the manliest countries are at the top, and obviously Sweden and arabs are low. niggers are at the very bottom. Smoking is a great activity for the white man, as it was in the 1950's, Sup Forums's favorite era, >muh smoking is degenerate
This is such a huge circle jerk, you're pathetic really
Logan Roberts
I smoked for 7 years. It was a waste of money, smelled bad, bothered people around me, and inhibited me from exercising.
Cigarettes are not even inherently enjoyable. Do you remember the first time you smoked a cigarette and your body's reaction of disgust and coughing? You trick yourself into believing it is enjoyable to relieve the withdrawal pangs from nicotine.
While you have to smoke once every hour or so to feel physically comfortable, I enjoy perfect physical comfort at all times. I have no desire to go outside and inhale toxic fumes to make myself stop feeling uncomfortable.
Smoking is like banging your head against a wall so that you can enjoy the relief when you stop banging your head against the wall.
Hunter Wright
I'm actually studying world health organization for a paper AMA.
Policies such as antitabagism merely serve to advance the career of politicians. They are a part of something called heath promotion (birthed in Canada LMAO) which is basically cultural marxism: health edition.
Jace Walker
>Smoking inhibits noncancer
Jeremiah Rogers
>antitabagism Tobacco control. Sorry for bad English.
Joseph White
Am I the only one who still has no idea what the fuck degeneracy is?
Ayden Ross
There may be something to this. Sweden smokes significantly less than the US and is significantly more cucked.
Isaac Davis
>waste of money I don't smoke much, only 4 a day, so it's not a factor >smelled bad Don't hold your cigarette in such a way that would drive the smoke towards you and wash your hands afterwards, no one will notice. >inhibited me from exercising 4 cigarettes a day, I play tennis regularly, never a problem in that regards
>body's reaction of disgust and coughing I never coughed when I started, and I didn't feel disgusted, I smoke because I enjoy the sensation, not because I'm addicted.
David Lewis
>being addicted to nicotine Kill yourself, faggot.
Owen Lopez
You are being the definition of a shill. You're coming in and promoting a shit product with retard ass arguments. So fuck off.
Leo Ramirez
Tobacco companies started putting weird shit in the tobacco.
Real men smoke pure cigars or organic cigarettes.
Cameron Brooks
I'm not addicted, when I travel, I usually go weeks without a cigarette, I only smoke because I enjoy it.
Michael Scott
My country is basically a big cloud of cigarette smoke and we're degenerate as fuck tho
Kevin Cox
It's okay froggie we still love you.
Aaron Rodriguez
Solid trolling
Parker Gonzalez
>inhibited me from exercising
Again, this meme that smoking is bad for you needs to end immediately. It's the vice equivalent of saying vaccines are bad for you.
The tobacco plant draws very small amounts of radioactive pollonium and lead from the earth, when tobacco is smoked this obviously goes into your lungs and increases the chances of cancer. The amount is not huge but for the average smoker this means they recieve over 160.000 microsieverts of radiation per year, which is more than anyone in any profession on earth, even Astronauts get less and they recieve a lot due to living outside of the earths protective magnetic field.
Cannabis plant on the other hand does not draw said radioactive lead and pollonium out of the ground and is thus safer to smoke
This and weed is more fun to smoke. The article I posted points out that tobacco companies could get rid of the radiation via acid washes, but they were worried that the kick from the cigarrette would be less effective.
Justin Stewart
People don't seem to realize, but smoking was way worse from the 50's to like the 80's.
People used to chain smoke 4 packs a fucking day.
Zachary Thomas
Swedes have snus before we get carried away. Nicotine is actual viable for reducing some types of breast cancer for the same mechanism.
Connor Murphy
And your proof is the same bullshit forum post you link every time you come here to do your shilling? And apparently they did it indoors places. Sounds horrible.
Jonathan Thompson
>the less degenerate a country is, the more it smokes. >Belgium at 7th Huh. Needless to say the top 15 countries also seem to be some of the biggest shitholes. Nice theory.
Christopher Myers
>we need a safe space from smokers that's not how it works they need the safe space oppressor
Leo Lewis
1950s was a disgusting age
Noah Phillips
I only smoke
lite blu colour
Jonathan Bell
No, nonsmokers need the safe space since they're afraid for no reason.
