Black Lives Matter BTFO

>Black Lives Matter BTFO
>Murrican niggers BTFO
>Swedecucks BTFO

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>Based as fuck

Oh, look at that.

really good op thanks

Based Slav deserves bump

>It's a nordick thinks we speak arabic

You're welcome.

ask her if her son does a lot of crimes
if he wants to be next he should attack a cop like all the other ones who got shot for being stupid


he is %100 right

Are Germanic people truly incapable of pronouncing "Slaveni" without having to abbreviate it to "Slav" ?
Also a really good one shows whats wrong with all of it

Lol what is context?

Yeah the American system bred these gangs which are just jumping on the bandwagon and abusing this BLM bullshit for their own gains.

It's ridiculous how these American problems are seeping into Western European culture.

What happened?

Ja klopt hopelijk gebeurt dat niet in nederland maar het is een sireus probleem aan het worden


...and yet you could stop all the madness right now if you simply grew some balls and threw your mud-people in prison when they do bad things, like we do here.... but that's bad for some reason right?

Real talk though, there clearly isn't a single man among your ranks so I'll just let you go back regurgitating your impotent complaints about us while you let your pet apes walk all over you, pussy.


this guy, just like every anti-immigrant youtuber, is classical liberal fyi. he would trigger Sup Forums just as hard as tumblr if he talked about anything else


>white subtitles on white screen

Who thought it was a good idea ? Half of the time I can't even read what the fuck he is saying.

thoughts on the Korryn Gaines situation?

42,000,000 niggers in this country
300~ killed by police
7 per 1,000,000

muh 'open season on niggers' narrative

she is the ultimate proof that black people only care about skin color.

hyper-racialized nutcase with a martyr complex.

apparently she was mentally handicapped due to lead poisoning. but i'm still cautious believing in the news media because of bias.

I think so too but what is crazy is that now they are saying that she had lead poisoning in her system. which is possibly why she went off. then again she has always had trouble concentrating in school.

Didn't she use her kid as a bulletproof vest while shooting at cops?

according to news reports yes. but the child says otherwise. that the police shit while the boy ran away harming him and killing the mother.

I mean all the black people choos their side based on skin color,
even if some black fucks totally up, like Korryn in this case, loading and pointing her shotgun at the police,
they will always be against the police.

Its like they dont realize that police is not a race.