Are there worse people than pakis?

Are there worse people than pakis?
Wherever they go they create problems. I've never seen a people so unable to respect the laws and cultures of the countries they move to. Forced marriages, gang culture, caste culture, racism, tax cheating, gang culture, drug sales - you name it.

Even fucking arabs are able to integrate a little better. You will see arab girls with white guys, arabs marrying non-arabs, and so on. In Norway 96% of all pakistanis are married to other pakistani. It's fucking insane.

Nigerians are worse

Pakistan has the nuke but Norway doesn't

Really makes you think, uh?

Pakistan has the nuke and Norway doesn't

really makes you think. uh?

There's some truth to this desu... Paki's took the worst parts of Arabic culture (namely Islam) and mixed it with the extreme dishonesty and inequality inherent in Hindi/Indian culture.

Zero mercy for any muslim, anywhere. Cut out their tongues, gouge out their eyes, disembowel the filth of satan. Rend their flesh, their minds, the pitch-black evil that is in place of their souls.

Let muslims hear the lullabies of their young being tortured to death before drowning in their liquified remains.

So they poop in the streets?

>Forced marriages,
Why'd you put that in that list of bad things?
>arab girls with white guys, arabs marrying non-arabs,
>implying that's good
People should stick to their oen.

The worst 3 are

Nope. Nigerians will let their daughter marry whom they want without murdering them for dishonor. Nigerians do follow a lot of western culture. Nigerians don't threaten a 9/11 on norwegian soil because someone drew a cartoon of their prophet.

An integrated nigerian as almost a black norwegian with social skills. An integrated pakistani is someone who praises western culture in public and then beats the shit out of his daughter for dishonoring his family by dressing to western or dating a a guy.

Almost certainly.

I agree somalis are bad, but I feel it's because they're stupid as fuck. With pakistanis I feel it is more of a malicious intent. Even the highly educated pakistanis here do dirty shit on the side.

That is their Indian roots showing. Indians are notoriously corrupt, but at least they aren't usually very violent. Pakis got that from Persian and Arab influence.


>In Norway 96% of all pakistanis are married to other pakistani
Naturally, what else would their cousins be?!

The rate is much lower for other muslims. Pakistanis are extremely racist.

I know them very well. They are backwards, venal and corrupt. Like has already been said, the worst of India coupled with the worst of Islam.

"Oh my," our rulers must have said to themselves a few decades back, "what a PERFECT people to bring to live in our cities by the hundreds of thousands!" It boggles the mind.

I didn't know you have pakistani people in spain. What do they do there? In Norway they usually work as taxi drivers or run their own grocery stores and fast-food joints.

Barcelona and Bilbao are crawling with them. I think they engage in similar things as you say. But I'm English myself anyway, so I talk of the Northern English milltowns. The economic niche is quite similar there too. Get a gang of inbreds with a mosque to coordinate their activities, and you have an ideal small-business startup mechanism. Not to mention fear of "racism" and opaque dealings concealed by language barriers mean that the authorities will never be able, or willing, rather, to look into their criminal activities, such as tax evasion, drug dealing, money laundering, and the famous sexual abuse of native minors.

Well, arabs in general are extreme-shit-tier. I hope you guys aren't sleeping on that fact. Afghanis, syrians, Iraqis, etc.

Its more like:


I remember seeing crime statistics that showed pakistanis to vastly outnumber indians despite there being far more indians than pakistanis in the UK.

These people are the epitome of cancer cells. They do not care about their surroundings, only themselves.