Redpill me on Rhodesia

Why did it go wrong?

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The whites got tired of fighting.

>English never accepted independence, no real Western support because they were "racist minority government"

>UN trade sanctions made business difficult

>Collapse of Portuguese rule in Mozambique made border defence against ZANU terrorists too difficult

>South Africa slowly stopped supporting them

It went tits up because it was a few hundred thousand whites surrounded by hostile states and outnumbered by blacks by something like 23:1 with no real outside support.

It was a pretty cool coun try. The whites were in power and the black people got jelly and took over. From there they turned the country into shit, they didn't know how to govern.

Just... Let her sleep, lad

The answer begins with an "N".

>Why did it go wrong?
Niggers decided that they should rule the country

Wow thanks user, lots of interesting info you got there

Sanctions don't work. South Africa was their final ally, and the US pressured them into cutting off support.

>the US pressured them into cutting off support

Why did the US want to destroy a white nation?

Is this a rhetorical question?


because niggers.

To add to this, the insurgents were getting an insane amount of support from the Soviets, Chinese, and the North Koreans. Weapons, training, supplies, you name it. It came in through Mozambique after the Portuguese withdrew.

It's also worth noting the insurgents had the entire rural populace brainwashed/coerced into supporting and later voting for them in 1980.

>inb4 israel

The Israelis were the last supporters of Rhodesia and South Africa when the Border War started heating up.

They didn't see it as destroying a great nation. They viewed it as allowing majority rule in an "oppressed" country.

White people


We dropped them because we had our own issues with race to deal with, which were far worse than the Rhodesians. It's a miracle that South Africa got the amount of support they did from us, arguably its because the Cubans were so involved in Angola.

The ironic thing is that the US military is looking at the Bush Wars in southern Africa as a case study for effective COIN tactics.

Official thread theme

Roland said get the fuck out with that shit.



>stick whites in savage hellhole
>don't purge area of native influence


Cuba and Russia thought it would be funny to arm communist niggers.


No, they're really not.

Looks like Europe

>what Africa could have been

>Why did the US want to destroy a white nation?

Fires up the ol' neurons, doesn't it?


It went wrong because the british yet again turned their backs on an anti communist country during the cold war.

It was never about apartheid, blacks in rhodesia enjoyed the highest quality of life of any nation in africa at the time, yet they got so ramped up by communist propaganda they wanted to have everything for themselves and kicked the whites out under the guise of a 'fairer' political system where the majority had sole power instead of those who actually built the country and made it a great place to live.

Was it the Jews?

It was communists (maybe jews), but the out of the closet jews somewhat helped Rhodesia. Israel was supposed to give them new helis during the sanctions. They decided to keep the new ones and give the Rhodesians their old ones.


It was soviet russia then. Not anymore.

Russia as it is now definitely seems more benevolent.

Lol we were one of the only countries to sell the whites weapons.

Jews hate whites though, I guess, so we probably just did it to divert attention from our race-mixing propaganda. Or whatever you people think nowadays.

Brits were i ncahoots with the americans. And CIA wanted to destroy colonies so they could continue their scheme of global dominance.

USA is the just a ham fisted turbokike. They do this geo-political chess moves with none of the finesse of Russia and all of their endeavours backfire on them. And sicne USa is big on diversity letting whitey die in Africa was not a problem to them.

In sum USA and the kike capitalist conspiracy wanted to prevent Africa from becoming on of the most powerful continents in the world, they wanted Africa to continue to be a poor backward shithole. A wealthy prosperous Africa is anathema to the globalist agenda.

>UN Sanctions don't work
Iraq would like a word with you m8

Not even that, it sort of worked after they let everyone vote, but we forced them to let Mugabe in with his army l, where he forces people to vote for him at gunpoint

Listen to an actual Rhodesian.

My bad, UN sanctions don't work when resourceful white men are in charge.

Daily reminder that da evil anti-white joos from Israel were the only and last ally Rhodesia and South Africa had, meanwhile europeans and americans were supporting the marxist terrorist dindus.