What should we do with these people??
What should we do with these people??
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Hang them. Or just gun them down in the streets.
I fucking hope this is real
Cancel our subscriptions to their monthly newsletter.
My idea was to medically experiment with pedophiles; medication or shock therapy to hardwire their brains into being attracted to mature people than developing people.
Gas them
Fucking Gulag. Degenerate pedo scum
Thought crime isn't a thing guys.
Through a parade, because they are so brave.
The horrifying thing is I can see this happening in the near future.
Have hillary defend them in court. She has experience in these matters.
Kill all fags. Little girls is what's good.
We should just pay our annual dues and accept the contributions they make to our diverse community.
Obvious fake is obvious. The language is wrong, unprofessional, and too inflammatory. The graphic design is wrong too.
only bigots would oppose them!
Gas them all.
Most pederasts who like little boys don't identify as gay, they prefer them because they're exotic.
Nambla is a fake org created by Jon Stewrat. Educate yourself
Loving and nurturing little girls is beneficial to society turning little boys into faggots isn't
It's trending on Google
Pederast relationships are built on mentoring. It's beneficial for the boys. Boys today are too feminized.
Rape them with broken glasbottles.
>into little boys
>not fags
Pick one.
Exactly. Girl should be with her husband from very early.
And being raped by men won't make them more feminized?
Monitored extensively.
I would say hang draw and quarter them, but then their friends would slink back into the shadows and never be heard from again.
Either that, or some sort of black bag program where in they are extensively waterboarded thrown into sensory deprivation chambers and questioned over the course of several months over their crimes and associates.
If they can serve a further purpose they will be kept on site under constant LSD and subliminal control to be used to bait and trap others like them. They must have a turn out rate of at least 2 confirmed pedos to not be lobotomized and used as a blood bank for the future torturing of other pedos.
lock them up with the fk h8 kids and see how progressive those kids really are
No it won't. It was viable in Ancient Greece.
>non-muslim pedophiles
this is horrifying
Sending troubled kids to pederasts is actually a good idea.
Scaphism, also known as the boats, was an ancient Persian method of execution designed to inflict torturous death that was described by the Persians' archenemies, the Greeks. The name comes from the Greek σkάφη, skáphe, meaning "anything scooped (or hollowed) out".
The intended victim was stripped naked and then firmly fastened within the interior space of two narrow rowing boats (or hollowed-out tree trunks) joined together one on top of the other with the head, hands and feet protruding. The condemned was forced to ingest milk and honey, and more honey would be poured on him to attract insects, with special attention devoted to the eyes, ears, mouth, face, genitals, and anus. In some cases, the executioner would mix milk and honey and pour that mixture all over the victim. He would then be left to float on a stagnant pond or be exposed to the sun. The defenseless individual's feces accumulated within the container, attracting more insects which would eat and breed within the victim's exposed flesh, which—pursuant to interruption of the blood supply by burrowing insects—became increasingly gangrenous. The individual would lie naked, covered from head to toe in milk, honey, and his own feces. The feeding would be repeated each day in some cases to prolong the torture, so that fatal dehydration or starvation did not occur. Death, when it eventually occurred, was probably due to a combination of dehydration, starvation, and septic shock.
Get castrated or get hanged.
Wait NAMBLA is real? I thought it was just a joke south park made up. Ideally the membership process has them led into a room where they are shot in the head immediately.
How are these guys a legal organization?
>Why aren't thoughtcrimes illegal guys?
kill them
They're real, but that's not all. Look up who runs them.
"How to NOT write a referral letter" By A. Bogus Doctor.
Nothing, they are the libtard's problem.
#lovehasnoage #kidslovetoplaywithdicks
Genocide, along with the rest of the trumplets.
Same thing we did for the lgbtq community? Why? Are you volunteering or?
I-is her name really c-cozi?
Jesus. And neck stretching in Africa, skull stretching in So America, and scarification and tattooing everywhere *but* Christian Europe and America.
So healthy.