Came across this political test and I thought the analysis was more enlightening and accurate than the usual ones
Came across this political test and I thought the analysis was more enlightening and accurate than the usual ones
>tfw I don't recognize some of these people
I-is that bad?
liberatrian scum
Depends, who do you not recognize? Some of the faces are hard to see anyway
whos that left to my cross
I cant make him out 2bh, anyone else know?
Center-capitalists often support free trade and low taxes, but take pragmatic stances on economic issues, supporting what they see as the best balance between encouraging business and maintaining free trade.
Social centrists generally believe in a mix of individual liberties and controls, corresponding to what they see as moral or best for society.
Pretty accurate desu. Although these tests are pretty useless as political opinions are constantly evolving and changing with every piece of new information gained. I'm not educated to any respectable level about politics so this is based on my system of morality, once I learn more about economic theory it may change completely.
I guess I'm a libertarian. No surprise here
Economic centrists generally support economic policy that they see as fit for specific situations, although they may have different views relating to taxes and regulation.
Moderate social authoritarians typically support social controls meant to encourage moral behavior and an organized society, although they may have some moderate or libertarian positions.
That's odd, I'm usually pegged as libertarian
yeah these tests are honestly pretty dump. Too often I sat there thinking "depends on what you mean"
''Now wait a second. Real talk here. You folks that I have added on here that remember me from high school, remember when I was super communist? I would get told everyday, "Denis stop being so fucking retarded" and 3 years later, most of you voted for Sanders. Could someone explain to me what happened here? Was I like the original hipster or something? No, you guys stole my shtick from 3 years ago and whatnot and I'm thinking you all need to pay me some royalties.''
No wonder you commie faggot.
Hearthfire building material
Especially when they seem to be specific to one country but don't specify the country. I'd agree that there needs to be more goverment spending in some countries but not others, the question is redundant unless it's American-centric which I think it is.
Yeah, exactly. I find it also weird that there are that many economical questions and none about military, or more social questions like race etc.
Apparently I'm far left socially, which I completely disagree with
I resent this idea that it's the right wing who want to restrict your rights, the propaganda has gone too far
Also don't name the Jew in your fucking timeline photo on kikebook you retard, keep it completely a political. My kikebook is like a normies wet dream, I have purged it of all my drunken ramblings and posts about immigrants and commies. Keep it neutral senpai.
ayy nice one senpai
I suppose it's adapted to the current political climate, which is centered around capital almost entirely. There are very few genuine questions about morality, social status, race etc. asked any more, it's all surface.
One thing that I do like about this test is that it doesn't do everything in it's power to push you left like that other one, political compass or something, does.
Economic score: +2.97
Social score: -5.39Note your scores and Login to your Atlas Account to Save your Scores
Your score pegs you as economically center-capitalist and socially libertarian.
Center-capitalists often support free trade and low taxes, but take pragmatic stances on economic issues, supporting what they see as the best balance between encouraging business and maintaining free trade.
Social libertarians generally believe that the government should not judge morality, and are generally against the illegalization of things that do not directly affect other people in a negative way. Many strong social libertarians may also be social progressives, favoring legislation to correct what they see as socially backwards governmental regulation, although some simply wish for the government to make little judgment on social matters.
Economic score: -0.26
Social score: -3.3Note your scores and Login to your Atlas Account to Save your Scores
Your score pegs you as economically centrist and socially moderately libertarian.
Economic centrists generally support economic policy that they see as fit for specific situations, although they may have different views relating to taxes and regulation.
Moderate social libertarians generally favor a hands-off approach to social legislation. They may believe that the government has no right to enforce morals, but may support certain controls on individual rights to avoid crime, drug use, or similar social ills.
Guess I'm #FeelTheJohnson now.
This is me.
Fucking deal with it.
Thanks. will delete later. remodel it in a couple of months.
Centrist Master Race, reporting in. Both full blown Left and Right are dipshits
>Apparently I'm far left socially, which I completely disagree with
>I resent this idea that it's the right wing who want to restrict your rights, the propaganda has gone too far
You can be Britbong and disagree with the definition of Britbong, but this doesn't make you less of a Britbong. Just deal with it: true handbook left-wing is the one that will protect your right to live in a hut and forego taxes.
You confuse the worldwide accepted definition of leftism with the degenerate libtards who have hijacked the label in your very country.
My result made me happy.
About what I always get on these tests
R8? and what does this make me?
I think this is a pretty good result desu
>I'm too stupid to understand most issues and too indecisive to make up my mind, so I'll just pretend I'm better than both sides
Nice master race clown
Just look up the political views of the guy you landed on
Voting Trump.
I think I would land a lot further right in terms of social issues if the questions were different.
For example, It asks if prostitution should be legal which I put neutral on because Having a brothel 50 miles outside of the city and having hookers on the corner are two very different things.
However, I am opposed to gay marriage, gay parades, etc. I recognize homosexuality is a thing but I do believe the 'gay pride' mentality is a conflict of interest to the nuclear family which I believe to be the foundation of a good society.
I'm also strongly opposed to any kind of affirmative action type programs or giving any special treatment to ethnic or religious minorities basically I am strongly against the PC/Marxist culture we live in today.
Get off your high horse, the test dealt with issues that the common layman would understand.
Oh shit, it's Hitler, what's up Mein Fuhrer?
I was being a dick with that, but in all reality, I disagree with how both left and right want to run things. Both have somthing to offer, and it pisses me off that both sides refuse to agree on anything, unless it is 100% their way. Pure Left and Right answers only make one side hapoy. Few years later, next side gets rid of what was put in place, add their own bullshit, and after awhile, it becomes a cluster fuck
You can't make everyone happy anyway especially in a vast and highly populated country where cultural and regional differences tend to change a lot from one place to the next.
The United States ALMOST got it right with having highly individualized states that would be left to make up their own minds about things based on how the people of that particular area felt.
The reason it doesn't work that great is because the Federal government butts it's head in too much and tries to tell states what they can and can't do via Federal law.
I guess
zip it hippy
its funny how accurate this is for me desu
I liked this one
No one cares
I care
Brothel existing is a question of legalizing prostitution. Where it takes place is business licensing and zoning.