Wyatt Brooks
The science checks out, every anti-smoking point someone makes in that thread is BTFO'd.
Asher Nguyen
Trust me, we know who the REAL men are
Jose Morgan
>oh no, I can't force my disgusting habit on other people >I'm being oppressed Yeah, sure.
Andrew Johnson
First of all longevity experiements or experiments on animals in general does not always apply to humans as the lives we live are vastly different. Which is why the road between human and animal experiments can be so long. Life quality differences are hard to measure in animals for example, even in humans too
Second is it certain that the "good" qualities of nicotine outweighs all the bad qualities you get from the same product? Wouldnt it be better to just chew nicotine gum then?
Also nicotine is viewed badly because its the source of the addiction(Which is compared to heroin in addiction strength), its not harmful afaik.
Wouldnt it be possible to vape nicotine then, as the healthiest alternative?
Joshua Nguyen
im surpised how low usa is on that list
Aiden Perez
Think what you want, but I doubt you know the science enough to refute it.
>force others
Just walk away then if it bugs you, kid.
Julian Clark
OP is now confirmed shill , I'm not going to bother explaining why is smoking bad for you in this post because I don't know if anyone will notice.I will just make a few points : 1. the smoke you inhale contains asbest which bypases your organisms defense systems and like a spear lodges in your lungs , 2. it does fuck up your excercising because the tar from smoking sticks to your alveoli thus reducing your lungs respiratory surface meaning when you breath in less air will go to your blood. >posting pic so u read my comment
Ryder Myers
Degeneracy is any behavior that when practiced in large groups, leads to the general downfall and shittiness in society.
Jayden Allen
I've heard of people who get sick from nicotine gum due to the high amounts of nicotine.
James Collins
reminder that like 99% of Quebec smokes and the only people who don't probably smoke shisha (which contains tobacco) anyway
quebec strong
just walk away
though if you're out on the street or w/e and you complain about smokers you are a massive asshole and weeping pussy. "wah wah smoke" enjoy huffing car exhausts and howling winds of dust instead, those are so much healthier than a little herb huh
Sebastian Moore
Every decade is a disgusting age in Brazil
Nolan James
>The entirety of Europe/the old world was effeminate degenerates until we not only discovered the Americas/tobacco, but started cultivating it in quantities to supply the common man Wew lad
Adrian Allen
You should watch "Thank you for smoking" 2005 Fun movie which gives insight into the lobbying industry in the US, also features a nicotine overdose
James Sullivan
That isn't entirely accurate though. How do you explain how it protects from Copd then?
>How do you explain how it protects from Copd then? It doesn't. It does the opposite of that. Forum posts you made don't disprove actual medical science.
Juan Clark
>consuming products with AMERICAN in it's name I have to inform you that you have a probability of 6000000% of having cancer
Alexander Hill
It doesn't idiot, those people may as well be claiming bleach cures autism. Inhaling particulates or anything is harmful, inhaling combustion byproducts of anything is harmful. Let's just pretend there's something in weed or tobacco that protects against cancer, smoking it isn't how you'd administer it. If you get an infection and your doctor gives you iodine or antibiotics would you smoke it?
James Ross
> what is this a random forum as a source?Although there are researches that confirm that smoking can have some good effects like in this abstract, those effects are minor and some apply only to women.Now it is also tested and confirmed numerous times that smoking is a direct cause of numerous cancers which I can't even list as how numerous they are , like I said in my previous post the tar also sticks to your lungs and decreases the respiratory surface, and op being the retard he is didn't put any sources on smoking inhibiting estrogen producition but nevermind that , even if it did it would fuck up your organism because even males have estradiol and estron in their circulation and (shocker) they are formed from testosteron and actualy have an effect on maturing of your sperm , so if you would smoke to fuck up your estrogen levels it could lead to impotency.
Jose Gonzalez
you get radiation from going outside and laying in the grass both from the sun and also from the dirt around you fukwit.
Lincoln Bennett
literally propaganda smoker's lungs are viable for transplant and work just as fine.
Levi Clark
He said that dipshit, he also pointed out astronauts get a ton by going into space. Did you even read his whole post?
Chase Gray
>medical """"science""""
Yeah. Pharmaceutically funded, government approved, non randomized "SCIENCE."
I am totally convinced.
