Thanks for all the $27 donations, comrades

Other urls found in this thread:

A jew scammed American people, literally who is surprised?


Come Home Bernie supporters, come home...

top kek


dirty birdie bernie got his hand in the cookie jar

That's right, take your underwears off. Come sit on Uncle Bernie's apple.




>summer house

Seems fair to own multiple houses when you decry the injustice of the existence of homeless people, especially houses that are specifically for pleasure/vacations.

>expensive for a house

I'm not saying I could afford it but that's still a middle class residence.


Yeah, in Canada.


Poor millennials. All those bags of weed that could have been.

The point is that it's his third summer house purely for pleasure that he bought with campaign funds while running on a socialist 'for the homeless and weak" platform.

They all felt the Bern. This is what idiots get when they fall for the socialism/communism meme.

Who didn't see this coming? Haha feel the bern, indeed. Hahaha

Somebody go spam reddit with this shit and make a thread about it

Thats a mansion where I live. 130K-180k will buy you a middle class house.

Bernie fought for a future where everybody could afford a vacation home.
Drumpf fights for a future where he and his billionaire friends pay no tax and everybody else is a wage slave working 16 hours a day just to feed and house themselves.

I'm sorry but this is really making me think.

benouts plz

he bought it so he can share it with homeless people
he's really great man, makes me proud of him

Do you silly goy not understand??? Donald Trumps rhetoric is what made him buy this summer house! It was his malice that forced him to do it! That's why this november we have to keep the movement alive and vote for Hillary Clinton #imwithher

>Start a commie revolution
>Commie youth give you money
>Don't attack your enemy
>Demand more money
>Endorse the enemy
>Pocket the money
>Buy new house
Most jewish jew ever


how about find out where the location is and tell bernie fags where to find it?

To the average bernout thats mansion status.

And this is the red pill to them

Bernie was always a Clinton plant, ahahahha
Berners got fucked DUPED


Are you all underage?

He isnt legally allowed to keep the campaign donations for personal use. Dumb fucks.

The dontations went to the DNC or individual campaigns which should piss off bernouts more.

He's in bumfuck Vermont, not Toronto or Los Angeles.

Middle class is more like 250,000 but keep trying. And don't act like if he had more money he wouldn't buy an even bigger one.

If you were on the fucking Sanders listserv like I am, you would know that he has been working tirelessly to create a new grassroots organization that will launch on August 24th

Everyday, I wonder he we got to this point. Wake me up.


burn outs

Meanwhile, Donald Trump has received over 80 million dollars in donations and has spent zero on campaign ads.


yeah and hillary isnt legally allowed to keep gov secrets on a private server and yet she does
like magic

>implying he didn't get 'gifts' from the CF for his contributions to the DNC

Or he could have stored it for his next campaign, but Clinton probably offered him some money if he gave it to the DNC. After all, he only had like a ~$200k net worth when the election cycle started, so how else could you explain this?

not an argument

>Thanks for all the $27 donations, comrades


They had to give that money to the criminal Hillary and the crooked DNC. This is most likely sellout money from the Clinton Foundation laundered through a few "legit" businesses first.

Yeah, because those yuuuuugggee private gatherings are free

How does he afford a third 600,000 dollar house? Don't senator s only make like 150000 a year?

possibly but i doubt it

his net worth is actually around 500k

Sounds like he is a legit socialist to me


You're the one who didn't make an argument. Something being legal or not has nothing to do with what happened.

Yeah, the government isn't corrupt at all and the FBI enforces the law

I agree

Of course he is, why close the gold mine.
gotta pay taxes on that new 6000000$$ house

where can you even buy a house for 600k?

the minimum here is like 2million.

he bought some poorfag crack shack house, who cares

So, did ya tell reddit yet. I wanna see those tears. Especially that $1500 idiot

>his net worth is actually around 500k
wow, so hes an even bigger liar that we thought


I actually argued that its illegal for him to use campaign contributions for personal things.

Which is true.

Which flys in the face of OP's bullshit thread.

Im not even a berniefag but I hate bullshit dishonesty more.

Makes you look like a nigger.


His income is 200k you asshat

His net worth is around 500k.

Are you as big of a retard as you are a faggot?

But it is an argument? You are saying that Sanders earned nothing from those donations because of finance law as if the law is magic and can't be easily broken or ignored. Or perhaps the best yet, worked around using loopholes. The money went to the DNC, and then the DNC probably gave Bernie some sweet sweet perfectly legal "gifts" for his contribution (silence) to the party.

You're so fucking bluepilled it hurts.

