Is Sup Forums actually being raided by CTR shills, or is it just a meme? Because honestly I don't think they would target such a red pilled board like Sup Forums literally 100% of us support trump.
Is Sup Forums actually being raided by CTR shills, or is it just a meme...
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it's real, but I'm sure some people are just memeing
Their goal on here isn't to sway us to hillary, they want to demoralize us, so the people that are in the us and can actually vote, feel like it's useless.
Still go out an vote if you can
Of course they wouldn't
What kind of traction would they get here?
It's no coincidence the accusations of shilling came when Trump took a nosedive
>Because honestly I don't think they would target such a red pilled board like Sup Forums literally 100% of us support trump.
That's EXACTLY why they target us. JIDF and SRS target us, why not the campaign for some moderate Democrat politician?
>Their goal on here isn't to sway us to hillary, they want to demoralize us,
This. Trumpkins are just looking for any excuse to justify why they're losing by 14 points to Hillary.
No they aren't. They might as well raid Sup Forums and Stormfront too. You have to be a master at manipulation to trick Sup Forums into ever going Democrat (UNLESS the Democrat in question is Jim Webb, apparently).
But the whole CTR shill meme is fucking stupid
> "Hey guys, Trump is going down in the polls"
> Offer a legitimate criticism of Trump's lack of self control
It's a bigger meme to say it, but Sup Forums is a mirror image of Tumblr. It's so fucking stupid being here now
it's true
Sup Forums is a shithole anyway so more the amount o money they waste here the better
their personal ino is public anyway. i think its time we start sending them some pizzas
apologies. typing on an old laptop and a certain key isn't working
If you hate this board so much then why are you here?
Sup Forums is Islam.
Why raid it?
Hillary's farts smell delicious.
>It's a bigger meme to say it, but Sup Forums is a mirror image of Tumblr.
Hillary is paying $8M for this shitshow. It better be good.
>still go out and vote if you can
Sounds like CTR did a number on you m8, ofc I'm fucking voting.
Sorry my nglish isn't soo good please someone fix it to add more words.
>Is Sup Forums actually being raided by CTR shills
They aren't nearly as prevalent as people seem to think they are though.
It's mostly just trolling/shit posting.
I've personally seen them though. Where two different IDs will post literally identical posts within 10-20 seconds of each other.
They are on Sup Forums too.
>offer a legitimate criticism of Trump's lack of self control
and then copypasta the same fucking point into 200 threads?
fuck that, these shills are using the same shitty tactics they use with their normienet kikebook and twatter profiles - "everyone is saying hillary is winning" works on fucking idiots, apparently.
we saw right through it and are working to thoroughly dismantle all of David Brock's enterprises.
I hope he has another nervous breakdown by the time we're done with him. ;)
The accusation of shilling has been around much, much longer
You guys are newfags.
There is no debate at this point.
CTR is using sneaky tactics, and their tactics are evolving. There are many copycats/people from Sup Forums taking the opportunity to piss us all off, but yes there are in fact Correct The Record employees shitposting on Sup Forums during American daytime hours.
post your address and or where you work CTR, i will literally rape your entire family
At first I believed that it was probably a concentrated effort to test waters (ocean of stale piss), but once they realized the Sup Forums nature of pure anarchy, bordering upon total chaos they either changed tactics to just be annoying. I think that once they got doxxed, they abandoned this place entirely.
Everything else are just faggots meming the shit out of it trying to troll each other.
If you are reading this CTR, you will hopefully suffer from the fallout of your actions. Trying to manipulate opinion on an obviously flawed, corrupt human being is beyond deplorable.
Also niggers and Jews
Just to watch it crash and burn with no survivors. Kind of entertaining to see places implode
You aren't retards for having strong beliefs, you are retards for constant spaz-outs and your vulnerability to be so easily offended.
