How can this country be so based? Americuck living there

How can this country be so based? Americuck living there

Based bump

How is Spain based? Enlighten us.

They are in deep shit, but spanish people don't give a fuck. This fuckers know how to have fun.

Deep shit how? I'm largely ignorant of Spain and I don't really trust (((news sources))) to deliver accurate information so I have quite the conundrum.

I love Spain because my family comes from there, but aren't pseudo-communists the largest party?

RIP Franco

Tfw you will never be white :(

There are problems far worse than your melodramatic "muh white race" outcrise. Spain has catastrophic unemployment, especially among the young, faces austerity and dim growth prospects.


>TFW Mexican descent but white

Fuck Spain. Free Catalunya and Free the Basque Country.

No. The people's party are corrupt cuckservatives, Podemos are who you're thinking of and theygot hit hard in the elections.

Ah, yes, based.

The country that created an entire subhuman race.

Mexicans and all other south Americans .

You could've ruled all of South America. Now the entire world has to deal with your bastard children.

But unemployment has been going down for several months (I just got a job after several years of forced NEETdom) and Spain growth rate is at more than 3 % while Germany is growing at 1.5%, user.

>sucking up to separatists
Some places aren't sovereign for a reason.

I love spain it's why I'm marrying a spanish woman

Catalonia & the Basque country deserve their sovereignty, Spain is just one of many countries in Europe, including "Great" Britain that still have colonial holdings that they don't deserve.

>tfw we're so powerful that we're able of creating new human races
So you're saying we're basically gods?

Nice hearing that, but 20% is still four times of what would be acceptable.

But they've never been independent, user.


I used to think the vast majority of people here is lefty but PP(local cuckservative party) is being voting again and again, it maybe a media trick, I guess the vast majority is centrist tranditionalistsand don't want to alter the status quo of the slow very slow growth.

Risking security in an already destabilized continent by giving in demands from separatists that ask for sovereignty is a truly mad act that will not occur after the Kosovo incident.

If Scotland, for example, might ask for Independence and by chance they actually get it, separatists from all over Europe will trigger small scale revolutions asking for the same bloody thing. It will be a domino effect that would shatter Europe as we know it.

>inb4 gib the szeklers autonomy
>mfw our Constitution is one of the most permissive of minorities in the whole of Europe - they have full representation, even if they don't reach 5%, they all benefit from studying in their own language (and the state provides teachers and so forth); they have free spots in Universities, because they are a minority etc etc

I can't tell if you're being serious lol. The Basque country was independent for thousands of years, why do you think their culture is so isolated and the only culture it's close to is that of the ancient iberians? The Catalans were independent as well, under Aragon which, though it originated in Aragon, was mostly Catalan, and used a flag very similar to the Senyera.


Good we deserve our independence. Saor Alba.

We're bff with the only true god.

>Catalonia & the Basque
>colonial holdings

u w0t m8?

What if Spain hadn't colonized south America? Imagine what we would've had to deal with

They're not Spanish, they're Catalan and Basque.

That makes them Spanish.

So I'm hearing that, despite very high unemployment, Spain is still a fun country to visit?

I'm not surprised, since a lot of my friends who have been to Spain describe it as "one of a kind" and "addictive".

So I guess you're Scottish. Imagine just for a second, for a tiny little second, your country getting its much wanted Independence.

>you are totally cut of from the European Union and the rest of the Great Britain, because you are no longer a member of any signed treaty, military - diplomatic - economic
>The UK shuts down the money drain, you have to rely on yourself from now on
>The UK shots down the military sector in Scotland - which results in massive layoffs and huge economical disadvantages
>in order to accede back into the EU, you would be forced to apply the same way all the other countries apply - that means years and years, and a final veto that would see you out forever.
>no things the EU said after Brexit were relevant, about Scotland being accepted into the EU in a fast-track manner - the same veto applies at high level decisions, and trust me, there are many countries, including Spain, that would veto the shit out of Scotland forever.

