"Hey dad, do you think you can help me with my Spanish homework? I can't pass the grade without passing Spanish."

>"Hey dad, do you think you can help me with my Spanish homework? I can't pass the grade without passing Spanish."
>"¿Por favor, papa?"

>"¿Por favor, papá?"

Fix'd for you, my little bitch.
Always remember the accent mark.

Yes because i'm fluent in Spanish.

Always remember the cement between the bricks.

I dont have a daughter, get out of my house

>He thinks Trump will win
>He isn't out of the EU
>Scotland and NI are going to leave

Kek, that Farage-tier bantz

Fuck off little shit. Either learn Mandarin or get out.

It's called mortar, Limey.

>half his country leaves because hispanics have an average genetic IQ of 90 and the country is run like complete shit and nobody wants to live there
>thinks he's alpha instead of a pile of trash being used be echoes

>being triggered by learning another language.

I don't really care if it's Spanish, French, Mandarin or w/e but for fuck sake don't be a monolingual.

Spanish is at least something useful to know if you live in the south. Especially if you plan to live in cities like Miami...

What's your point? Or it's just unintelligible butthurt?

Thankfully the US education system is so shit, their attempts to force shitskin culture on us is sabotaged by their own incompetence. I went through the entire cycle without learning a single word of spanish.

Your genes = sub 90 IQ
You cannot build western societies

you understand ok??

No. Español es la clase más fácil. Si no puedes hacerlo sin mí, no eres mi hija. Sal de me casa, chiquita.

No but seriously I hear it's full of ridiculous bullshit in elementary school so I'd just tell her to not worry about it. The highschool class was easy as fuck though.

My daughter would take German.
>for fuck sake don't be a monolingual.
Why not? English is the best language. There's no reason to know any others.


Si, bonita.

Tengo conocimiento, tengo todos Los tesoros secretos del Creacion suspendido en esperanza de su luz.

This, I can totally confirm. Spanish is not exactly an easy language, and most of spanish classes from the US butcher it horrendously.

>Border settlerr trying to teach spanish to my girlfriend to make her come back to this side of the border.

And that's related to my first comment because ..... ?

God, why does our state money have to go towards giving you monkeys computers?

>Why not? English is the best language. There's no reason to know any others.

Because you are literally limiting your self. Being able to speak more than one language opens up a lot of opportunities. Not just for work. Would you rather fuck westernized Korean slags in the U.S. or go to the oriental Mecca that is Japan and fuck 10/10 Jap waifus with your shitty gaijin accent.

Man, are you Ok?
I'm seriously.

Are you diabetic?
If so, please check your glucose level.

Then you need to go back

Should have taken Japanese desu

I firmly believe you should know at least one latin-based language.