How much worse do you think political correctness will get under Hillary Clinton if she wins?
How much worse do you think political correctness will get under Hillary Clinton if she wins?
Well under Obama we have literal attempted cop killers becoming martyrs that inspired more cop deaths like the leader of the state tries to defend the narrative that the cops are the problem.
Imagine this becoming normal and them finding new ways to further push the agenda and narrative past even this insane level of disbelief. Like saying maybe cop killing is justified, I really wouldn't doubt it.
Political correctness is just a narrative used to achieve a means of desired action, and the desired action is to disempower white Americans and others that don't seem to jive with the Democrat voter base and make those against the narrative targets of social or physical pressure to not be able to speak their opposition. It will get far worse.
>someone goes full retard ironically
>retards take it seriously, commence chimp out.
>hipsters drop the next level ironically to this.
>retards spread and deepen this bullshit for serious.
This is PC.
Is the man in the bottom left supposed to be the man, the myth, the legend; Brett Baier?
>the cops are the problem.
Best case scenario you become Canada.
Worst case scenario Sup Forums is forcefully shut down and all Internet users are forced to register to an online IP system under their real names. Anonymity is banned. Criticism of Israel is banned. Memes are banned.
>the lefties are trying to salvage political correctness
lmao it's over
>white this, white that
Shut up, honkey. I'll defend your right to tell me to jump over a wall into a country I don't belong to.
This is more than race: It's about creating an environment where ALL people are too afraid to speak up against the injustices occurring.
Right now blacks have the upper hand.
But we all know that the left eats its own, and it knows no mercy. Just like No Child Left Behind, the standards will gradually increase over time, until the very concept of speaking your mind is equated to violence, and THIS IS ALREADY HAPPENING.
for political reasons i assume she wont be man enough to address the issue with Islam and its potential to destroy western civilization, cus allegiance with saudis is a good idea ex dee, also isn't the clinton foundation heavily donated to by the middle eastern countries? someone correct me if im wrong
>that first panel
He's ironically so close!
How much worse do you think political correctness will get under Hillary Clinton when she wins?
>anti abortion
you mean like pro baby murder?
Worse than even the most Orwellian doublethink newspeak dystopia you can imagine, because after a Hilary presidency you can be sure this is going to be a Muslim country with sharia for all, and liberty and justice for none.
>implying basket ball americans normalizing crime isn't worse for everyone
>niggers murdering each other in hoods as black as the Congo
>normalizing crime
It's their own damn fault and it's not as if it affects anyone else.
I'm a hispanic who just calls it as he sees it.
If you think the white guilt narrative isn't a move to render white americans in tune with the left's idealism then you are seeing it play out wrong.
If they didn't want to guilt whites by their side then why has Hillary adopted privilege as one of her main talking points for black voter's while Trump's main one is giving them jobs and building up their communities? They use race to divide and conquer. Their goal is to divide white americans from having an identity and making them submissive to others racial identity, which includes bases of minority democrat supporters.
Think of how will this works in disengaging Trump's talking points with claims he is racist. It literally drives at least 30% of the vote to him automatically because of that claim alone being repeated so much by leftist drones and the mainstream media.
Accept the importance of race is this election, at least people are being realistic in understanding Trump is a call to start equalizing the races rather than divide him. But if you don't think whites aren't being systematically driven out by the forces that be you're ignoring the modern plan of the political elite on the left for a while now.
This, Leftists rekt.
The best part of things like this is when they try to BTFO of people with their logic and then get reverse rused by their own garbled "logic". The reason they don't use "right wing" logic is because it's steeped in facts and evidence, something that the left know nothing about.
>Right wing media
Never ever fails to get me.
You really think the crime never spills out on the people trying to live peacefully? Or even the blacks that sit there and wish they weren't surrounded by niggers?
>haha guys i totally promote FAMILY VALUES, if you know what i mean
>just ignore the fact that i take a wide stance in public bathrooms
I am totally aware that whites are under attack.
But that's not the end goal, and to use divisive speech when we should be coming together against the insidiousness of the left is counterproductive.
Let us be clear on what is happening.
The Left's primary funders want people to be AFRAID when they express themselves.
ironically, your post contained neither facts or logic.
in other words: "not an argument".
doesnt it bother you to spew bullshit about "muh superior right wing" while suckling off mommy and daddy's teats like an underage bitch?
I've never heard of a pro-life person that was in favor of abortion.
