Damn... this is deep

damn... this is deep

Welcome to democracy

because why allow mindless drones and deranged fags the ability to influence the world economy and domestic policies

Hes right though, there's a reason we have the Supreme Court

I agree. Why aren't sheep, dogs and cats allowed to vote? Like why are we even voting on who gets to vote?

These people already have rights. What they're actually striving for is special treatment.

How do you give someone God given rights?

>comparing women and gays to animals

i agree like wtf why should we vote on the right to murder and kill the nearest child you find

like wtf why should we vote on the right to chop the tips of our dicks off

mmmh makes u thank and shit

Woke af

Women and gays always want more and more

Because they already have all the rights everybody else has. What's being voted on are special privileges, but their proponents call them "rights" so dumb faggots that don't understand underhanded word games like that vote for them.

Marriage was never a RIGHT not even for straight people. Marriage is a privilege.

Women wanting to get CEO positions for having a vagina and no education or experience is NOT a right and was never a right not even for white males.

Nobody wants EQUALITY everyone wants EQUITY. Everyone except straight white men who want EQUALITY.

What rights are being denied? Which bill is excluding fags and bitches from any rights are we currently voting on?

How dare you.

Didn't know marriage or killing the unborn was a right ensured by the constitution.

>i mean why do we even need to vote for the legal right to have sex , like literally why do men over 18 cannot have sex with women under 18 like why we even voting on who can and can not have sex

Because they're not rights.

Most of the world still hates gays and free women

Then why don't they do anything about these real issues instead of complaining about video game titties?

Humans are animals you fucking faggot.

The world could definitely do better without them but we certainly not denying them rights.

Because what you think are rights aren't actually rights.

yeah I mean, the "right" to gay is definitely in the constitution, same with the "right" to abort. why are we even voting on whether or not someone gets rights or not.

but when it comes to ENUMERATED right, like the right to defense, dipfucks want to ban guns, install hoops through which everyone must jump. beautiful. just beautiful.

>The Court has simultaneously transformed judicially created rights like the right to abortion into preferred constitutional rights, while disfavoring many of the rights actually enumerated in the Constitution. But our Constitution renounces the notion that some constitutional rights are more equal than others. A plaintiff either possesses the constitutional right he is asserting, or not—and if not, the judiciary has no business creating ad hoc exceptions so that others can assert rights that seem especially important to vindicate. A law either infringes a constitutional right, or not; there is no room for the judiciary to invent tolerable degrees of encroachment.

>pic related


Because it can cause harm because children aren't developed enough and cannot give consent and or can be easily coerced into sexual activities

Hey, we just want to kill the dirty fuckers and bring them the big mac of civilisation, you're the fucks telling us to play nice and let them elect another mad caliph to the murder-pulpit. Third waves make this big deal about what is and isn't sacrosanct and then go and get their dick wet with the monsters they claim to fight.

Deranged lunatics.

have that choice in Saudi Arabia , you'll be shot faster than you could grab the button to blow yourself up

>gay rights
There is no "right to marriage" in the Constitution or any religious text, stop pretending that marriage is some sort of human right.
>women's rights
Ah, you mean women's right to commit infanticide?

You heard the judge, rebellion now.

Bout as deep as my toilet bowl. God I fucking hate these idiots in my country.

This is entirely the point. Its not as simple as some broad, sweeping, generalization of being able to have rights or not. Its very nuanced. I'm sure the guy who tweeted it thinks he's a high-minded woke kang n' shiet.

now they care about infanticide?

He specifically said gay and women though

Why do you have rights at all?

because homosexuality is degenerate, and women base their decisions on emotion instead of reason

If they walk, think, behave like a duck ...

kek wills it

She's correct, but the implication that this is a "choice" is fucking laughable. If one chooses to wear it, then obviously I don't care. But lets not pretend there's no reprecussions or consequences and tremendous social pressures for those that don't.

As said, lets see how this shit flies in most-middle eastern countries.

What rights?

If you're talking about the right to be autonomous and not have others exert control over you, I don't really disagree with you. On the gay marriage one, I agree with him. And with women's right to vote and minority equality under the law (ie. equal protection), most people would agree except for funny Sup Forums trolls. However the idea that abortion is a "right" is laughable. Honestly, abortion doesn't bother me as much as it might to other people on here, but what the twitter dude is trying to say is lump all this shit in with 'rights' (which aren't actually fucking rights) and claim that straight white men are stepping all over everyone else. This is laughable. Look at any place in the world where women, gays, and minority groups are treated the best

(Hint: They're all predominantly white countries)

chose a real interesting time to start caring about how islam treats women

Supreme court likes to limit their hand. They let the public work shit out in legislation first. Looks at gay marriage. They avoided heavy rukings on it until the states started domino in towards allowing it.

