- Win a tour of Trump Tower
- an all expense paid Trump cruise or something
- ALSO a date with ERIC TRUMP
- Win a tour of Trump Tower
- an all expense paid Trump cruise or something
- ALSO a date with ERIC TRUMP
Other urls found in this thread:
>Sit down with Eric Trump
>so user, got any ideas on how we can make America great again?
Let me tell you about the jews.
Nah, I prefer Ivanka tbqh.
The winner gets to fuck eric, a candidate with a gay son will get the gay vote on lock, take one for the team.
What if you can have a lunch with donald trump?
if you hit it off with Eric he'll probably introduce you to his dad
user gets picked.
>H..hi Eric
>Ugh are you OK user
>H..I Eric, how are you?
>Ugh so what do you want for lunch?
I'm not good with green text stories
Isn't this illegal?
If anybody wins, tell Trump you want to wait for dinner at the White House
I wouldn't guess so since Hillary did it.
joking aside, I don't know.
is Sup Forums actually retarded?
>decide to put some in my pockets
>Meet Ivanka later in the afternoon
>All the spaghetti falls out of my pockets
Who wants to have lunch with that greasy Oblivion-faced loser?
No it's still a campaign contribution and is viewed as such.
>contribute $25
>get hat
>contribute $3
>get raffle ticket
>contribute $2000
>get dinner
The problem comes in if you are over the contribution cap ($2700 per person per candidate). FEC explains it.
Well, every gay faggot on Sup Forums already calls Trump "daddy"
Is he the pro-gun one?
I think this is legal as long as he's paying out of pocket for the prize.
>Meet Eric
Tell me Eric, does your father know about the Jews and their Reptilian masters?
>win dinner with Trump
>it's autism Eric
>he literally has to bribe people to get them to donate
>Sup Forums still thinks it can meme a b list brain dead reality TV star walking meme into the presidency
To be fair we really have come pretty far just on memes alone.
It was a good ride, lads. I'm proud to shitpost with y'all.
stop lying, Ive never seen that posted here once.
>call him a b-list celebrity
>whilst a movie with johnny depp playing Trump was just released
By the way, it was fucking great. I don't know if it was supposed to be anti-Trump? but it was good as fuck. Personally I think Trump wanted the movie to come out, because although there was some "rayciss" talk, the context of the movie really minimized the idea of racism
it was highly machiavellian too. Actually very close to the Art of the Deal.
this is just a creative way of funding and actually giving people something in return as opposed to the bernouts who unequivocally got nothing
If nobody has seen the movie, it is free on netflix
It has a really low rating, because everybody who is on netflix are humorless babies, but trust me, it's fuckin good.
>meanwhile Hillary is literally selling Government positions to donors
>Actually very close to the Art of the Deal.
The book he didn't write?
> become friend with eric
> get invited to trump parties and other shit
> live high society life
> use these oportunities to get closer to ivanka
> put all your effort into it and seduce ivanka
Sounds pretty good
I'm pretty sure contests in the US are required to have a no purchase necessary entry available. Read the rules, enter and profit.
>Hello user! Congratulations!
>Eric, can you confirm or the deny your father knows about the existence of a (((Satanic))) Elite?
>uhh... user, why don't we try having a more casual conversation
>Eric have you read Fritz Springmeiers bloondlines of the Illuminati and if not could you give your father a copy of it for me, I have an extra in my moms minivan. THIS IS IMPORTANT WE DONT HAVE ALOT OF TIME
>spaghetti flies out of my jacket
I'd love to go but I'm afraid that I'd sperg out at lunch.
He didn't write it but it's definitely his ideas
Kind of like
>every major historical figure of power whom had a scribe
but whatever, you wouldn't understand. You have to nitpick everything. That's very Jewish of you. "oh, one tiny problem! we better throw out the entire thing!"
The fact is the book is great. Weather you like Trump or not, the book is very good. Like I said, it is Machiavellian. How did I get it? My dad had it since the 90s, because he was a real estate agent.
>He didn't write it but it's definitely his ideas
Heh I mean if you're stupid I guess you can believe that. 9d chess.
The truth hes a moron that inherited most of his money. If he stocked all away in an index fund he would have probably been better off.
He certainly didn't win the Republican primaries because he's Machiavellian. He won by hurling insults and acting like a babby and the Republican base was stupid enough to roll with it.
Good thing the general electorate sees through his bullshit as current polling projects a landslide victory for Hillary. The Republican party probably won't recover.
the fact that the things you just listed are machiavellian, and that you are spewing demorat memes, leads me to believe you are arguing in bad faith, sorry
>sit down with Eric
>hand him a medical sample cup.
>Look, I already have a kid and he's ok but if you don't mind I'd appreciate you making my family great again.
No nigger Machiavellian would be playing the retard for the Republicans the pivoting to this genius tycoon figure to out wit Hillary. But he's still playing the retard and it's costing him dearly.
Because it turns out all along he wasn'tplaying, hes actually retarded.
See you in 2020!