>living in Indy
They deserved death
Except that isn't true at all. Minority groups are encouraged to express themselves. Groups like la raza abd blm are endorsed. They are encouraged to attack white symbols and advocate for their interests whilst whites are attacked and ostracized if they do the same. The current leftist movement is nothing more than an anti white movement that stems as a reaction from former white world supremacy.
>bible belt edumacation
try reading the cartoon again, perhaps a little more slowly, or with your sped teacher at your side to help you sound out the words.
You probably don't know very many, then.
It gets very muddy as soon as you start bringing up birth defects, harm to the mother, and rape.
Personally, I just wish we'd make up our fucking minds.
If killing a pregnant woman in a car crash is considered double manslaughter, then abortion should be illegal.
If abortion is legal, then killing a pregnant woman should be a single count of manslaughter.
You won't be able to say terrorist anymore.
Yeah and playing to the field they make instead of making your own is the reason the lefts been rising and Trump working against that and setting up his own field with things people thought impossible to say is winning against everyone staking against him. That's what we need to do to defeat the left, reject them fully and open up an assault on all their narratives. That's why the right has been on the rise and places with the most open speech online have led it. They can counter the narrative and build a base to push against it.
You obviously don't know the kind of bullshit white people are scolding hispanics for these days.
"Your language is sexist!"
"Mexican-American is non-inclusive, you should say Latinx!"
I don't get the euphemisms clappers use about abortion
If you think abortion is right, you can be proud to call yourself for abortion? Why hide behind "pro choice"?
Likewise, if you think abortion is wrong, you can proudly call yourself against abortion. Why "pro life"?
It's as if both sides are ashamed of their opinion
Hil is smart, so she will use the ghostbuster tactic.
It's in the potentiality of the future life being born that makes committing murder on a pregnant person because they get the choice to make it a life. That's the precedent in the law at least. I personally support abortion because it takes a lot out of support for the welfare state and keeps the population living dependent on it in check. What we need to do is at least acknowledge early abortion is moral and useful, full on pro lifers will still help make arguments for the welfare state than take care of the problems producing it.
It's because of the implications of the language.
Pro-choice makes it sound like a personal right.
Leftists are so dumb they don't even realize "Pro-Life" is PC af.
That's college bullshit man. It's not an international effort to destroy your race and strip all power of your people in every government on the globe. I'd type more but I'm just on my phone during my break. I need to start educating Sup Forums on the Jews and the end goals of the federal government policy. Too many newfags and shitskins.
The right of self-determination is the foundation of all rights.
And yet you'd rob a BABY of that right.
The cat's out of the bottle now, thanks to Trump. People are realizing it's okay to not be politically correct, and that reality will only be exacerbated if Trump loses. Everyone will be pissed off at a rigged system. Jokes about women being terrible at their jobs and essentially everything will be back in vogue.
Us vs. Them
Clinton = civil war.
>MSM sells itself by preying on the fears of the public
>runs stories about "political correctness gone mad" based on urban myth or vaguely related events
>the public gets the impressions those rules actually exist
>thus political correctness rules are established
You guys did it to yourselves.
>libcuck doesn't understand that 'pro-life' came about because baby killers kept trying to say they were actually 'pro-choice'
Gross, nevermind. This thread is fucking infested.
I don't believe that a small clump of cells is equivalent to a child in the same way I don't believe that becoming is the same as being.
To outlaw abortion is to treat them as incubators, to put the existence of an entity possessing less than personhood over the choice of an adult in deciding the form and function of their body.
At the same time I admit that I find abortion abhorrent, I just don't think it is proper for the government to intercede.
The irony of that image burns me like. hot iron
Is that image an argument? I see it posted a lot, and I'd like to know if it is.
I fucking hate that image.
>lefties getting upset about Orwellian catchphrases
it's like they don't know who Orwell was parodying in 1984 or Animal Farm... probably never read his work but just say 'Orwellian!' because it's hip
Political correctness is mind control through the means of regulating speech and consequently, thinking patterns.
If it were politically incorrect to label a wolf as a "wolf", how would you describe it to your friends and family? Calling it a wolf is the easiest label, yet imagine you can't do this without being called a "wolfist". A wolf is coming to kill you, but you've been conditioned to be unable to express the brevity of the situation.
Wolves want to kill you. Now imagine wolves had control of your media and broadcasting institutions. They condition you to avoid saying "wolf". Now its easier for the wolves to prey on you.
>not orwellian