What purpose does Open Carry serve, other than what is essentially cosplay?
What purpose does Open Carry serve, other than what is essentially cosplay?
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To let anyone thinking of doing an allah ackbar that they won't stand a chance.
Anyone thinking of doing alahakbar thing probably knows he will either die or he will Kill him Self. So this doesnt change anything.
I'm all for gun ownership, but open carry is kinda retarded. If there's a shooting, people with visible weapons are going to be the first targets.
Most responsible course of action is concealed carry.
If I was robbing a store I would be afraid to miss and an ex fucking marine who is just fucking waiting for a moment like this gets to utilize his trigger finger ptsd to kill me legally. No thanks.
What purpose do nukes serve, other than what is essentially cosplay?
Lol wft they have to bring is is into it? Do we have regular troops there? Oh they expect them to fly over and join a militia, why don't they expect the refugees to do that?
This though. I'd never personally do it, but how many oc led to a shooting? None so I'd why they're so worried about it. In Fl you can only oc if you're on private property or going to/from hunting or fishing which is the only time I'd want to anyway, but to each their own.
Some in rural areas gotta worry about asshole wild boar, bears, and deer with a death wish. Generally, if one is walking a mile into town, they might want protection.
That right should extend to any other parts of the state. Otherwise, it isn't a right, its local jurisdiction.
Generally, people who practice open carry frequently tend to know where and where not to open carry. They leave their shit at home when they go to the local suburban center. People in suburban areas who open carry either A) just like to cause a ruckus with liberals, B) Are sovrign citizens who don't want their guns registered or are out seeing if they can sue the police department, or C)open carry a pistol, either as a part of their job, or because they don't want to file for a CPL or are waiting for it to come in the mail.
If there was no controversy for someone carrying a loaded AR to Starbucks, chances are nobody would really would. And just a few would open carry pistols now and then.
A few do it for necessity, others to piss off liberal whimps.
Since when do leftist care about fighting Isis?
Keeps niggers from stealing bikes.
OP's pic has opened my eyes, I now hate all people who carry guns in places where there is no armed conflict.
Obongo is the bravest man who keeps fighting f̶o̶r̶ against ISIS
Could you explain the 'sovreign citizen' thing? I've only ever heard SJWs use it, and they seem to indicate that they're immune to the law for some reason.
bored roll
If it weren't for the fact that the left are constantly trying to import ISIS into the US, then this image might really make me think.
>If I was robbing a store
you deserve to get shot
So cunts who want to rob you, or shoot up whole street, can see what are they going against..
So they realize "maybe this robbing and shooting up idea is not so good afterall".
Result is: everyone is much safer.
We're not fighting ISIS in the ME, though.
>If there's a shooting, people with visible weapons are going to be the first targets.
This doesn't happen.
show of force
the concept of displaying power to intimidate mentally ill people (read: the group most likely to commit mass shootings) into not going off
used extensively in psychiatry
This, in england, you must hide your gun in public.
If guns are legal... why hide them.
Yes it does.
He wants to kill many. He won't do shit aside from get himself killed in areas with prolific legal gun carriers.
Speak for yourself.
We have personally accepted 35 ISIS agents into our community garden and given them food and foot massages.
I dare say that is the biggest blow against ISIS since May 2016 fundraiser in Shariaköping where over 25'000 kronor (over 100 US dollars) were raised for ISIS.
There is no purpose except some states don't allow concealed carry so open carry is the only option. Generally though, carrying a rifle around is fucking stupid in everyday life.
Exercising your rights isn't a bad thing and you don't need to justify why you are exercising them.
This image is the same retarded argument as "YOU WANT FREE COLLEGE? JOIN THE MILITARY"
It really varies. I can't even give an honest answer because there are so many different types. They are more likely to be libertarians than SJWs, but a few SJWs use their tactics when dealing with police, with limited success.
Some don't think they have to abide by police orders, some ignore local jurisdiction they believe contradicts the Constitution. Look up Sovereign citizen fail videos. They lay out their entire manifesto to the officers who pull them over, and they always are recording.
The videos are also fucking hilarious
Grown men who aren't brave enough to go get murdered by dunecoons in the Middle East
>Why do these 'blockheads' want to defend their land?
>I mean sure they don't use it but I mean they could go to the middle east and fight for Israel?
free college, join military, brilliant.
great idea, whats so stupid about that.