M8, go grab a pint, chill for a bit and reconcile with your fellow brothers. Staying united is the preferred choice in these mad, mad days we're living.

Its not, its full of hedonistic retards. I wouldnt mind the first part, but combined with them being idiots it makes for a bad combination.

>and a final veto that would see you out forever.
Which spain and UK will auto-veto you forever.

>The Basque country was independent for thousands of years

So fucking wat? Since the middle ages they joined to Castile voluntarily and due to royal heredity.
And don't even get me started on the catalans, who never in history were independent.

It is one of my favorite countries fo'sho

This reminded me of you

>But unemployment has been going down for several months
Half of your youth has left and the other half has found employment in tourism, which is up stupid amounts thanks to nobody wanting to go to France or the Middle East anymore.

Your unemployment issue has not really been tackled at all.

>The Basque country was independent for thousands of years
The Basque country was and still a special community. Even when Spain was created, Basques always had some sort of independence. Also, 100 years ago Basques were the most pro-spanish people on the entire peninsula.

>The Catalans were independent as well, under Aragon which, though it originated in Aragon, was mostly Catalan, and used a flag very similar to the Senyera.
Catalans were French bitches, then Aragon bitches and finally Castillian bitches. Never idependent. Congrats for falling to Catalan revisionism WE tier.

Catalans are well known for stealing Aragonian culture and history, because unlike Basques, they don't really have one to be proud. I bet you believe too that the Aragon kingdom was named la corona """"""Catalo""""""" Aragonesa.

>Catalans were French bitches
Catalans are the spawn of a jew and french.

>spawn of a jew and french.

A surrendering corpse?

So the America's were colonized circa 1500 yet 200 years later Indian tribes whilst riding Spanish horses, remained culturally unaffected.

They want to make you believe they're that.

In reality they're blood-drinking pure-evil demons.

>Catalans were French bitches

Catalans were such "French bitches" that they got independence from France by just breaking vassalage and giving the middle finger to the French monarch, when the Frenchs tried to do something about this they were just assravaged in some skirmishes and they stopped trying, this is when the Catalan Counties independence begun. And this is an important matter because after they got their independence from the french king they never elected a new king, remember this, they stayed being counts but they elected a "Princeps" (primus inter pares), usually the Count of Barcelona (most powerful count).

>Never independent
Catalan counties, etc.

>Catalan revisionism
What you are doing is literally anti-catalan revisionism

>Catalans are well known for stealing Aragonian culture and history,
How so?

The Aragon Crown was formed by dynastic union between the former Aragonese KINGDOM (not CROWN, KINGDOM) and the Catalan Counties.

A Catalan adult male (Berenguer IV) married a little Aragonese girl (Petronila) and their sons begun the royal bloodline of the CROWN of Aragon, from which kings like James the Conqueror descend. To begin with we have that the royal bloodline origin is at least 50% Catalan. So? Does this makes you think?

The Crown of Aragon was called "Aragon" and not "Catalonia" because the catalans never elected a King after getting their independence from France, remember? They elected "Princeps" (a primus inter pares among the regional nobles) instead of a king, thus by monarchic and nobility rules a kingdom goes before a county or a "principality", thus the priorization of the name of Aragon. Albeit the Crown was occasionally mentioned by both names in the "Corts of Montsó" (Aragone et Catalonie).

The truth is that the Aragonese Crown was above all culturally catalan, the Kings of Aragon spoke in catalan (James the Conqueror wrote the "Llibre dels Feits" himself entirely in catalan, not in aragonese, how do you explain this?), the Catalan region was the economical motor of the Aragonese crown, they had more people/manpower, they colonized most of the conquered regions like Valencia and Mallorca and they of course had access to the sea with an important port (Barcelona) and a merchantile and military fleet.

Even the famous mercenary Almogavar company that defeated the Seljuk Turks in Anatolia and ravaged Byzantium after they were betrayed (Catalan revenge) was called "Magna Societas Catalanorum" (CATALANORUM) The people from the crown of Aragon were known all around the Mediterranean as "Catalans", in fact the "Aragonese" demonym was unexistant and it is historically unregistered.

