Give me a reason not to vote for him

Give me a reason not to vote for him

Other urls found in this thread:

you're fucked either way


Still waiting for an argument other than:

> "don't vote for him or you're an idiot."

Cuz his hair iz silly!! &^/


I get paid a few extra cents for every person I convert.

fuck drumpf

He has a talent for soiling himself in public in a way that I don't think I've seen a political actor have before.

Also, not sure if he's dumbing down for his target demographic or if he's genuinely stupid

he is pro-kike and wants to ally with communists (russia)


really made me think

biggest jewish kike other than jeb bush and bernie the cuck sanders

>Give me a reason not to vote for him

You don't like degeneracy.

Okay, I'll bite; How has he soiled himself in public?

But le drumf, muh tax returns, hes raycis/sexist/homophobic/stupid dumb dumb, hes literally hitler

His hands are SMALL

Because voting doesnt matter literally two sides of the same coin.. Thats why i pray.

wtf i hate bigots now


Go back to /lgbt/

Because you are going to be too lazy to move on the 8th of November. I put sleep pills in your food on the 7th.

Haha careful CTR fags, i cane here to troll and became one of them. The red pill is hard to swallow, but then you do, theres no escaping the rabbit hole. You've been warned.

Because check these trips

okay, here's 50

1. he's racist
2. he's dumb
3. he has tiny hands
4. he has weird hair
5. he's orange
6. he wants to fuck his daughter
7. he's a bigot
8. he's a bully
9. he talks weird
10. he is a fearmongerer
11. he hates muslims
12. he hates mexicans
13. he loves Putin
14. he has no experience
15. republicans hate him
16. he's a liar
17. he's inconsistent
18. he's not as rich as he claims
19. he's a failed businessman
20. he's a clown
21. he's a reality tv star
22. he's gone bankrupt many times
23. he's a facist
24. he's like hitler
25. he doesn't disavow the KKK
26. he's too cocky
27. he lacks policy
28. he's uninformed
29. he's too impulsive
30. he will start ww3
31. he's corrupt
32. he's sexist
33. he's homophobic
34. he mocks disabled people
35. he doesn't respect war heroes
36. he's immature
37. he thinks global warming is a Chinese hoax
38. he is a scammer
39. his University was a scam
40. he praises Saddam Hussein
41. he's narcissistic
42. he will ruin foreign relations
43. he doesn't support the Geneva convention
44. he doesn't know what the nuclear triad is
45. he supports torture
46. he wants to "take out their families"
47. he is a demagogue
48. he is a loose cannon
49. he speaks below a 6th grade level
50. fuck drumpf

Here's 7
1. Stay
2. Out
3. Of
4. My
5. Countries
6. Politics
7. Euronigger

Because the president can unilaterally order a nuclear strike and Trump gets worked up over tweets on the intertubes

hahaha okay buddy, you're the one who's only 60% white

No, fuck off.

she's redpilled now

5 of those are actually true
4. He has weird hair
8. He's a bully
40. He praises Saddam Hussein
45. He supports torture
46. He wants to "take out their families"

Really, OP, the only conceivable reasons to not vote for him are
1. You don't like his policies
2. He openly stated he would massacre innocents
That's it. That's all there is. The rest is simply propaganda

Define "worked up"

That feeling when your scrotum tightens up and you start clenching your teeth?

Uit mijn land, vuile grafkankerlak.

his daughter is a jew

makes u think

But I want you to vote for him.

Don't you understand? It was all for the memes, we want to BTFO a movement. And Drumpf fags are the movement that is going to be BTFO. I do not give a fuck about politics. Go vote for him, come back in November and read all the BTFO threads. That is all I want tbhfampai


This sounds like the average Sup Forumslack

Sup my fellow ''Dutch''bro. Were you the one posting today at around 6 am?

Aquafresh please.

Because he's a white male that wants to build a wall on the Mexican border.

he's fucking a white male

>he has tiny hands

This meme.

No he doesn't. Billions of men have the same size hands as him, and they are not small. He literally has the stock average hand size for most men.

Het is een kankerlak, dat is zoiezo zeker.

I can't wait until based Geert forces all you roaches out of my country.