As an example, let's see how people respond to pic related
What "same point"? There are dozens of areas where Trump can be criticized. Do keep in mind that you aren't being told not to vote for him, and that this is all "constructive criticism" if you want to see it like that. I want Trump to win, but can't stand how he harms his own campaign.
You missed a comma there user
Also you need to learn some new phrases, I have already seen them like a 10 times from your fellow CTR friends
I literally saw this exact post in a different thread
You faggots are fooling no one
added to filter
> Sup Forums is a shithole
Welcome home Pajeet.
I don't mind pics like that, but it's borish and not biting.
Someone will be hurt by that, in ways 1000 weird photoshop pics of Putin and Trump kissing will never do to us.
Then just lurk instead faggot. No one needs to see your comments.
The only weapon the jews have is their media, don't listen to it and you're free from their control
It's real. It's the same shit they tried to do with Brexit. Demotivate you so badly, you don't vote. The term "Shy Trump Voter" is starting to appear.
If you disagree with them, then: you're a racist, xenophobic, homophobic, trans-phobic, etc.
Speak softly (of Trump) and Vote Biggly.
>literally 100% of us support trump.
CTR is flooding Sup Forums with shills for that exact reason, we are one of the only strongholds that actively shows the truth and wants to stop her corruption
>What "same point"? There are dozens of areas where Trump can be criticized.
I'm speaking of the 200 threads with a picture of Trump or a poll or Hillary or whatever fucking talking point these faggots are going with today and the title "DRUMPF BTFO" with zero text underneath.
all opened by "1 post by this ID" OPs that aren't there to talk, but to troll.
sure, some of them are probably our native community of trolls... but there were obvious signs of outsiders too.
pic related
>oh noes wez been found out!
>better deny it, that will show them
>oh shit they have evidence! better just post 1 reply
It's just the new JIDF, maybe there's a hint of truth here (didn't the JIDF actually patrol Sup Forums briefly?), but most of the accusations are without merit
In my opinion, Trump's easy victories invited a lot of weak-minded people. They talk a big game about supporting him out of principle, but as soon as he started losing, they lost their nerve - revealing themselves to be unprincipled and only in it for the sake of being on the winning side.
Yes they are newfags. They only got here once they got paid to be.
Yes, but Sup Forums isn't really where they focus their efforts.
They focus almost exclusively on Twitter/Facebook/Reddit/Youtube because they can more effectively silence speech there, and they have a much larger audience of which they can "correct the record."
Here they can't really silence speech, and they won't change opinions, so they can just make multiple identical threads at an hourly pace and attempt to slide everything else to muddy up the space.
I'd say about 25%-50% of the people are just non-CTR memesters having a laugh by making ridiculous threads though.
It happened before the falling polls.
they literally started infiltrating this board the day the Democratic Convention closed, after it was such a fucking disaster.
you know, the same day that the (((media))) "adjusted" their polls to show Hillary with a solid "bounce."
it's almost like there's some hidden force coordinating all of these events!
>oh wait, that's how the Clinton Crime Machine operates each and every time.
>we're on to you, you fuckers.
>CTR comes to shill on Sup Forums
>they get called out as shills, make no progress except for shitting up the front page
>abandon the project because trying to shill on a website that will call anyone with a dissenting opinion a shill is a horrible idea
>trolls and shitposters ironically post CTR-esque shit to get a rise out of Sup Forumsacks
>the very minute percentage of people with legitimate questions and criticisms about Trump get saged and accused of shilling because of the heightened awareness of shills in recent days
Of course it has, but Sup Forums had a huge spaz-out just recently and even raided /qa/ to complain about the "shilling".
They raided for an hour a week ago and realized they weren't going to do shit
Sup Forums automatically went into /happening/ and the Australians grasped the idea to role play.
Were right now in our 5th day of damage control
Sup Forums is a hindu board desu
crackas and nignogs should get out 2bh
>shillary spending millions of dollars to corrupt the record
>website with increasing popularity with a political page
You're right, they probably just skip over Sup Forums instead of doubling down on the shilling. The huge influx of trump hate threads have nothing to do with CTR.
