Wow....makes u think

wow....makes u think.....

No wonder the EU is failing.

The Tower of Babel was a failure.

It's like making ship that looks like the Titanic and then watching it sink.

>Roman arch

>The Tower of Babel was a failure.
Was it?

I never really understood the story behind it.

Bank of International Settlements ahem*

Fucking jews kill them all.

>The story of the city of Babel is recorded in Genesis 11:1–9. Everyone on earth spoke the same language. As people migrated from the east, they settled in the land of Shinar. People there sought to make bricks and build a city and a tower with its top in the sky, to make a name for themselves, so that they not be scattered over the world. God came down to look at the city and tower, and remarked that as one people with one language, nothing that they sought would be out of their reach. God went down and confounded their speech, so that they could not understand each other, and scattered them over the face of the earth, and they stopped building the city. Thus the city was called Babel. As it appears in the King James version of the Bible:

>The story of the Tower of Babel explains the confusion of tongues: variation in human language. The story's theme of competition between God and humans appears elsewhere in Genesis, in the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.[13] The 1st-century Jewish interpretation found in Flavius Josephus explains the construction of the tower as a hubristic act of defiance against God ordered by the arrogant tyrant Nimrod. There have, however, been some contemporary challenges to this classical interpretation, with emphasis placed on the explicit motive of cultural and linguistic homogeneity mentioned in the narrative (v. 1, 4, 6).[14] This reading of the text sees God's actions not as a punishment for pride, but as an etiology of cultural differences, presenting Babel as the cradle of civilization.

friendly reminder that the Babel's curse still real.

here's the tl'dr for you

>peoples of all nations and tongues decide they will build a tower to the heavens
>God becomes very angry because they've abandoned their faith in Him for faith in themselves
>God destroys the tower and forces all people to forget their common tongue and return to life segregated as it should be
>We're fucking doing it again because we can't learn our lesson

So the tower wasn't a failure.
God just didn't want mankind to be successful.

The EU's insistence of not adopting English as the primary language is one reason for its failure.
So there is a parallel there.

Implying your volcano demon isn't just jealous of man's virtue and craft.

>We're fucking doing it again because we can't learn our lesson

Except the EU isn't because everybody speaks their own retarded language there.

Isn't that good though? It would force god to show himself, again after however many thousand years it's been. Seems like a good thing tbqhwy

Most Eurofags can speak more than one language, and English is established as the trade language. It's the same shit.

Yes, good in the end. I had wished it not come to this, though.

God was an asshole desu

More likely the Anti-Christ will appear, foretold to unite the world in "peace" and 2nd return of Jesus will happen eventually.
I can see this so-called "peace" as Islam, the religion of peace, and thus Merkel being the Anti-Christ but more realistically in my opinion, she's at least preparing Europe for the Anti-Christ.

I bet you thought your parents were assholes growing up, too.

pic related

>tfw I have tried to take many snails out of their shells assuming they were just hermit crab-like slugs

>god is a thing
Why are Americunts so dumb?

ew French people eat this shit

There are still a few of us who haven't been indoctrinated by our Jewish overlords, fuck off Steinberg

>tfw you have no face

Why would my parents strike me down when I'm actually successful at something?

Wait my father pulled me from chess when I was owning the nationals. He wanted me to play tennis and I sucked terribly at that. So, yeah, you're right.

You're intentionally misinterpreting these events. You also obviously don't have a child of your own, so I don't expect you to understand these things, anyway.

It wasn't about you being successful. Your father wanted you to better yourself. You weren't getting any better at chess and I'm sure your father wanted you to be more active than sitting at a table. So, he figured, if you just try to better yourself at tennis, it will happen and then you'll gain a bit of self-confidence and self-reliance. But I'm assuming that you purposefully did not try to get better at tennis just to spite your father's decision. You need to learn your place in life, son.

If the tower of Babel was real, it would have resembled a ziggurat or a pyramid. The level beneath would always have to be larger than the level that follows.

Circular buildings are popular in government, they represent equality and shit. Think the round table of Arthurian legend. Even the roman coliseum had the intentional benefit of no single section of seats being further away from the action within it's circular center.

>implying I care what a dirty red thinks.

And the tower of Babel is when man starting speaking different language.

EU parliament building is full of people speaking different languages

>You also obviously don't have a child of your own
this is right
>You weren't getting any better at chess
this is wrong
> I'm sure your father wanted you to be more active than sitting at a table
this is right
> So, he figured, if you just try to better yourself at tennis, it will happen and then you'll gain a bit of self-confidence and self-reliance.
this is also right
>But I'm assuming that you purposefully did not try to get better at tennis just to spite your father's decision.
this is wrong

3/5 you could do better lad

How do you know you were getting better? From your father's perspective, you were already a pro at it (about to win chess tourney). How can you say you could get better at chess but you couldn't get better at tennis?

>Bunch of atheists trying to make a unified Europe and trying to make Europe further from God

They aren't even hiding it anymore, are they?

God hates Man being united because Man is too badass and could fuck god's shit up. So he says "fuck, I gotta make them stop being one people and make them a bunch of different types so they stop being so cool".
>peoples of all nations and tongues
Read the story again. All the tongues and nations were only made after God fucked shit up so they wouldn't be one unkted people anymore.

well, first time in a major tournament I won the third place on Istanbul and tenth place in Turkey, then stormed back to a team tournament to make a perfect 7/7 and win gold at both with the team and personal ranking. so it was my coming out party.

I was neither athletic (too inflexible, slow), nor talented (erratic shots, inconsistent which is a death sentence in tennis). I only had a good game IQ, but if you've played tennis you'd know that it doesn't translate into wins. So, it was obvious from the start, but he wanted me to keep going at it. At least I learned how to lose lel.

With the current globalized education system they have in place, they don't have to anymore.

Interesting note: I was home-schooled for most of my education and I knew 9/11 was a hoax when I first learned about it watching President Bush make a speech at ground zero in '02 or '03 about it. So, pretty much, a seven year old was able to see through their lies when they aren't subjected to their "education."

>reading >tfw as that face when

That's actually impressive, user. Learning to lose is incredibly important, though; it's one of the things I was not taught by my father. I'm still learning that lesson, actually. I played tennis a little bit when I was very young, I wasn't the best at it either, but it was fun.

Thanks bro, it was a hard earned lesson but it pays off in due time. Never give up, good luck

2 planes, 2 towers, 9 + 11 = 20, 2 + 0 = 2
2 + 2 + 2 = 6
6 × 3 = 18 = 6 + 6 + 6
> 666

You're doing the math wrong. You added a third two from out of fucking nowhere to get 6. And then 18 would be 1 + 8 = 9. 666 would also have numerical value 9 just like 18. Equations must always end with a single digit 1-9

> Pure coincidence

In numerology you add double digits together to get one number. 20 was the 2 + 0.

I must have misread your post earlier I see it now
