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Wew lads

Also Hillary will probably pay 5x that much for hush money.

Yes, he was, and Hillary killed him for it.

Not surprising, Democratic party is basically the mafia. If they find evidence for murder, that will be interesting.

so wouldn't it be illegal to recieve such money from an organisation that is obviously banned from america? as american i mean


Yet another meme conspiracy
Notice how stormweenies found nothing of substance in these leaks?

>"information that will surely put Hillary in jail to be released by Julian assange by the end of the week", increasingly nervous stormfag repeats for the nth time


>if they find evidence for murder

He actually was murdered, user.

I-i-i-i-it will b-b-be in the next b-b-b-atch.
You w-w-w-wait and s-s-s-s-see.
She has t-t-to go to jail.
M-m-make Americ-c-c-a Great Ag-g-g-ain

You're a non-CTR shill pretending to be a CTR shill to increase Sup Forums anger against CTR shills.

I've been here too long, Fake Pedro. I see all.

I'm not pretending to be anything, I'm just pointing out how the vast majority of trumpfags are retarded and deluded beyond belief. Nothing came out of these leaks.

The fact you think people are 'shilling' legitimately, or roleplaying as 'shills' is not only a severely stupid statement to make, but also likely an indicator of widespread mental illnesses among the userbase of this echo chamber.


What about the fact the 5 senior staffers and DWS were forced to resign?

Already over and has no lasting effect on the election. See pic related. Assange has been crying wolf about how he'll get Hillary arrested, and yet every day we get a little closer to her coronation... hmmmmmm...


Wikileaks is not an illegal organisation, nor has it or Assange been charged with any crime.

You fgts will be eating crow for breakfast when the debates roll around.

Into the folder it goes.

That's a whole new level of conspiracy theory there bud. How many dream levels are you in right now?

well, you're gonna be embarrassed

Politics is conspiratorial by its very nature.


>Implying that's statistically possible

You mean Hill's handlers.

Sorry to sidetrack, but wasn't the Huma shit the supposedly e-mail that was to end hillary? the .pdf to bring her bitch ass to justice? Or is there still more shit inc?


Parents of 2 Benghazi victims sue Hillary Clinton for wrongful death, defamation

EXCLUSIVE – Roger Stone: Don’t Trust the Voting Machines

Trump fundraising sets off Clinton camp alarms

Trump campaign hauls $80 million in July, closing gap with Clinton


Surely dragging out Benghazi for a few more years will give Republicans the edge they need to take the white house.

looks like someone is gonna be dying in their sleep again

>only 12 % of the country is republican

No bias there

In fairness both are got garbage, and i mostly want to see if Trump will make Clinton crack on live television, as she needs handlers in her recorded speeches ON THE CAMERA AND PODIUM to console/give medicine/keep her focused.

Y'know contrary to popular liberal belief and spin, it was a ginormous fuck up that costs American lives.

they obviously have 0 (zero) info then

has assange done that second or third leak that would lead do indictment of hillary? i never heard anything about that

did anybody see snwoden since his hash code?

Right. But there wasn't a conspiracy nor criminal wrongdoing, and everyone got sick of hearing about it years ago. Americans got killed over some bullshit because we had our fingers in someone else's pie. Welcome to the Middle East.

It's going to be must watch and shatter previous debate rating records. I meant mostly that I believe the 2nd wave of leaks will coincide with the 1st debate,which will make fir even greater tv.

set a dead man's trigger for when you blow your brains out in november so we still get to see them

Why would I do that? Will you promise not to drink yourself to death before then?

What about the swiss cheese private server she operated on that was more than likely responsible for the whole mess? Or the litany of other conspiracies and money trails that follow the Clintons. Oh right, sorry senpai I was just being negligent again and making terrible decisions, nothing to see here. Oh btw you should elect me to be leader of the free world, look at all this experience! And I can't believe you would vote for the stupid racist meanie, you're a stupid racist meanie!!1

You realize one can both hate Clinton and be completely fucking sick of hearing about Benghazi?

Republicans are fucking retards that will never understand that dragging it out over and over and over only makes her stronger in the long run.

Enjoy November.

Benghazi's one of the few things I've seen drive otherwise calm individuals into a frothing rage.
I've convinced a half dozen people who were going to sit out the election to vote for Trump and openly advocate for him to their friends thanks to Benghazi.


$20k is not nearly enough money for someone to stick their neck out. This more or less confirms that he was the leak though

>Ridiculous story of Russian "hackers" (based on normie understanding of a hacker as a burglar with magic powers)
>Meanwhile most likely explanation is a leaker
>Hillary has many people killed
>Only one of those people, who was in a position to leak, drives Wikileaks to offer dosh
Really makes you go hmmm ...

Yea. There was a reply to the tweet saying that they should start a go-fund me page. Public funding can assemble at least 5x that much.

>chance is based on number of registered voters of each party, and not by probabilities

>wikileaks sends 20k to some random person
>killary kills that person
Repeat until wikileaks runs out of money or the public finds out about it.

Wasn't Wikileaks the one that endorsed HRC? Or was that Snowden?