National Guard user here guys, VERY IMPORTANT INFO

Hey Sup Forums

They're hunting for me. They're tearing apart all the arms lockers and checking them to see if I used them for pictures. People are having their hands photographed and compared. All because you guys had to keep posting about that fucking laptop.

But I have to risk it all to get this info out. This is CRITICAL INFO that can CHANGE THE ELECTION. It came to me straight from my friend who EAS'd into an analyst position at a certain intelligence agency. Turns out it's his job to watch you guys and create threat matrixes. You could say he's kind of a big guy who is good at explaining stereotypical badgers to his boss. He knows you guys need this.

They want to stop you from having it, Sup Forums. But listen & believe, then share and keep them from sliding this. The paid shills are everywhere but you guys can stop them. You're like a million john connors fighting in the digital resistance. It's an honor knowing that you have the back of the country I'm sworn to protect.

Also I embedded hidden tricks into my post yesterday to throw off the investigators trying to track me down. Shills will try to present them as 'proof' that I'm a psyop. Don't even give them one single stinkin' (You)

Here it is guys. #FinishHer #MentallyHill #UnfitToLead #OverHer

>Sup Forums
Fuck off National Guard user.

Here's proof

hope you get ass fucked faggot

Fake and ghey

>You could say he's kind of a big guy
>a big guy

Have we started the fire?

Hope you catch ass cancer you traitor

what is this? Proof 4 ants?

oh look, another roleplaying faggot

kindly hang yourself in the showers

>you could say hes a big guy

Here's a bump. OP

sage this CTR bullshit slide thread for fuck's sake

I'm getting real sick of you fuck faces not realizing a slide thread when you see it.

nice slide attempt, пидopac.



hahahah pathetic

Bump for the big guy

Larping Review :
"4/5, very intense, if slightly forced"

Daily Roleplayer:
"3/5 stars, not credible but the photos are cool"

why is anyone here to see this guy larp in his gun cabinet


like they would brief the national guard on that shit
I have guns and keys and shit too nigga, dont mean im a leet operator with inside knowledge
kill yourself shillary

Meh. Blatanty fake, but I'm sure some of the local neckbeards will fall for it.

Looks legit

>within the next couple years

You must be from Texas. I am from Texas and that is how people talk here

>based Donald

We sure do get the "best and brightest" into the military.

This thread again?

Decipher xvspp.evqc.epws!xli!keqi using Caesar cipher key 4 decrypt or 22 encrypt.

Also, hi 8/pol/

>listen and believe

Trying too hard there, faggot. Besides, if you were being hunted you wouldn't have time to keep repeating this thread.

I'm national guard also, hmm wonder why I never heard anything?
Oh right bc OP is a fag

Couldn't they easily find this guy based on the specific damage patterns in his designated locker?