Yes, the videos you speak of are my only exposure to them. Silly people. I wish we had a survivalist movement over here. Seems pretty comfy.
Imma mug someone
I got two options
1 guy with assault rifle
2 guy that looks unarmed
I always go for guy 2
Yeah, if you want to carry a weapon that looks scary like that, you should definitely be defending Israel in the Middle East. I mean, come on.
Deterrent. When you have a large criminal underclass like the US and borders so long they take days to drive along that sort of thing makes sense.
This isn't space science.
PS: That being said, you'll never not look taky as fuck with a rifle in the open.
Even as a longstanding gun and, I find the open carrying of any long arm retarded. Even open carrying a pistol is not always a great idea, it draws too much attention.
If anyone has a good reason to open carry a rifle, it should be the native citizens of culturally enriched Europe. Because when the next snackbar goes on a shooting spree (sometime before the end of the day) , they're gonna need it just to make it a fair fight.
That's why I conceal carry a pistol in my pants , so when you go "gimmie yo wallet " I actually pull a loaded gun out and mag dump into you.
>Generally though, carrying a rifle around is fucking stupid in everyday life.
Also rude as fuck if you're using public transport.
Handguns make sense. Rifle OC is posing.
Why not OC the pistol and save time?
>What purpose does Open Carry serve, other than what is essentially cosplay?
What purpose does Nukes serve, other than what is essentially braging?
>Grown men who aren't brave enough to fight ISIS in the middle east
As I recall, ISIS didn't rise to power until AFTER the US Military withdrew from iraq
Cause then the perp might skip the gimme yo wallet part and just shoot then loot your ass.
Do you never watch the news?
Don't you have a scowl to practice?
I don't get it? What's the purpose of practicing a facial expression?
Oath of enlistment has multiple.
Last part is:
>I swear to protect citizens of this nation from all threats, foreign and domestic.
There is no expiration date to that oath.
Did my time in uniform, now its time for the last part of that oath.
In case someone bigger than you nicks it m8
Mostly practicality.. The ability to carry a rifle from A to B without going out of your way to conceal it.
Open carry activism is pure autism, obviously. Carry a rifle if you feel you need/want to, by all means.. But don't go around carrying rifles for the sake of carrying around rifles, especially not in groups that met online to look for specific places to carry around rifles for the sake of carrying rifles around where they can safely assume the general population will not appreciate people carrying rifles for the sake of carrying rifles. That's just autism.
All the time, this is Sup Forums. What case specifically are you referring to? The one where it did not happen?
What a weird fucking picture. Almost no one is fighting against ISIS from the west.
>Fighting for the jews
Oy vey bad goys are defending their country and not dying in middle east!
We can˙t have that!
You know the people who get completely irrational in the presence of a gun. That comes from constant liberal brain washing and a general lack of experience with guns. It's a form of protesting against the anti gun culture. If the majority of people who are more or less ambivalent about guns get used to seeing them carried responsibly it helps break the conditioning that all gun owners are irresponsible psychopaths waiting to go off. When my grandfather used to ride the bus to school in rural Kansas kids would carry 22's and ask to be let off on the way home if they spotted game to put on the supper table. There were no mass shootings pretty much ever back then. The reason it gets the anti's panties in a twist is that aA it's an act of defiance against them and fasists tend not to react well to that. B the left has a compulsion to be overrepresented. Notice how they will almost never engage in a debate unless they have superior numbers. If people see that guns can be carried responsibly it hurts their numbers. They only want Normie's to hear their side of the argument. A counter argument is offensive. You need to understand these are the people 2nd A supporters are up against. They are not the most rational of individuals.
Not being brave enough to fight ISIS in the middle east is a bad thing now? I thought it makes you worthy of free housing, food and money
Why would Americans go fight ISIS in the desert?
Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton created ISIL.
The media cheered at the fact Al-Qaeda broke the Siege of Aleppo, wherein Assad had the terrorists holed up.
Israel and the United States support ISIS. It ain't even a secret.
Why would we go fight them?
Great commet Sven, sort of like the kids on Utoya Island that waited for your pathetic police to make it across the water to save their asses since no one even had a slingshot.
Anyone who owns a gun is an idiot with delusions of grandeur. Only reason to own a gun is if you're a criminal, drug dealer/gangster etc.
Open carrying an AR and you are not LE or Mil, you look like an asshole.
In Georgia I can open carry my rifles if I wanted to but instead I have my 9mm on my back.