>Is Sup Forums actually being raided by CTR shills
No, it's just retards sperging out
Believe it or not, this board has changed a lot over the years. Hell, the past 6 months have been way different than any time I can remember. This board really has become a hug box for fags calling themselves the "alt right" as well as the Trump supporters.
Despite that, I hold out hope that once the election is over, the board will once again change into something better.
ive noticed their speech patterns are slowly evolving to be slightly more descrete but they still stick out like a 9fag in here
its not about gaining votes or disuading trump voters, its about making it LOOK like hillary has support. so when she "wins" the election they can hide behind fixed polls and shills and claim a fair un-rigged election
and the majority its voting for him because wanth to see the world burn and pillitical correctes trow to the garbage wen belong.
The cries of CTR only happened in earnest after the break-even turned into a Hillary lead.
It was only a small lead, too, but Sup Forumstards lost their nerve.
I can't believe there are people actually doubting the shilling. Whether you like Trump or not, 25 threads at once saying drumpf btfo is not typical of place.
If they don't see it, they are either newfags or shills trying to shift the blame
you should see Sup Forums, its full of pro-Clinton garbage!
>They focus almost exclusively on Twitter/Facebook/Reddit/Youtube because they can more effectively silence speech there, and they have a much larger audience of which they can "correct the record."
exactly, the normienet is a much weaker target. they just troll us to get us distracted from producing some of the strongest pro-Trump memes the world has ever seen.
it's our special skill!
>calling ourselves alt-right
found another ctr
I can see this as being plausible, completely honestly.
>still looking forward to destroying David Brock.
except we have records of hillary paying ctr to guys arent even fucking trying anymore
What, have you guys stopped using Drumpf because you've ran out of ammunition to attack him?
CTR was originally made to combat Bernouts on social media. Now that Sanders is out of the picture they're attacking us.
>legitimate questions and criticisms
>"Why vote for a racist man?"
When I see legit questions, the you'll have an argument
they realized the only people that still say that are shills so they were outing themselves
>people using drumpf and trumpkin and other regurgitated leftist bullshit
>not shills
>shitposting from phone
>Chinese tourist in Colombia
... so hard to decide! ;)
>a fucking liberal just can't let more conservative minded people have any area for their discussion of politics.
People stopped calling themselves alt-righters when (((Milo))) and other leftist jewish drones co-opted the movement. Plus, lets not forget the liberals booted NatSocs out of the "alt right" for not being good goys
Yes. In fact, some user just came out and showed us how he got $255 for making posts on here, Twitter, Reddit and more
He said he got $0.60 per post on here
Oh really? Records that show intent to shill on Sup Forums?
Or maybe not
It's literally trolling in easy mode right now.
sure looks like a shill to me considering you posted the same post verbatim in several threads, either that or you just like to trigger Sup Forums
And you believed it?
I believe these are your names and more are coming out
You mean how everything went to shit at the DNC and Trump gained the lead?
Then magically the shills arrive in force?
Try not to be so obvious next time.
>hell even most normies don't buy into this shill crap
The only people making threads and posting about being alt-right are shills and faggots trying to garner attention for Milo and such.
Sup Forums is largely a nationalist/anti-globalism board, and the nation in question doesn't really matter, whether it be pro-US nationalism or pro-Britain nationalism or pro-Pooinloo nationalism, it's all the same just different flavors.
Some is shilling, more is Sup Forumsacks pretending to be retarded for (you)s. Even more is shills starting meta-analysis of posting trends on Sup Forums to try and set of the storm of introspective, internally sabotaging cancer that makes places like reddit and tumblr so shit.
ctr buys big data from a company that has stake in twitter. that company is affiliated with reddit and Sup Forums too. just sayin
No I mean how after the DNC Trump dropped like a stone (and has continued to drop)
How much do you get payed to shill on Sup Forums?
