Unless you are Jewish, or a good goyim, there is no reason to oppose shoplifting.
In fact you should encourage it.
Unless you are Jewish, or a good goyim, there is no reason to oppose shoplifting.
In fact you should encourage it.
no thanks, i'm not a nigger
No wonder why your ancestors were sent to that shitty island called Australia
No thanks, I'm not dark chocolate.
You better not be doing that shit at mom and pop stores.
Walmart has it coming desu.
Is that how you Aussie fucks live with your high prices, stealing every damned thing?
Makes you think
>shop lifting candy
Yeah, when I was fucking 5.
Go nigger somewhere else
>be British
>steal Jammie Dodgers
>get deported to Australia
>200 years pass
>descendants still steal
>You better not be doing that shit at mom and pop stores.
>Walmart has it coming desu.
Way to fall into WalMart's trap faggot. Every time you steal they pocket the cash, the only person out is the big bad insurer (who covers the loss.) If the item is recovered it's literally extra profit on top of the insurance money.
Niggers, enriching WalMart every day.
fuck off you coon.
I used to shoplift all the time when I lived in Australia. Lots of backpackers do it and then you feel like an idiot for paying for food your friends just got for free. For a while the self-service things in Woolies didn't weigh your items so you could just bag all your shit, scan a pack of chewing gum and pay a dollar for a bunch of food. Good times
has anyone ever tried a shit stood up? i did it and found it quite comfortable desu
Care to explain why darkness?
Shoplift what even?
I never felt the urge to shoplift anything. Unless you are dirt poor nigger in africa you have no reason to shoplift.
The only thing i really need is a land of my own and a house i can have children in.
coons don't need to steal we just give them anything they ask for
No wonder the best you can do is an Abo girlfriend.
I was buying some shit at Walmart and someone had screamed "Ooh, she stealin'", when I checked out the person that stole was crying while they waited for her parents.
I oppose it because it's high risk for small gain, it fails cost benefit analysis spectacularly.
lern2shitpost faggot
>Way to fall into WalMart's trap faggot
I know a loss prevention guy who works at walmart. He says the let people steal $3-4 items.
Then they get bold and steal something more expensive, they cuff them and press charges for larceny, not petit theft.
It goes on the criminals record and has harsher penalties as its a felony.
if this was even halfway true walmart would not be putting in the kind of effort they have been in catching shop lifters.
Jew detected.
Thou shall not steal.
Burn in hell you heathen scum.
You're right. But because of the repercussions I'm too scared to do it myself.
fuck off shitposter
How do people even shoplift? We have detectors here all over the place
They put a shitload of effort into insuring their store and their LP, not catching shoplifters. There were not nearly enough people at my store to put even a dent into the shrink we found everyday.
That's funny because I see cop cars near the entrance at both WalMarts within 5 miles of each other on a semi daily basis where I live
>high risk
Stealing from walmart is easy though sempai, almost no risk if you do it right
t. practically lived off of shoplifting for a year
The one time I got caught they dropped the charges.
Food usually doesn't have rfid chips stuffed into it. Steal 8 lbs of prime rib and save your real money for those microchipped items.
>i see cop cars so something!
do you have a brain? of course they press charges when they catch someone. my argument is the amount of LP they have is laughable compared to the amount of shoplifting. it almost amounts to a mea culpa, it's so ineffectual. WalMart is free to spend as much money as they want on plainsclothes employee that wander around the store all day. But don't tell me it's an effective LP response.
If anything I like the Orwellian Target more. Their LP is uniformed, they have these fucking ridiculous Segway things to chase shoplifters, and all their cameras are linked to some central HQ filled with snoops.
Fuck off tumblr.
pls explain