Maybe they could say, Saudi and ISIS are funded by America? I don't know what their arguments are anymore. It's pretty much a mix of girl power and insults at this point.

What women's rights are being voted on right now

I'd like a vote on exclusive use of that woman's uterus

Because if it weren't for authority, every single one of you neets would have been slaughtered by now for having an IQ higher than 120.

The irony of everything being said by this twitter dumbass is this: Even by their own standards, and every objective standard, the countries in which homosexuals, women, and minority groups have the most 'rights' are all majority white countries (Western Europe, US, Canada, New Zealand, Australia). This idea that straight white men are stepping all over the 'oppressed' in western nations is so fucking laughable.

Abortion? Paid maternity leave? Free birth control? Guilty until proven innocent in rape cases? Death penalty for rape? Free the nipple? Gender dysphoric bathrooms? Man spreading? Lack of female character development in video games?

that's very progressive thinking right there, friend.
so if someone identifies as a gender fluid duck, well then, they're a gender fluid duck

>If Trump wins I'm moving to Canada
>What do you mean why not Mexico? What does that have to do with it?

I agree.

why do we even need to vote on things like gun and concealed carry rights like why are we even voting on whether or not someone gets rights or not

Why are pro-gun feminists so rare? Seems like feminism and gun rights go hand in hand in a way.


I dated a latina girl for a while who said this one to me, literally verbatim. "If Trump wins, I'm moving to Canada." Anytime someone says they'll leave the United States, it'll always be to a country like that. Never once has it been a non-white society. Could it be perhaps that white countries have done the best of ensuring rights of these groups?

Because feminists and women in general see the state as their sugar daddy who provides resources and protection and makes men go away (to prison) whenever she points at them.

To a woman (or a male leftist), the notion of self-defense puts the onus of responsibility on their own shoulders as they are now in some small way responsible for their own safety.

I like how these always have the one comment at the bottom for affirmation, so people can be like "oh, okay, that's what I'm supposed to think about this!"

Its called manufacturing a crisis. Like how progressives stamp their feet about wage equality but its already been achieved, so manipulate statistics to say the man is stomping on them when it really has to do with their life choices. But good post.

Yes, why Indeed.

I want that shirt desu

>American education

My choice to show off my "unique culture" to Americans for attention.

But what about all the muh empowerment and being a strong independent women talk?


Because we need it on the historical records to show which generation agreed to making a big mistake so that future folks can more easily understand why that generation made that stupid mistake and how they could avoid those decisions in the future.

i agree with him, govt does not determine what is right and wrong, they are not God

Wtf I hate America now and welcome our new black and Jewish overlords.

I agree with these gents


>You are proudly proclaiming to the world that you don't give a shit about all the child brides & women who are getting raped at refugee camps.

Well, I actually don't...

>same women who probably welcomed the refugees in the first place are the ones getting raped
I don't care either, tbqh. Hope they become redpilled afterwards.

Women and gays can already vote. Women already have every right a man does, gays were allowed civil unions (government) for equal tax benefits and hospital visiting rights but demanded it be called marriage (religion).

They literally already have everything and they're asking for more.

Women have it better than men, IMO...



This should be plastered all over Tumblr. Oh god the SJWs would have a goddamn fit.


>marriage (religion)
>atheists do not get married
>gays cannot be religious
nice meme

makes you think m8

>1 post by this ID


Check how many posts OP has made


I don't I will ever understand this meme

It means that OP just posted the thread and bounced, presumably to distract us from actual issues circulation on the board.

Gay marriage is laughable and regardless which way they try to force it, it simply isn't a marriage.

>A marriage is blessed by being conducted and witnessed under the eyes of God
>Faggots constantly cry about how bad religion is, but demand "marriage" rights. We'll ignore that though because that's a different kettle of fish
>Religion dictates a marriage is a contract between a man and a woman
>Therefore unless it's a man and a woman it isn't a marriage
>It's, at best, a glorified civil ceremony

So they're getting exactly what they had in the first place, but cried about it to get the name changed. You can apply any mental gymnastics you want, but the facts stay the same. Namely that it isn't a marriage.

The supreme Court never meant to be a legislative body. Their job was to be the highewt court of appeals

Really made me have a thought