Why do all the Chinese people want to live in that place? It's the Chinese, correct?

>b-b-but why does he NEED a $600,000 house when everybody else can't have one??

Fucking commie Bernvictims, I'm glad they've been openly mocked by their party and the shyster kike they were worshiping.

>in frozen tundra land

outside of three cities that is a large house-to-mansion sized.

600k would get me 1,000 acres north of algonquin.

in the maritimes I could buy even more

>canadian real estate market

Damn, his supporters got cucked badly. As if the endorsement wasn't bad enough.
Didn't the funds that were donated to the Bernie campaign, went to Shillary too?


>I actually argued that its illegal for him to use campaign contributions for personal things.

Yes, but you failed to argue that he DIDN'T use campaign contributions for personal things

Where does he get his money though?

He can legally keep the campaign contributions if he retires.

Watch him retire in the next few years.

The dirty no much of a secret is, Bernie is a 30 year career politician. He is rich as fuck compared to the people he supposedly stands up for.

He probably has several million in assets in his possession at any one time. He can buy houses like this very easily if he is careful.

Like others have said: A Jew had an ethical lapse of judgement? I'm shocked, I tell you. Shocked!

Career politicians don't bite the hand that feeds them if they want to stay career politicians.

Holy shit your economy sucks hahahahahaha

Oh god, I used to joke about shit like this when he was losing in the later stages. He actually did it, the absolute madman.


What if!?

Well you know what they say. With Jews you Lose.


If he can duck the IRS when they look at his taxes.

Im using logic to tell me that he is smart enough not to get himself caught up in fraud. Which is more likely than him using campaign cash illegally to buy a house.

God this fucking board gets worse every day.



Why do americans think that socialists have to live under a bridge to be one? You can do what you want with your money, that doesn't detract him from his political values, or has he stopped advocating for free healthcare, education and a proper non-3rd world public transport system for the working class?

Burden of proof is on the one alleging the crime, faggot.

This is how it works here.


except he legally can use the campaign chest when retiring.

>we need to end the inequality!

$600,000 for a summer home from a guy who talked about helping the poor and sharing the wealth.

why does he need a $600,000 summer home? let alone a $600,000 home? why couldn't he settle for no summer home or a cheaper, more affordable, more for his needs, $150,000 home and used the rest of the money to help people?

every bit counts.

Sorry guys, should I go for that one or this one:


although i think hillary too all his campaign money, didnt she?

He has repeatedly said that he is going to stay in the Senate, though.

Just going from wht has been said without jumping to conclusions like a normal, rational person.

>he is smart enough
He's a socialist, user. I'm not saying that you're wrong, but he hardly qualifies as intelligent, especially if you take into account his history of personal finance management (or lack thereof).

she did. These fags are fuckin 14 yrs old.

Jesus christ. I just got a loan for a $57,000 dollar house 3 times the size of that. Just so you know. The house is comfy.


His proposal was to offer free college/university level education, not improve K-12.

trump, based on his relationships with Ivanka and Jeff Epstein, is a probable pedophile who has signaled his intent to crack down on kids who use photoshop to recontextualize their media environment. trump is an enemy of free speech and free expression. pic related. trump wants to lock you up for taking pictures because trump thinks living in america means jail time when a powerful person rhinks you're soing something obscene. trump is an enemy of freedom.


some move there, but the huge amount of buying is chinese moving their money to canada so if the chink govt goes crazy and tries to take it, some of the money is safe

Do you actually think politicians in Socialist countries go around buying 600k summer houses? Lol, fuck no.

And this is one of the best cities in the US right now in one of the best states and is expected to continue its exponential growth for decades

Was Bernie a KEK plant designed to redpill the youth vote?

>DNC rigged the nomination process; young Bernie voters now completely aware of how politics is a corrupt, crooked sham run by mobsters
>Bernie uses his leftover war chest to buy himself a half-million dollar mansion; Bernie just outed himself as a crafty, manipulative jew who is profiting off his voters donating money a lot of them didn't even have to buy himself nice things using their monies

Oh please. He's not unintelligent.

You cant be "dumb" and be a career politician.

You can question the effectiveness of policies or if the theory is wrong but he isnt a dumb man.

very nice, how many servants do you have?

Where is the proof that he used campaign money?
Guy has been a senator for ages and their salary is pretty nice.

Gonna have to do better than that captain.

Im sure plenty of your politicians have 600k homes.

>You cant be "dumb" and be a career politician

>people think a 600K house is a fucking mansion or something

Wew. Do you know what 600K would get you in any major city? A fucking studio. Maybe.