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The funny part is that NAMBLA will be advocated and championed as being brave and progressive by SJW's within 5 years.
Now THAT is meme magic, Sup Forums . Take a fucking note.
Can we get a mod here? This same cuck is litterally shitting up the front page
A lot of the gay leaders (like Milk) that SJWs worship were NAMBLA members, so honestly it wouldn't surprise me.
I'm actually a different leaf
That's conjecture and Tabloid-teir slander. Meme magic doesn't need articles. Congrats, you're like a greasy poparatzi.
based on what, retard? "SJWs" hate pedophiles
also, here's a tip: if the epithet you use for your adversaries includes the word "justice"...maybe you're the bad guy
I feel lucky this morning
Wrong, retard
Pedo rights have to happen so that Muslims can rape kids
now I'm voting for Trump
I'm tired with being ostracised because I my sexual life
he will make consensual sex GREAT AGAIN
>"SJWs" hate pedophiles
They do now but in a few years they will do a complete 180 and go full pro rights for pedos.
It's more like Trump's Zodiac killer moment.
SJWs trying to get Trump to release his tax returns by spreading a rumor about NAMBLAA.
They already shill and defend people like Lena Dunham, who has admitted to raping her little sister when she was like 6.
Also that chick who worked for Nintendo who was pro-pedophilia had tons of people from the purple hair brigade defending her and calling her a brave hero.
you're just a pedophobe.
Ah so Trump was just being forward-looking when he gave 50 fucking million dollars to the Pedo lobby
you really do not know any actual liberals irl, do you?
based on....what, retard? answer the question
>NAMBLA is Trump's Birther moment
Interesting comparison, since it was Hillary that started the birther movement during Obama's run.
Not him, but I know who the kind of people who identify themselves as being "liberal" are and how they control the democratic party.
The Didlin' Donald
How about you stop being a faggot and report his proxies.
You need more than 1 person reporting or it doesnt register.
Why don't you use this reasoning when you talk about the pro-lifers?
>still no articles identifying the source or proving the assertion
This better redpill everyone regarding the rotten (((media))).
Based on their running out of widely-despised groups to champion
They've been scraping the bottom of the barrel for a while now
>One day, as I sat in our driveway in Long Island playing with blocks and buckets, my curiosity got the best of me. Grace was sitting up, babbling and smiling, and I leaned down between her legs and carefully spread open her vagina. She didn’t resist and when I saw what was inside I shrieked.
>My mother came running. “Mama, Mama! Grace has something in there!”
>My mother didn’t bother asking why I had opened Grace’s vagina. This was within the spectrum of things I did. She just got on her knees and looked for herself. It quickly became apparent that Grace had stuffed six or seven pebbles in there. My mother removed them patiently while Grace cackled, thrilled that her prank had been a success.
yup, sure sounds like rape
>Also that chick who worked for Nintendo who was pro-pedophilia had tons of people from the purple hair brigade defending her and calling her a brave hero.
i have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. nerd
their normalization campaign has already started
Women can't be pedos, same as blacks can't be racist.
Go back to Le gay alien you piece of shit commie.
she also has turned her "husband" into a gay prostitute
You didnt even post the part where she talks about laying in bed with her, forcefully kissing and fingering her when she was elementary school aged.
He must be losing on purpose. I can't believe this is happening
>based on....what, retard?
By looking back 50 years before? The way gays got their rights the same pedos will.
Didn't that one black fat fuck who got offed by police a month ago literally rape a child? They were celebrating him as a martyr, just like every other thug who gets killed by police
>Grace was sitting up, babbling and smiling, and I leaned down between her legs and carefully spread open her vagina. She didn’t resist and when I saw what was inside I shrieked.
>actuallty defending that
lol, liberals are truly fucked up.
Nah he fucked a 14yo in his twenties I think.
She was dtf but it was statutory.
That was the day Anthony Burch was temporarily dethroned as king of the cucks
>post yfw you will never be Jake Rapp
Guess I take that back then.
>the daily beast
>based on what, retard? "SJWs" hate pedophiles
>But none of this would compare to the final insult the universe would deal me. I’ve been stuck with the most unfortunate of sexual orientations, a preference for a group of people who are legally, morally and psychologically unable to reciprocate my feelings and desires. It’s a curse of the first order, a completely unworkable sexuality, and it’s mine. Who am I? Nice to meet you. My name is Todd Nickerson, and I’m a pedophile. Does that surprise you? Yeah, not many of us are willing to share our story, for good reason. To confess a sexual attraction to children is to lay claim to the most reviled status on the planet, one that effectively ends any chance you have of living a normal life. Yet, I’m not the monster you think me to be. I’ve never touched a child sexually in my life and never will, nor do I use child pornography.
>But isn’t that the definition of a pedophile, you may ask, someone who molests kids? Not really. Although “pedophile” and “child molester” have often been used interchangeably in the media, and there is some overlap, at base, a pedophile is someone who’s sexually attracted to children. That’s it. There’s no inherent reason he must act on those desires with real children. Some pedophiles certainly do, but many of us don’t. Because the powerful taboo keeps us in hiding, it’s impossible to know how many non-offending pedophiles are out there, but signs indicate there are a lot of us, and too often we suffer in silence. That’s why I decided to speak up.
>The Discovery of an Alternate Sexuality:
>Basically, anything a sexual predator might do to woo a small suburban girl I was trying - Lena Dunham
including bribing her with candy for kisses,forcing her to sit on her lap while they watch tv. fingering herself while sleeping right next to her.