But pointing this truths is apparently "catalan revisionism".


Not an argument.

gonna need some hot proof then Pol.

Try to argue what I posted before or shut your dirty lying moorish mouth forever, castillian whore.

>This fuckers know how to have fun.
>people don't give a fuck

Yeah I fucking love to hear the party next door when Im one of the few idiots that still have a skilled job in this fucking country.

Spain is awesome for

-Erasmus / college
-Summer, party, sex
-Tourism of any kind.
-Improve your corrupt politician career
-Dealing with cocaine

>A Catalan adult male (Berenguer IV) married a little Aragonese girl (Petronila) and their sons begun the royal bloodline of the CROWN of Aragon, from which kings like James the Conqueror descend. To begin with we have that the royal bloodline origin is at least 50% Catalan. So? Does this makes you think?
Is this what they teach you at school? Holy fuck, no wonder there are so many independentists.
>Aragonese girl (Petronila)

Is this what they teach you these days at school? This little Aragonese girl was the PRINCESS. Berenguer, a measly count, married into the Aragonese lineage, he became a vassal. This is the truth. The rest is just catalan revisionists trying to twist things. Seriously, you guys sound like chinks saying the Mongol empire (and the Yuan dynasty) was a chinese achievement

Oh and another thing:


The we can tell that Spain is 25℅ Catalonia cause muhh Catolics kings?

It's Catalano-spanish kingdom

>Spain crumbling into smaller states
Amazing for us, as long as they aren't cucks.
Which they are, so no.
They'll just wreck the Peninsula.

Catacucks kill yourselves

Spain is Asturies and the remaining is land conquered to the moors lad

ok muhammad

English guy here, living in Gijon. Had a few years in Barcelona too.

No complaints about Spain at all. Solid country. Fuck the UK, desu.

So by that logic, Whales and Cornwall also deserve independence.



It was our land in the first place.

When El Cid is coming back to take out the kebabs?

U belong to León an u know it
Just kidding u r cool portuguese

It's based, but you can understand why they struggle.

It¨'s mostly inhabited by 90 IQ brown manlets, maybe in a couple of decades when they start leaving in greater numbers we can colonize it.

Whales do.


>calling yourself americuck

You were never an American. We are the anti cucks, you are the cuck.

You're thinking of Mexico, Norbro


>Berenguer, a measly count, married into the Aragonese lineage, he became a vassal.

False 100%

and retarded

I would laugh if you weren't so stupid to believe your own words and you weren't here basically doing anti-catalan propaganda.

Petronila never had rights over the Catalan Counties aswel as Berenguer IV didn't have rights over the Aragon Kingdom, it was his son Alfonso II who was then both King of Aragon and Count of Barcelona because he inherited both territories from his parents.

"Married into vassalage", you gotta be kidding me you stupid dumbfuck.

>a measly count
Yes, a measly count who had a bigger military and economical strenght than most of the actual kings of the Iberian Christian/Muslim Kingdoms.

Ah, of course, a "blavero".

And you call us jews after all the dirty and stupid lies you constantly spout against us?

Why do you even hate us so much anyway, I will never understand.

PS: Don't forget that our beloved Rey Jaume el Conqueridor spoke in CATALAN and wrote the "Llibre dels feits" in Catalan, stay mad.


Is not that based, i left because of the high unemployement rate and this new moor invasion.

ahahaha you would be in perpetual war with creepy indios. Praise the Spanish man.

>Spain makes Mexicans
>Mexicans come here and mix with whites.
>yfw we're getting cucked by Spain.

Spain is a country of waiters, tourists and absolutely no industry whatsoever, added to the fact that we've been for almost a year without government. Socialist utopia (being welfare state its travestite) is failing as well as the public retirement plans and public non-competitive services are not possible any longer. Spain has a failed system based on debt and unacceptable growth and economic expansion, we are totally unprepared for the next recession and it will be fatal for us.

