If capitalism is so much better than socialism then how come the USSR won the space race??
If capitalism is so much better than socialism then how come the USSR won the space race??
Space if fake, bub
kek. Burgershits blown the fuck out
space race was a waste of money for the most part, huge misallocation of resources
also we still won it because we had the resources to waste
>winning space race
America put men on the moon several times
You can start off well but lose the race
> Leading most of the time but finishing last means you won the race
wew lad
Did the USSR go to the moon?
>Muh moon
>Implying putting some people on a dead rock in space=winning space race
Your view of the universe is just as small and arrogant as your view of Earth. Achieve interstellar travel and colonize another planet, then you can claim you won the space race. Until then Multiple soviet space achievements > one American space achievement involving the moon
The USSR had several failed space missions before the ones that did work. Also we won the real race which was to get to the moon. I will admit though that they were savaging us for a while in it and were way ahead before we got our shit together. American society is so against anything excellent, what did we expect to happen?
Communist filth like you need to be washed away.
The space race is still ongoing tho. The winner is who does FTL travel first.
Weebs like you need to be forced to watch Japan get nuked 100x over again and then cucked by Jamal while he pounds your mom and other loved ones. God I fucking hate anime posters just fuckin kill yourself. The worst thing is far right anime posters because of how autistic and out of touch with reality you are. Just kill yourselves.
Because the space race was a race to the moon not all that shit in there.
Two words.
"Mars Rover"
I think he was genuinely asking a question you salty autist
He was not genuinely asking a question, he was being a sarcastic fag.
You seem really, really triggered.
Heil Hitler. Did I trigger you while saying that and posting this image? Of course I did.
A fucking leaf.
or you can lose a race and then just claim the finish line is to get first man on moon like america did
>guise muh race is dying :O better post cartoons online while crying about bein a kissless loser where is my virgin waifu WHY DO THEY DATE NIGGERS INSTEAD OF ME DURRR THEY ARE MY WITE WIMMIN
Nice shitpost my dude.
Has Canada been to the moon, or even space?
>Has Canada gone to space
How uninformed can one get?
These are not socialist achievements but Slavic achievements DESPITE socialism you dense Jewish Nigger.
I never said any of those things.
You're retarded. Here is another image for you to be triggered about.
Because they just kept shooting comrades into space until they eventually got it right. You get shit done a lot faster when you have no regard for human life senpai.
Go prep the Bull for your parents and sister, Sven.
If socialism is so great why doesn't the USSR exist anymore?
Except we won the space race... Whose flag is on the moon right now?
This is just fucking savage, man.
Also: sage because this is an obvious CTR shill thread.
The USSR disregarded human life and removed dead cosmonauts from official pictures.
>Whose flag is on the moon right now?
The dye didn't last, so unfortunately there's a French flag on the moon right now.
You sure blew me the fuck out. Look at you go, learning to meme so quickly.
>first woman in space
who fucking cares
Bullshit. Prove it. What could possibly affect the flag outside sun rays? You're telling me unfettered and unrestricted solar wind radiation actually stripped off the dye on the American flag on the moon?
If space is fake then what's all that in your head?
>You're telling me unfettered and unrestricted solar wind radiation actually stripped off the dye on the American flag on the moon?
I was once at a high school football game, and when it came time to stand for the national anthem, there was no American flag there to face to.
So, the announcer told everyone to just look up to the moon instead.
Everyone there had a freedom boner the size of Texas, I tell you what.
Well it wouldn't be a space race if there wasn't competition. The problem is the USSR isn't around to gloat about the accomplishments they achieved before the US.
Then there is even the idea that the moonlanding was fake. Personally I don't know as I haven't read up on it, but it would be typical kikery.
They didn't. The USSR didn't make it to the finish line but the US did.
Because if you go to space, space wins.
The official, behind the curtain, policy of the US was to spend the Soviets out of existence. We hoped they'd go bankrupt first. We won that gamble. Unfortunately we were left with two mortal wounds: usdebtclock.org and critical theory.
Was the moon landing propaganda? Probably.
checked, and agreed
there I said it
Better watch yourself or we might have to firebomb you again.
Interstellar even says it was. I don't know, I know it's a movie but when culture starts to say shit, I think it's a way for the kikes to prepare the populace about truths like this. If it is true, that is.
Capitalism is better because you can start your own private NASA if you wanna. Socialism is for cucks who use wangblows/applel and like to be told what to do and lets the state spend their money. Try not to be so degenerate next time.
What's the USSR? Where is it?
Canada's contribution to space exploration is a fucking robotic arm.
>here Canada, build this fucking thing, let the real countries take care of the rest
>space race was a waste of money for the most part, huge misallocation of resources
Satellites are vital in our current communication network
>mfw we actually win the space race
>Ignoring background work that contributed to space exploration
>the first/only one to cross the finish line loses the race
Stop trying to make the children as autistic as you.
Too bad USSR couldn't win the Food race.
>First man in space
>Not Chuck Yeager
Come on guys