Does Sup Forums support gay marriage? What about the Equality Act of 2015?
Gay Rights
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Why not?
Yes Im all for equality.
Lets abolish marriages altogether.
Even the tax code part?
Yes why not Gays get what they want (((equality))) and everyone can give gays the attention they desperately crave; for destroying the nuclear family.
libertarian here. Especially the tax code part. Marriage is a religious construct that the state should have no involvement in
What does not being allowed to be fired from a job or refused housing/service in a restaurant have to do with destroying a nuclear family?
Let the faggots marry. I really don't see how it'll affect me.
>fedora here
Because it was always a slippery slope that SJWs willingly ignored.
Also gays are mentally ill much like transgenders just a different type of illness (predisposed attraction to the wrong gender) and therefore require mental treatment not legal rights.
Absolutely against
yes but killing all gays does nothing they continue to exist genetically and gays don't ask for hormones or surgery so its a different animal.
I'm gay and I don't support pedophilia or bestiality and most arguments against my rights are either directly religious or stem from Christian morality.
What's wrong with a gay person not being allowed to be fired just for being gay? I have yet to hear a logical rebuttal.
>killing gays
Nice try putting words into my mouth, never said anything about killing gays.
A mentally ill person has every right not to be discriminated against.
A mentally ill person though is more likely that not not fit for work until they are properly medicated and treated. As such they need medical treatment NOT legal rights.
You don't employ psychopaths who arent properly medicated/monitored so why should gays be afforded special treatment? so you lock them up for treatment. The same should be done for gays either they are treated or locked up safely away from the rest of society.
But really the protections added in the Equality Act make it illegal to discriminate against people with mental illnesses. The Civil Rights Act itself was a mistake. I should be able to discriminate against anyone I want to. For instance, I have a home decor/trinket shop. Roughly 1/4 of my clients are gay, while 100% of thieves have been black
Ok but under US law, not sure how in too land, a gay person can be denied service at a restaurant, public housing, a job, simply for being gay. Gay =/= psychopath.
>black is a mental illness
From wiki:
>The Equality Act of 2015 is a bill in the United States House of Representatives and the Senate that if passed would amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to include protections that ban discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, and sex
>gender identity
Also black people have borderline retard level IQ's on average anyway so yeah
Oh yeah that's unfortunate. I'm gay but trannies are a whole different tier of bullshit. Doctors just profit off selling plastic surgery, therapy, and medications to them and they eat it up.
>denied service
Nice way to move the goalposts away from Marriage equality.
Employers as I have already explained are perfectly reasonable to require the employee to be of sound mind in order to perform their duties. If you are gay you are mentally ill. If you are mentally ill you need treatment not legal rights - this is not difficult to understand.
You do not go to a Jewish bread store demanding they custom bake breads with swastikas imprinted on them much like you would not go to a Muslim butchery asking for "halal" pork. So why on earth would you equivocate denial of service with discrimination?
What sort of treatment?
That's for the medical experts to decide.
All "treatments" for homosexuality have failed. You are just such a failed human you need a scapegoat.
OFFICIAL /polgb/ Skype group,
Get in here lads:
>resorting to ad hominem
Oy vey what a shoah.
Let the fags marry, give them social incentive to form monogamous couples.
The current state of gay culture; which was spawned by forcing them to fuck in secret, forces on them a cancerous and self destructive environment that spreads ungodly amount of diseases.
As long as they don't force churches to perform the ceremony, then whatever. Otherwise they should force mosques and synagouges to do the same.
You do know the marriage ceremony has nothing to do with the law? There was never any law preventing fag marriage ceremonies, nor any law forcing churches to perform such ceremonies. The marriage CONTRACT is the legal issue here.
I have a gay Rabbi.
>You do know the marriage ceremony has nothing to do with the law?
It is if there's no safe harbour provision in equality acts for the purposes of exempting religious institutions from violating their own religious principles then it does become an issue.
Papists BTFO
Damn the Constitution right?
>A mentally ill person though is more likely that not not fit for work
This is simply incorrect.
There are plenty of varieties of mental illness that are perfectly manageable and allow for their sufferers to continue to be productive members of society. Furthermore, Commonwealth Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth) (DDA) and equivalent state and territory laws make it unlawful to discriminate against, harass or victimise people with disabilities or their associates – including in employment. As an employer you are legally required to ensure your workplace is safe and healthy for all workers and does not cause ill health or aggravate existing conditions, you are legally required to avoid discrimination against or harassment of workers with mental illness, and to make reasonable adjustments to meet the needs of mentally ill employees, you are legally required to ensure that personal information about a worker's mental health status is not disclosed to anyone else without their consent, and you are most of all legally required to not take and adverse action against a worker because of their mental illness.
You are wrong - and more than wrong, you are full of shit.