>Country is shit
>Have dance parties and drink instead of actually trying to fix the problem
So what you're saying is Spaniards are basically African-tier.

>1 bosnian poster under this flag
>1 chechen poster under this flag
>1 recurrent anti-Spanish poster under this flag (experience points us to the possibility of him being a butthurt Lat-Am. diaspora mestizo)

Did you ever post with a Spanish flag like a year ago?

Went Spain recently with some friends, it's basically where white people go to retire, even if you don't have a lot of money.

Benidorm is literally England in Spain.

Barcelona was pretty based, a lot of Spain is really pretty and beautiful, people are friendly too, would recommend it.

Iberia has been a home to many different tribes as far back as we can see. That's why Spain is struggling under independence movements, it's easy to instigate dissent. Hard to do that in Portugal, since we consider ourselves the de facto descendents of Lusitania. A single tribe.

Spain is a country of waiters, tourists and absolutely no industry whatsoever, added to the fact that we've been for almost a year without government. Socialist utopia (being welfare state its travestite) is failing as well as the public retirement plans and public non-competitive services are not possible any longer. Spain has a failed system based on debt and unacceptable growth and economic expansion, we are totally unprepared for the next recession and it will be fatal for us.

PS.: Cash sano, pelazo y rolex y lo de chulo ya sabes, se me nota en los andares.

with wine and whores mostly, remember T_D_S P_T_S

Is Catalonia a meme or a real thing?

was 10% fully independent before 2012 and now is like 50% just saying

They have some base for their claims of independence but no legit reason to do it.

As I understand it, they want to leave Spain because it's not cucked enough for them.

is moslty an economic thing that went worst in the crisis

It is indeed a real thing we actually have a risk of Cataluña being independent within this very decade.

Holy shit Manolo and Jordi, stop arguing about catalonia and history and shit, nobody gives a fuck you both belong to mediterranean gimmedat cultures.
Now succesfully sailing out of this thread, not like that cuck Magellan kek

Because they dont give a fuck
as the based gook in congo said:
"If I I have money, I will drink all night long, if in the morning I dont have money I will just drink water"

More or less this is spain, thanks god that there is people in spain who happen to be really smart and balance the situation

>Free Catalunya and Free the Basque Country.

AIDF pls

It's a real meme that will give many ayylmaos when Barcelona gets bombed. Again. Separatisms are an evil misfortune. Like someone said, you gotta bomb Barcelona at least once every hundred years to keep it in check.

The whole independence wave started because Artur Mas, who cut in welfare because of debts, decided to embrace independence in order to get more votes. The retards who wanted independence or fell for the "Spain is robbing us" meme forgot about the corruption of the governing party and blamed Spain for everything, going as far as to want him to be president again

>have a risk of Cataluña being independent within this very decade.
That's just politicians trying not to talk about our economic situation. The truth is the army will prevent them from doing anything funny, since it's right wing, and the independentists are basically numale jews who wouldn't risk their lives as turks did

Are you trolling? How a nation can be X% independent? (with 0


>Modern Spain.

Pick one.


Scotland was near to become independent.

London is not english anymore.


Low quality jobs. Waiting for the end of summer..... Rebound! Que pasa tío! Tragas lo que pone el PP en la tele?

Dude. That was like 500 years ago, is like saying that everything south of Adriana's wall should be Italian soil. Take your head out of your ass....btw. Spaniard here

a white cunt, a red cunt... in the end it's still a cunt.


What said it's a trick of the catalan establishment to get elected and keep milking the region, but even their hypothetical reasons for independence is retarded:
>"We give more to the central goverment than we get!! Espanya ens roba!!"
Well no shit Jordi, thats how countries work, the most prosperouse regions give more and that goes to improve other parts of the country.
Their claims are based and muh shekels, they already control almost all aspect of the catalans life like education, transportation, have their own police, etc..