Occupy Democrats seems to be trying to encourage gun owners to go fight war over seas. ("You bad gun owners. Real men fight wars for Central Bankers. You just wish you were a real man. You can prove me wrong by going over seas to fight wars for Central Bankers.")
That is inconsistent with their usual narrative that USA Imperialism is the most wrong thing in the whole world.
>Grown men who aren't brave enough to fight isis in the middle east
But democrats told me people who enroll are dumb idiots and children killers
That's kinda the point they're willing to be shot first if it offers other people who may carry concealed a chance to draw and shoot the guy. whether they know it or not, they're giving other people ore time to react
Your bait is weak as fuck Canuck cuck.
Or to not be bullied by the same drug dealer/gangster.
>Gets raped by a Thug
>He is out in 3 years
>Now wants to murder you
>Police won˙t offer you constant protection
>You can only call them if you see the guy near your home
"i have a gun, don't fuck with me"
Different districts have different ideas about open/concealed. In Canada, while we no longer really even have public carry at all, we are of the opinion that concealed carry should be legislated over and above open carry. It is absolutely illegal to conceal any weapon on your person, in all circumstances, while under some circumstances we are allowed to open carry weapons.
What makes me nervous about open carry, is it is some shitface decides he wants your weapon, he can see it clear as day. All he has to do is overpower you and take it and then he has a fully loaded weapon.
Concealed carry, to me anyway, seems like a much more logical way to be armed.
>that pic
>partially weapons trained
Dafuq is that supposed to mean?
Is that why every European country gets fucked up. Yet when the muHAMed drawing contest happened in texas, only the 2 terrorist got shit to shit.
Why would the NATIONAL guard be in the Middle East
That shit was rigged like a puppet show.
I want my handguns back. I want an fac without police right of access to my home
>mfw can't carry a lock knife never mind an EBR
It means people can carry a gun, what the fuck else does it mean?
she's probably gone to a shooting range once or twice
also, aren't holsters designed to prevent what she just said?
He's saying you're a fag
nothing, I did it and it's great.
He's just mad bernie didn't abolish his debt.
by the time she unbutton the holster he'll be grabbing the gun himself
she's dumb
That looks like simple thumb strap break holster, not a proper rentention holster.
Considering that's a level 3 holster he's wearing, she'd have her hippy ass beat into submission before she ever got the gun free. Also, that's probably a cop.
Guns are for self-defense, not altruistic suicide.
>also, aren't holsters designed to prevent what she just said?
Yes, that is exactly how they are designed. And many a dindu have lost their attempting to snatch a cop's gun anyway
Sadly, this one didn't get his brains blown out
This. Plus safety. If you just come back from shooting/ hunting, not being fuck with if a cop sees your rifle as you pack your truck up is a beautiful thing. Not having to leave you rifle in the car (potentially to be stolen and used in crime) is a beautiful thing. Protesting, trying to prove a point, or just being dicks, just makes easier to fuck over guys like me.
OC is retarded. You can thank me for taking out the dindu with my cc who just blasted you in the head because you put a target on your back.
Pistols are kind of hard to see at a glance.
>1 post by this ID
>occupy democrats
This drive by trolling needs to be stopped.
Be like a wise sage and ignore
She means that she is the living embodiment of the dunning Kruger effect.
Pretty much. When has anyone even dropped one since WW2? No one. So no one really needs nukes right? It's basically cosplay like OP said.
Oh it's just in case shit goes down, we're prepared? Well then, it's kinda like open carry.
So why dont they head over to the middle east then?
Look at the picture one more time there buddy. I'm sure you'll get it.. But then again you probably won't.
I don't get it. Why open carry? Concealed is much better.
i killed them there
i will kill them here
get fucked cuck
Literally anything that offends liberals is good and should be done.
They're the USA equivalent to your "free men on the land"
>defend your fellow citizens from possible terrorism
>fighting wars for israel in 10,000 miles away durka land
Pick one.
OP You are so right it's amazing. Time for the police to disarm before they kill another child.
>this isn't call of duty you sperg
Live in a rural area, m80. You can carry any kind of shotgun that isn't pump action or sawn off, and there aren't even any niggers around. Alternatively, you can go and sign up to a clay shooting range and get a shotgun if you live in an urban area.
Or you can get a nitrous powered pistol. Won't kill anyone, but it's a deterrent to the swarms of mug-happy shitskins.