>flag upside down
you literally deserve to be shot in a mass shooting
I like you.
I support Gay Marriage because I want to see their reactions to Divorce.
That couple may be Catholic, but they are running a business not a religious institution. Discrimination law is also a separate issue from marriage law.
eyyy we gotta comedian over here
I support gays getting married I don't support the Federal government overriding State's rights in pursuit of an ideological goal. I believe it should be Federally legal but they Federal government shouldn't be forcing states that don't want it to have it.
No, faggot.
I like uncut penis
Sorry, Americans, Jews and Muslims :^)
Fuck off shit cunt. I said they need treatment not legal rights. If they refuse treatment they should not be employed. The onus is not on the employer to bend over backwards for people mentally unfit for work if they pose a risk to the workplace.
I don't care what kind of circus acts the employer needs to do to make the workplace 'workable' for the employee if the employee is damaged goods they're shown the door.
Now fuck off back down the little shit hole you came from.
>The onus is not on the employer to bend over backwards for people mentally unfit for work if they pose a risk to the workplace.
However, the onus is on the employer to prove that description is accurate, or they face penalties under the CDDA or relevant state or territory laws.
>I said they need treatment not legal rights
Your opinion has been noted.
Homosexuals should have the same right to marriage as heterosexuals.
That is, they should have the right to marry a person of the opposite gender.
I don't believe in same sex marriage
You will have to post an example of what you enjoy. I'm so jewish I have forgotten.
Gay rights would mean that proclivities are inalienable rights. Given all the difficulty in your life and in the world, why should a passive behavior like homosexuality have a front row seat to Constitutional rights? Why should an LGBT memeber have more protected rights then any other citizens? Think about it. Why should an activity that is impossible to fully suspect unless the person disclosing it to you have more protection then you?
It affects you more than you could possibly imagine.
Gay rights=loss of rights
Are straight people having sex or marriage proclivities?
I have a dick pic but I'm not hung :^)
>"if fags have the right to get married it means I don't have rights anymore"
Explain how.
>implying i don't prefer small uncut peen. Especially if lots of foreskin mmm. Just want to nibble it.
>Discrimination law is also a separate issue from marriage law.
Yes but that's the premise of this thread.
>That couple may be Catholic, but they are running a business not a religious institution.
There's an argument to be made that the law is preferencing certain religions that do embrace homosexuality over those that don't.
Contrast for example a ban on burkhas/hijabs, the banning of Christmas celebrations, the banning of school prayers is considered reasonable all in the name of promoting "anti discrimination" practices and trampling on religious freedom.
It's medium-sized, with a regular amount of foreskin ^^
We might recognize it if you recognize the militia act.
Around here we call that a weekdick. CUZ I COULD GO ALL WEEK ON IT.
Here's me:
I...I love you
Why the fuck not.
I say let everybody have equal rights to marriage regardless of sexuality. However, it should be up the the churches themselves if they wanna allow gays to get married there - and party planners/bakeries should be able to refuse services if they don't agree with gay marriage and not be charged with a fucking hate crime.
Where's the right to sex?
I'm a jew so not an option. How do you feel about escaping rapefugees and getting a green card?
why would u have a tax relief on something that is not contributive to society
>green card?
Do I need one to study? Green cards are just work permits, right?
No green card is sort of a shorthand for a permanent residency permit.
As long as I have permanent residency in your heart I'll be fine, user
Gay marraige violates Christians liberty and tradition.
I dont even hate gay, niggers can die though.
I don't support pedophilia
>I don't support pedophilia
CDC: 94 to 95 Percent of HIV Cases Among Young Men Linked to Gay Sex
CDC Warns Gay Men of 'Epidemic' HIV Rates
Comparative Data of Childhood and Adolescence Molestation in Heterosexual and Homosexual Persons
Drug Use "Seven Times Higher" Among Gays
Most from black guys.
Which would have more weight in a court of law an implicit right or an explicit right?
There is no explicit right in the bill of rights that protects marriage as behavior. There are however implied agreements that it be recognized on a federal level. That's it. Marriage is not a protected right, but all the stuff involving property and sharing of property that goes with marriage is a part of our rights.
Gay marriage rights means explicitly that gay and only gay marriage will have higher status in the eyes of the law. Gay marriage means more protection of gays then anyone else--explicitly.
LGBT memebers have no less right to share thier property then anyone else. You don't need to be married or even have a civil union to share your stuff or life with any other consenting adult.
Gay marriage means more privileged treatment by the law simply for being gay and married. Gay marriage means more cooperation from the government in comparison to state regulated marriages. In other words gays have the ability to take thier personal disputes about divorce or marriage agreements beyond the state level, while you are limited to a state level.
It was a serious question. Where is sex consider a right?
Faggots in general have higher HIV rates