It's almost a parody at this point

This cuck posts non-stop and I can't take it anymore.

how can one man be so blind

He's been an avid berncuck and now has resorted to posting how evil and racist and bigoted big meanie trump is

>Only true news sources and I don't plan on getting my news from anywhere else

Call him a bigot and move on with your life

Its like he lives in opposite world.


>not giving the name
this isn't plebbit

One source of news... wtf

Total cuck

There is no cure for this kind of stupidity.

Willfully ignorant is no way to go through life.

Walking caricature

>not unfollowing any friends who make constant obnoxious political posts

Let me get some more from his page so we can all cringe


How does one get so cucked

A Negro, a gang of Turks, and a bunch of kikes are this guy's sole source of information

He won't last long in the natural environment

just give the name already


Report him to fbi

Already did, that was a while ago


Sup Forums is a board of peace you fucking nigger

>not all Muslims xD

Okay but what about the 'good' and 'moderate' Muslims that are completely okay with - or even support - terrorism?

Muslims don't do anything good. They only kill.


There are people (many of them) who's vote counts just as much as yours, who unironically and with all of their understating believe this.

We live in a waking nightmare.