Wow Sup Forums has finally been irreversibly BTFO by the smartest members of the right

Wow Sup Forums has finally been irreversibly BTFO by the smartest members of the right...
>racist slander to misogynisitic taunts
>mocking of the disabled
>protectionist trade policies
>draconian immigration restrictions
>our economy back into recession
>withdrawl from NATO
>endorsing nuclear proliferation
>does not possess the temperament and character
>speaks only in platitudes
>lack of knowledge
>flirtations with fascism
>vitriolic rhetoric
>[Reagan] would be ashamed of Donald Trump. We are too.
>The Harvard Republican Club

Other urls found in this thread:


Who gives a fuck about this social club other than its members? Get real faggot it's an excuse to get money and so drugs.

That's why I'm shilldog 2016
>muh values

There are no republicans at that place, don't let anyone fool you

Yeah but there a lot of people way smarter than you'll ever be

Calm down hill-billy I'm still not mentally hill yet

virtue signalling trash. god damn i cant wait for the pendulum to swing back.

>globalist amnesty-supporting free-trade (((republicans))) don't like trump
Obama, unfettered illegal immigration, SJWs, political correctness, and the kike media set the stage for Trump.

There's a difference between intelligence and education.

More like

The Jewish Republican Club

do white people even get accepted into Harvard anymore?


IS THIS HOW Sup Forums TURNS INTO Sup Forums?

? why. cuz their daddies got money? doing well in school is dependent on many factors, intelligence being one of the least important imo.


Not when it comes to the IVIES and MIT, intellectual cuck. Wish you read more books as a kid huh?

Thats because trump represents a future where these spoiled brats won't get their way at every turn. Fuck them and everyone like them.

It will be this way until the day after the first debate.

Right now the shills can take the offensive. After the first debate they'll be heavily on the defensive.

They are only republican when its following globalist ideology that destroys millions of lives through war intervention. Muh morals.

100% correct, fuck Trump and fuck y'all

ITT: Affirmative Action

I seriously cannot believe what has happened to this place these past few months.

We can't have serious political discussion anymore because Hill shills flood every Trump thread. That's not the worst part though. For some reason nu pol cucks don't support Trump and instead join the shills and trolls. These liberal cucks can't handle the fact that there are people who disagree with their stupid opinions and are always in the need of a hugbox echo chamber, which pol isn't.

Well, at least it wasn't until now. These cucks have completely taken over this board and there's no point in visiting it any longer. I suggest that true pol users migrate to r/theDonald for Trump related discussion, free of liberal cuck opinions, free of (((((Our Greatest Ally))))) hating newfags, free of Trump haters. I remember when we could openly discuss anything on pol without shills and trolls. Truly a bastion of free speech. However, now these leftist cucks have come and are trying to limit our free speech. Pol has become an anti (((((trump))))) sub full of shills and slide threads.. I just can't handle the anti (((((trump))))) rhetoric any more. See you guys on r/theDonald!

>(((Harvard Republicans)))

Fuck off chink

If they're all smart then how come none of them seem to understand that constantly denigrating an entire voter base as idiot redneck trash for voting trump, when that voter base outnumbers you 100-1 is a bad idea?

>The Harvard Republican Club

Oh boy

Fuck off spic

One of the globalists most propped up "institutions of higher learning" in the US

I know you are but what am I?

They sound like liberal cocksuckers bunch of silver spooned elitists anyways.

>Harvard Republican Club
even less credible than
>Mexican Intellectuals

As a fag who has been saying the Trump meme is retarded since he first said Mexicans were rapists and criminals, I'm happy that this place is finally breaking free.

This place singlehandedly ruined Republicans chances for the next 20 years. The court is going to go hard left.

ITT trumpfags try to convince us they're smarter than harvard students

>ivory tower globalists

these are the people that will be found on the day of the croak.


>yfw you lived long enough to witness the death of the Republican party

Even the highly educated are manipulated by the media.

Thanks for your insight powerful warriors

Red Pill on current state of uni, even "prestigious"

>>racist slander
citation needed
>> misogynisitic taunts
criticizing women is off limits I guess
>>mocking of the disabled
citation needed
>>protectionist trade policies
Fuck yes
>>draconian immigration restrictions
fuck yes
>>our economy back into recession
Tax Foundation study that gets cited to criticize Trump's tax plan also says it will create jobs and increase investment and wages
>>withdrawl from NATO
citation needed, Trump wants NATO members to pay thier fair share that they agreed to
>>endorsing nuclear proliferation
Why shouldn't Japan have nuclear weapons? We aren't the world police.
>>does not possess the temperament and character
baseless insults
>>speaks only in platitudes
baseless insults
>>lack of knowledge
baseless insults
>>flirtations with fascism
baseless insults
>>vitriolic rhetoric
more liberal insults
>>[Reagan] would be ashamed of Donald Trump. We are too.
Fuck off globalists shitheads
>>The Harvard Republican Club
globalist sacks of shit