>be america
>organize a coup in a friendly country
>fucks it up like every american regime change ever
>It's now an enemy country
>cries mommyyyyy
Be america
>be Egypt
>be a shitshole
>forcibly convert to moon religion
>massive Arab admixture from rapes
How's that goat doing?
The coup has been organized by Erdogan, obviously.
I'm not complaining, the sooner Turkey leaves NATO the better.
Maybe they fucked it up on purpose
Dont keep your hopes high. They are actually going to vote hillary, she will crate very loud degeneracies, this will allow burgers to make right turn and play cold war again.
So your obligation is to be secular and inclusive as fuck. At least install Orthodox and Zoroastrian temples everywhere.
Also if Edrogan would give St. Sophia back to Orthodoxes and allow to restore as Christian temple there (we will build him a copy, where he can install a mosque), this would be sweet.
Nobody would be able to aggressively attack this union from outside. Whatever turns burgers take further.
But this requires Edrogan to abandon the european mason lodge.
It was organized by burgers. Prepared "in case we would want to change the regime". It was triggered by Edrogan. Then Edro asked for a higher degree in lodge. And you did not gave it to him, because that was demanding of you. Demanding, that you accept, that you hate white people (russians) and like edro.
While this is truth, you still want to play white race managers, because acknowledging your hatred and lies makes masons nothing more, than a kike-proxy and thus obsolete.
Egypt, you are the ultimate cucks, Bandar bin Sultan cucked you to the bone.
>Friendship with Assad ended
>Now Tayip is my best friend
Seems doubtful. He didn't want to align with Russia because they oppose him in Syria. I suspect the Americans fucked it up, or it was Gulenists. They did it in Ukraine so why not in Turkey?
>Friendship with Assad ended
Europe has never been this weak since 1600s.
And two countries, Russia & Turkey, they have never been accepted by Europe. Now they form an alliance.
So in other words Obama can't get outta the white house soon enough? and Hilary is president WW3?
>Two isolated pariah countries become friends because nobody else likes them
Fixed that for you OP.
>fucks it up like every american regime change ever
What is Japan?
American should be balkanized. Some states should have their white nationalist union, others can have their multiracial/ethnic one.
>zoroastrian temples
>in egypt
Oh look, a cucked fake russian is promoting multikulti.
baaaawwwwwwwwwww did they hurt your feelings :(((
>be a Muslim
>all your countries are shitholes
>blame America
>your only vaguely modernized country is becoming shittier and shittier with each passing day
>it's America's fault
lol ok. Please go on your own and continue to preach about how America is oppressing you. America can wait while your country turns into rubble. They'll sweep in and take over once you all die.
A fucking leaf.
At least Canada didn't get partitioned in many states and beg to join a union with big members responsible for that...
We only care about Russia. So if this move helped Russia, and now Russia and Turkey are great friends, then it all was worth it.
> wat
That would be better, than opening ieshivas and basically funding mosad.
I`m promoting nothing and only demoting your pro-white bogus facade. You hate Russians and create me enemies from shitskins around me. I have no choice, but to make friends among them. And if this will bring end to you and your globalist rotchild-soros elites, because we cut your tentacles in our homes - the better.
Putin just submitted treaty for permanent stationing of airforces in Syria to russian parliament today.
Tell him to watch out for tunnel bombs. ISIS can blow up any building they want from long distances by tunneling.
We need soverign harbor in mediterrain tho, not airforces.
You'll get Incirlik air base and Alexandria port.
> Sovereignty
You know the meaning?
> Incirlik
I really do not think we can afford it.
>Friendship ended with USA
>Now Russia is my best friend
Someone pls make this
Why didn't the coup'ers capture and kill Erdogan then? They only blocked off that bridge.
I agree. If Hillary gets elected it won't stop though. She's going to do everything in her power to murder Assad.