White Males BTFO
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Yeah, let's choose someone based on the colour of their skin not on who is the best candidate for the job.
Seriously why the fuck is he our pm?
>Yeah, let's choose someone based on the colour of their skin not on who is the best candidate for the job.
Meanwhile in the real world, the queen actually appoints the GG, albeit based on the recommendation of the PM.
Jesus Christ, Canada voted for this faggot....
The governor general is basically the bull to Trudeau's cuck right? Can dissolve gov'nt and stuff like that
>"I suspect I might be saying 'because it's 2017' when the time for that decision [on the Governor General] comes around to be explained," he said.
For fuck's sake leafs
>choose someone based on the colour of their skin
if you fight racism, then the white males win
>Preemptive Current Year
So what is the consensus on Weedman in leaf country? I have a leaf steam friend and he says most people there like Trudeau.
LOL Trudeau BTFO
I voted for him
Yeah he wants a black man
Yes everyone loves him/
Is he still living in the cave?
He's such a neutered little faggot
If that's the case, he should concede his status as Prime Minister and replace himself with a PoC.
Sounds like you're just mad because you're an inbred conservatard and the world done up and changed on your and so now people who think differently than you have more nice things and you can't handle it cuz you got a little dick.
>white male
Has he looked in the mirror lately?
CTR this isn't your thread but here's a (you) and 30 cents you fucking faggot.
he actually has a wife and kids, something you will never achieve
CTR got lost from shitposting in Trump threads.
>This person lies on the internet for a living
wew, makes you think.
How does it applies to transniggers?
This is some high level bait.
Lol you fucking king guys are so pathetic
This is actually your job HAHAHAHA HAHAHAHA AHA holy shit
Because it's WILL be 2017
Shouldn't he quit because he is a white male?
There is nothing wrong with this.
Because you stupid leafs voted for him.
ANYONE better than Harper, right?
Why is Trudeau a bigot?
He's Malaysian tho so he's not white.
suuuuuure Harper banned hatespeech.
lol inbred libtard alert you got a little dick enjoy being mad at people who think differently.
if he doesn't think white men should be in positions of power then why hasn't he relinquished his pm position to a womyn of colour yet?
fucking hypocrite
Love Trudeau.
better inbred than niggerbred you're a fucking dark rye sandwich motherfucker
He's such a tryhard sissyboi
don't try to convince me he's not a sissyboi because I've seen him (try) to box
Harper, Trudeau, and Munclair were all shitty choices. The country was fucked either way.
Literally what our faggot PM said.
Daily reminder that Quebecois people are retarded/autistic
Reminder that leaves collectively voted this guy in
fucked 3 ways sideway with a Moose cock in between
Im sorry Harper
IM SORRY HARPER (Even if you were a cunt)
lmao what are you thinking lad
It's important that other races are given chances every now and then to prove and assert their own inferiority. It helps us remember.
This is fucking sad, Canada is the ultimate cuck state
Literally 80% of Canada is white. How many fucking minorities do they need in office?
Justin Trudeau is a huge narcissists that will do just about anything to be seen as a good guy, including destroying his own country and using perverse forms of discrimination to be seen as progressive.
Honestly mate there weren't really any good options. I still voted for harper, but he was the least evil by comparrison.
Anyways, don't follow suit. Vote Trump. Make America Great Again
Will the Libertarian Party meme ever take off?
Is there a good conservative opposition in Canada? Do they have a solid chance of getting elected next election?
what a fucking fraud.
They need more diversity and white people aren't diverse
besides it's that creepy crypto-jew Gerald Butts actually running the country. Trudeau is an empty suit standing on empty promises (unless it involves faggots, refugees or sending our money to Africa to fight """"""climate change""""""").
He got like 39% of the popular vote, marginally more than the last government.
Canadian libertarians are as pants-on-head retarded as their burger counterparts.
Why is it that discrimination is okay when it's aimed at whites?
Why is it that racism is okay when it's aimed at whites?
For fucks sake, whites ARE already the minority on this fucking planet and will probably be completely gone in a couple of decades. If anything we should be protected instead of being fucked up our asses every damn day.
Assuming all minorities are equally qualified
I wouldn't mind it it's a native so it finally shuts them up. It's not the GG does anything, it's a ceremonial position nowadays.
The Green party wants to boycott Israel, so at least they are doing one thing right
I'm sick of this guy.
You know what fellow Canadacucks? I'm going to postpone my military duties and instead run for Prime Minister.
Will any of you vote for me? I will be representing to Fascism party of Canada.
I had no idea the PM of Canada was a racist bigot.
How the fuck did he get elected?
Probably not.
your PM is a living fucking meme.
I'll vote for you mate, i've had aboot enough of this trudeau guy
Shitposters in government and in real life.
Trudeau's approval ratings just keep going up.
Only if you clean up the degeneracy in Canada,
make refugees pay all the money back they took from the government and kick them out after
lower taxes on everything because they are ridiculously expensive
don't listen to the environmentalist bullshit about oil pipelines, start making some deals for more pipelines and Canadian jobs
increase out military budget because it is pathetically low, we aren't even contributing our 2% GDP
and a bunch of other stuff
so basically just unfuck our shit
Harper chose a black woman as a GG
lol what a faggot
Canadians actually take this meme clown seriously?
It does not show on Sup Forums but the mainstream loves him.
that's what you whites ghave done for hundreds of years not so funny now is it?
Well when the CBC literally has a mandate to publish Pro-Trudeau, Pro-Multicuck articles every day....
I was hoping this would not be the case, and electing someone like Trudeau might be a one time slip up by the voters.
Looks like migrating to Canada just means I'll end up with the same fools I'm looking to escape.
Actually only 38% did. But the remaining vote was split which led to this fuck-up.
got you m8
Canadians voted for Trudeau as a giant collective practical joke with their m8s that went way too far.
Everyone was like, "lol it'd be funny as shit if I voted for the snowboard model for president let's do that and tell the boys," then when it turned out he won we were all like "Oh shit lol everyone else did that too that's funny as fuck too bad about the PM though..."
So why on the same grounds you haven't started a campaign demanding his resignation? He's a white male, he shouldn't be prime minister, i mean come on IT'S [CURRENT YEAR]!!!
Feel bad for Canada.
when will this madness end
any of you retards even watch the video or read the article? OPs title is never spoken or written.
Funny thing is that you're right. In purely meritocratic system it would be overwhelmingly white men who get to the top.
Why the fuck do you even care? The GG is a completely useless position with no power. They just take pictures and go to dinner parties and ''''represent'''' the monarchy. I honestly can't even name a single one
If this is a bait post, I am impressed. If not, then fuck off.
Can't one of you maples Molotov this cuck?
Seems only fitting after letting half your country turn to cinder.
>my reason to be racist is the current date
Who is more important, Canada or Mexico?
Because you are the nation of tumblr, faggot.
Cucks respond to whoever screams the loudest and right now it's blacks. As soon as white people start screaming, it's over.
>you stupid leafs voted for him.
39.4% did .