Jesus was a refugee

How can Christians oppose admitting refugees into safe western countries when Jesus himself was a refugee and said to clothe and feed the poor and the needy?

have you even read the bible?

Because that Jesus was a kike sandnigger.

We worship the white Jesus.

Yes, and it made me an atheist.

And why are so many Christians racist when the Bible promotes egalitarianism?

I don't think you have

no one would pretend to be this retarded on purpose.

Sage and report for mental retardation/shilling

What did I utter that was retarded?

Okay, I guess you are against freedom of speech?

Why do love ISLAM SO MUCH????



Render unto Caesar or get the sword, you dense fedora faggot. Romans 13.



I don't love Islam. I don't despise it either.

I just find it hypocritical that Christians are doing exacting the contrary to what their God demanded that they do.

I also acknowledge that Muslims are an oppressed minority, just likes Jews and LGBT people were. I don't agree with labeling all Muslims as terrorists and barring them from western civilization.

>promotes egalitarianism
Secularism promotes egalitarianism. God didn't say anything about anyone being equal on this earth. Heaven is not on this earth.


>I also acknowledge that Muslims are an oppressed minority, just likes Jews and LGBT people were.
Fuck off, kike
>I don't agree with labeling all Muslims as terrorists and barring them from western civilization.
Then you have nothing to discuss here, now fuck off

What does that verse have to do what what I'm articulating?

There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

◄ Galatians 3:28 ►

i'm not a christian but
‘Cursed is he who strikes his neighbor in secret.’ And all the people shall say, ‘Amen.’

there is to be no remorse for a man who cannot operate in society without theft, and no remorse for a religion that promotes the genocide of every man who does not worship the great pedophile.

He wasn't a refugee.

He was a citizen in an occupied territory.

In other words, you can't formulate an argument so you resort to insults to feel self-satisfied.

Put a Christian in their country and tell me if the christian wont be discriminated. Cristian countries for christians , muslin countries for Muslims.

He didn't went to Scandinavia to rape and muder

The Bible says to stone sinners. How is that any better?

Because it is a sin to feed a lazy man.

Requesting that one smuggy of Jesus saying he's black and gay and pro-abortion and that you need to read the bible.

>Having an opinion on muslims without reading the koran
top kek

Heaven is not on the earth you fool. Salvation is not found on this earth, only in Christ. Being capable of it does not make you poor or rich or pretty or ugly.

Fuck off back to /r/atheism.

There are no Christian countries. These so called Christian countries actually have a very secular government. Western countries allow freedom of religion.

>muh argument.
at no point did I intend to nor announce that I was engaging formal debate with you, you twat. plain and simple

Now fuck off

I never said it was any better? That is completely irrelevant, you asked what is the justification from defending oneself from terrorism and organized hatred and the pursuit of justice if they are a Christian.


wait a minute...

your either pretending to be retarded or trolling

>Western countries allow freedom of religion
Not for long. The first to get the sword will be the ones who stabbed us in the back: fedoras and jews. Don't like it? Don't care. A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up.

Christian countries were Christian .

Secular European countries are somewhat new. They're failing experiments.

Europe is getting pumped full of Muslims and Africans. It's not gonna be European much longer.

>Born and raised in the same place
>Lawful citizen
>LITERALLY never left
>he a rapefugee XDDDDD

Didnt he work?

>How can Christians oppose admitting refugees into safe western countries
Like this: "No, you can't exit the terminal, Mohamed. You must have valid papers in order to do that."
>Jesus was a refugee
Nah mang. Jesus wasn't a refugee... lol
But yeah, we (Christians) should clothe and feed the needy. Anything beyond that is open to debate.

>it's better to throw food to dogs than feed goy children

Jesus went to the first safe country, not the one worth all the bennies
Also he wasn't a dirty Muslim

liberals are like a Christian sect that believes they can bring heaven on earth

Whats with the American obsession over Jesus Christ?

Dunno maybe because Jesus didn't drive a chariot through a crowd of people and trample them all, nor do the Muslim refugees attempt to feed anyone. They do sort of attempt to clothe women though, of course if the women don't want to wear more clothes they get raped.


Easy !
The Quran is like the Bible on steroids !
Why take the boring standart moderate beliefs if you can have the fucked up crazy shit ?

It's really sad when liberals attempt to appeal to Christians using a text they themselves don't believe in. And it's beside the point as this is a board of Kek.


Can't speak for Sup Forums, but I'm not against refugees.

I am, however, against the mass importation of refugees into places where they have little cultural or linguistic understanding at a time where fear of terrorism is peaking, motivated purely by the desires of the elites to cement their power (and not to ensure the safety of refugees).

Jesus went from the Middle East to Egypt, he wasn't ushered further West to fill the desires of Europe's elite. False equivalence.

>Heaven is not found on this earth
>This is why I hate niggers
>the all powerful creator of the universe is surely smiling down at me


Nice try

first of all, no he wasn't. Second, he's not real.

Muslims kill and conquer non believers.

It's like admitting asylum to a rabid dog and expecting not to get bitten and diseased. Even Jesus would turn his back towards Muslims.