Serious question. I'm not even being sarcastic.
I browse Sup Forums for 6 hours a day at the minimum (even more on my days off), usually making disruptive and inflammatory remarks for my own amusement. If I'm going to shitpost furiously, Why not get payed for it?
why should i even bother with you?
you are either:
an autistic aussie shitposter
a ctr shill
im guessing the later because aussies usually arent so grammatically correct
>Of course it has, but Sup Forums had a huge spaz-out just recently and even raided /qa/ to complain about the "shilling".
>The cries of CTR only happened in earnest after the break-even turned into a Hillary lead.
It was only a small lead, too, but Sup Forumstards lost their nerve.
>In my opinion, Trump's easy victories invited a lot of weak-minded people. They talk a big game about supporting him out of principle, but as soon as he started losing, they lost their nerve - revealing themselves to be unprincipled and only in it for the sake of being on the winning side.
>This. Trumpkins are just looking for any excuse to justify why they're losing by 14 points to Hillary.
>Of course they wouldn't
What kind of traction would they get here?
It's no coincidence the accusations of shilling came when Trump took a nosedive
also aussies dont say trumpkins you ctr fag
I'll pretend to be a shill when I'm bored. The 24hr Trump generals, CFGs, and other generals make this place pretty boring tbqh
It's painfully obvious how new you are here.
Please just stop.
>Because honestly I don't think they would target such a red pilled board like Sup Forums literally 100% of us support trump.
Their plan isn't to blue pill people but rather to disrupt the board and generally cause dissent just for the sake of being annoyances.
No way. I've supported Clinton from the beginning.
No one is being paid to shiII for Hillary. It's a Republican-funded Iie and a pathetic attempt at smearing Hillary's campaign.
We've been calling out shills since May you faggot
Yeah, like after Reuters changed their polling procedures
Fuck off shill, no shill bux 4 u
They can't sway us to Hillary.
We can sway them to Trump, though.
Add to that the outright autism that makes the retards that only come here because of them unable to discuss anything without memeing all the time.
>We've fallen for obvious bait since May
Also learn to sage&ignore ffs.
It's real, you can see by the way they talk.
Well, i havent seen a "did the holocaust really happen?" Thread for weeks. Therefore: Yes
Lots of people "supporting Trump" on Sup Forums do so ironically, or to be edgy/contrarian.
If you are still supporting Trump after all this, you are clearly a sheep who sees politics as a sporting even where you support your favourite team "no matter what".
And no, this doesn't mean you have to support Clinton. It isn't like not supporting Trump means you love Clinton.
Sup Forums was always behind hilary
>We've been calling out shills since /new/
>after all this
You mean after some sandnigger terrorist got offended when Trump called out his bullshit?
Those type of questions are either Rebbit fags stumbling on the wrong board, ironic shitposting, or maybe I'm wrong and CTR is still a major presence and they've just decided to ask dumb questions like "how can vote for le bigot xDDD"
I've personally asked questions strictly about Trump's policy over the course of his campaign (not RAYCISS, questions about changes in tax code, eminent domain, how to make spics pay for wall, ect) and have gotten some legitimate replies but the good majority has been shit like "go back to Tumblr, fuckin CTR kike SJW cuck shill"
>Not being here for all the Cruz generals after he BTFO Ellen Page.
To add to that: Many non-USA posters here have no horse in the race and are thus free to see Trump as the self-destructive retard he is.
Back during /new/ you wouldn`t call some JIDF just becaus he hurt your feelings.
>nice copypasta
It wouldnt be the first time a shit head tried something like this. On Sup Forums a year ago, the creator of this shitty shoe "Gen Zed" tried to shill there show on there despite knowing Sup Forums's reputation as a hell hole. They then cried wolf and said everyone on the thread was making racist comments and talking shit about the lead actor being transgender. In reality no ones said anything like that, most of them just said "Stop shilling this shit."