because the Death Tax affects everyone, and the estate tax only affects the rich.
Get your shit together people.
I really hate that people in government call stealing from me "income"
Lowering taxes for everybody helps everybody
I'm going to need Trump to ram his big MAGA dick up Germany's ass for his first action as president.
the fuck are you talking about
there is no death tax, when people say death tax they mean the estate tax
HAHAHAHAHA just what we need. Trump supporters must be entirely children that are provided for by their mommies, and they couldn't give a fuck if she was struggling to stay afloat financially.
They're the same thing. you're just arguing semantics.
>be foreign
>have an opinion of US politics that matters
Pick one cuck
You know there's no such thing as a death tax, and the estate tax is only on $5M+?
What am I saying, of course an uninformed drumpfkin wouldn't know that.
That's the shitty thing, in a perfect world without greed and assholes hoarding money at the top, then Trump's economic plan would be the best possible thing to happen. The issue with his tax plan is getting the rich to then spend their money once the corporate tax is lowered. Either by increasing wages or hiring more people.
However, the heads of said corporations know that people can and will function with the shitty wages and lack of jobs because the government will subsidize them. There has to be some sort of regulation added to keep that from happening. I'm all for his plan, but you have to do something to force the people at the top to spend their money, or they simply won't.
>wwaaahh why won't people agree with me :(
The Amazon reviews are hilarious
It is a CTR shill.
Sage, report, and hide.
>>Look up his tax ideas
>>Benefits oly rich people
Why would you do that, just go on the internet and lie through your teeth? You didn't watch the speech he gave yesterday or you would have known better than to start this thread. Whenever she encounters your ugly pimnply visage your mom must be disappointed...crushed at the ugliness and stupidity of what she spawned.
If you are voting for a female candidate you should really avoid the mommy jokes Oedipus.
Am I voting for a female candidate?
Hmmmmm...... really makes me think.....
why cant you deal with the basic reality that trumps only platform position is on his own tax situation?
No you are, calling the estate tax The Death Tax is the epitome of semantics you fucking idiot.
He wants to get rid of the jewish trick called carried interest you fucking kike
Doesn't that make him a Muslim then?
>Am I voting for a female candidate?
Yes you are, unless your voting Libertarian or you aren't voting at all, in which case, well actually in either case, opinion disregarded.
You have to die to leave an estate you fucking moron
Right the democrats are the party of fiscal conservatism.
Watch his economic speech. If you already did then I'll just say his speech yesterday was amazing.
You may not know that large firms have developed a practice called "corporate inversion" to escape King Obongo's iron-fisted tax regime. Nobody wants to invest in the USA because Obabo is a fucking communist. Dual citizens are rejecting their US citizenship because obongo is coming after them for taxes. It's insane
Trump is essentially going to make America a tax-haven and it's both brilliant and hilarious because it's going to troll the shit out of you yuropoors. Instead of US firms inverting to Ireland, yuropoor firms will invert to America.
The combination of tariffs, low taxes, slashed red tape, and improved infrastructure and labor-force training is a recipe for bringing jobs back to America, and it'll come at a time when Chinese labor is slowly but surely becoming too expensive to be cost-effective (which is why firms are moving to Bangladesh, Myanmar, and Vietnam, in desperation).
So the plan is also a giant fuck you to "developing economies"
It is literally America first policy, I couldn't be happier
We're actually gonna need the wall to keep out all the Mexicans who will try to swarm in once our economy starts booming
>You can't trust politicians with money.
There fix'd
And the legal terminologyis the esatate tax, "the death tax" was a term, a political gambit invented by house and senate democrats to sway people emotonally, like the good little demagogues they are.
trumps only platform position
You are an idiot and you have no clue what you are saying.