I'm pretty sure that that is verging on defamation
nice bate, 3/10
oh fug :DDDDDD
she was 6 years old. you jealous that she got to a toddler before you did?
because the opposite it pro-choice? i thought you faggots masturbated to the idea of freedom
>trump accuses hillary and obama of leading the world into disaster
No wonder I hate democrats so much. Every single argument with them degenerates into an ad hominem shouting match.
>oh fug :DDDDDD
boly shit!!
dad isd da raresd spudro!!
oh fug :DDDDDD
I bet you are, baby-raping liberal cumshitter.
Weak meme
does a LDIDF actually exist or is this just Lena herself?
Rolling 4 Roland
SJWs hate "pedos" as in "don't like that busty 17yo that is my perky competition"
they're fine with homos with actual kids and even publish real pedos into prebubescent girls
>you will NEVER be Jake Rapp
>You need more than 1 person reporting or it doesnt register.
That's retarded. What if your IP can be trusted based on report history? I report an average of three threads a day and they seem to be deleted promptly.
Go back to SRS you omega faggot
Oh boy, I guess I'm a #cruzmissile now.
He's wrong senpai. I've single handedly reported threads into nonexistance, and when they came back up they were put into autosage. one man can make a difference.
drink bleach and hang yourself, nigger
please kill yourself
Rollan' fo' chivalree 'n sheit.
Post pictures of your Lena Dunham tattoo
If you ever think you're having a bad day, or feeling inadequate, just remember that Jake Rapp let his wife Alison convince him to be in a Poly relationship -- and because it's so fucking easy for her to get laid (she's a pretty good looking prostitute) the only way for Jake to feel like he's on equal footing was to become a gay prostitute -- which she convinced him to do.
Source? Can't find anything on that
Educate yourself, bigoted ageist shitlord
>ctr buys autosage privileges
>the daily beast
>Yfw the DNC had a legitimate child molester speak and they try to shill a topic like this
I'm the bad guy?
As batshit as that lady is she's right about the CP issue. consumption of CP hurts nobody but can result in a jail sentence worse than would be handed down to an actual child molestor.
>b-b-but revictimization
unless you are psychic, you cannot be re-victimized by someone looking at a picture. doubly so when that person can't even talk about seeing said picture without looking like a total monster.
wtf? I think SJWs hate pedophiles now!
'social justice' is used in a demeaning way in this context
user, do you have something to tell us about?
NAMBLA and their supporters obviously support Hillary because she is far more likely to give them what they want (lowered age of consent laws). The so-called "progressives" move the Overton Window in this direction every chance they get.
The Spartacist League for example, a Marxist organisation who have marched against Trump in protests, openly support NAMBLA.
>The Spartacist League, modelled on a Marxist group from 1910s Germany, is known for its defence of the North American Man/Boy Love Association
>In 2005, it published in its magazine “Worker’s Vanguard”:
>NAMBLA’s name is perennially dragged through the plentiful Boston mud, having been pounded for over 20 years by media smears and witchhunting prosecutions. We in the Spartacist League have repeatedly defended this tiny beleaguered group as an elementary act of proletarian decency. We oppose criminalizing their advocacy of the eminently reasonable proposition that youth who have sexual feelings be allowed to express them. NAMBLA simply advocates the decriminalization of consensual sex between men and boys.
This is who you are siding with, leftists. Even as you smear Trump with this NAMBLA accusation, you are working in NAMBLA's favour. How does it feel to be such hypocrites?
>based on what, retard? "SJWs" hate pedophiles
Thats not true at all. SJWs are already openly advocating pedoshit in the media.
>also, here's a tip: if the epithet you use for your adversaries includes the word "justice"...maybe you're the bad guy
Anybody can call themselves just, that doesn't make it true. I could tell you I'm a jewish nazi, but that wouldn't make it true.
oh, so they're not just the bad guys, they're also stupid too
this anime shit can be deep sometimes
>The Spartacist League
I suddenly get the urge to find out who their leader is so I can shoot them and throw the body in a canal.
should've clarified and meant abusers
pedophiles who seek treatment and don't act on their feelings are fine. should probably be closely monitored, but you'd have to be a moron to not want to see these people getting treatment that would decrease the likelihood of children being harmed.
>Anybody can call themselves just, that doesn't make it true. I could tell you I'm a jewish nazi, but that wouldn't make it true.
Woah, Movieblob should have backpedalled this post as soon as possible.
>don't like that busty 17yo that is my perky competition
17 is legal
How does that make them stupid?
>If the enemy of your country has "Democratic Republic" in its name, maybe you're the bad country
>SJW who supports gays attacks somebody who supports gays
You're getting desparate, shills.
Warning WARNING sage hide and report all shill slide psyops threads warning WARNING we are under seige by shills sliders. Warning WARNING they are here they are shillling they are sliding warning WARNING they are sliding the hillary med files threads.
OP is a baby-rapist. He literally rapes children and then eats them.
i b rollin
not understanding that social justice in general aims to make the world equitable place, i.e. bringing those up from poverty into success, working towards ending oppression, etc....is pretty fucking stupid. especially because half the idiots on this board are NEETS who'd benefit from the social programs that people working toward social justice tend to support
He's on the right side of history.
>Dobson will go down in history as a pedo defender
>And even with such a sacrifice on his hands noone in the upper echelons of slacktivism will notice him
O I am laffin'