Carson Russell
Newsflash, man who does not smoke or has never researched the act smoking in his life:
Smokers lungs actually make transplantees live longer.
Also I love how no one can actually create a rebuttal and just dismiss something as a forum post. Do you only read shit from .gov when you want what you think is objective info? This isn't high school.
Owen Myers
>being this retarded i dont know if you are trolling or are you serious anymore. People would risk getting cancer if it meant they get a new set of lungs that would end their torment , especialy because some people could die in several months due to their lung diseases.
>Theres a group of people dieing cadavers lungs and spending misinformation, but have no economic incentive to do so. I guess this is the degeneracy smoking causes, makes your brain do mental gymnastics to defend your detrimental life choices and waste of money. Whatever your body your cash, I really don't care but your just like any other stoner pothead, alcoholic, or heroin junkie making up facts to excuse yourself.
Blake Evans
The ncbi link is hilarious in that the guy seems to realize that he has to say smoking is bad, but then lists a slew of positive effects, kind of like how weed can fix epilepsy.
He's taking in that sweet pharma money on guessing, or they have a nuke pointed at his house.
Nicholas Torres
Then why don't you respond to my post bitch?I gave you a rebutal: smoking has a few benefites but it doesn't outweigh the bad shit it also leads to.Smoker lungs are used in transplantation because people are desperate and don't have a lot of time , smokers lungs don't make a person live longer because they are smoker lungs it depends on the person and their organism detox strenght. You are talking out of your ass , don't know shit , and using fucking random ass forums for sources.If I made this same post on that forum would that convince you?
Jeremiah Wright
>monte nigger
Jack Hill
Taking a dead set of lungs and filling them with a pack of cigarettes proves jack shit. Those lungs also go back to pink once a dude stops smoking. Quit feeding into obvious lies.
Caleb Lopez
Brb gonna smoke a pack
Charles Hughes
The longecity article is a rebuttal. All of the benefits you mentioned are also mentioned in that thread, the guy also goes out of his way to point out the flaws in scientific studies that reached the conclusion that smoking is a causative factor for various ailments.
>if I made the same post on a forum would that convince you?
If you made an intelligent rebuttal showing that you've researched tobacco and can actually logically refute claims that have clearly shown smoking is good for the body, then we'd be getting somewhere. All I'm seeing is changing goalposts and bringing up other "negatives" in order to flood the thread with useless information.
Sebastian Ramirez
>smokers lungs don't make a person live longer because they are smoker lungs it depends on the person and their organism detox strenght.
They literally found that the majority of smokers lung transplantees outlived the nonsmoking ones though. That isn't some accident. When one person lives longer that's a GOOD thing.
William Long
>Taking a dead set of lungs and filling them with a pack of cigarettes Except they don't fucking do that retard, that's what you literally believe. That's because 1. The need a lung or they'll die anyway 2. They already were a smoker, and would continue to do so whether their donor lung was or not. 3. They were a nonsmoker and their donor was, but since the rest of their body was healthy and the lungs stop smoking immediately after transplant they have the time/ability to heal, again, in addition to an otherwise healthy cardiovascular/nervous system. Not that hard to comprehend
Thomas Moore
>Montenegro >Belarus >Lebanon >Macedonia >Russia
Literally countries ruled by rich bitches where the plebs have no other escape from the purgatory that is their earthly existence than consuming any and all drugs their meager salaries can buy.
For any hardXcore alt right /nazi/, A.H. was firmly against tobacco use and the guys that gassed 6,000,000 were the instigators of the modern anti-tobacco movement.
-terveksi, quit 4 times
Hunter Anderson
Hitler ist enttäuscht.
Nicholas Brown
How is it useless information?Everything I posted was logical and backed information, the benefits of smoking are not outweighing the problems it causes.If you believe otherwise you are just running away from facts , but go ahead and smoke , feed the money to the jews and big farma when you get sick , continue to disrupt your and others health you are not living with me so it won't affect me.
Julian Perez
>They literally found that the majority of smokers lung transplantees outlived the nonsmoking ones though. It doesn't say that anywhere you idiot. All it says is "Based on our results, history and extent of donor smoking do not significantly affect early and mid-term patient outcomes following lung transplantation,"
Dominic Carter
Gassing 6 million is technically impossible. Why are you so dumb?
Zachary Gray
I smoked for over 20 years and I don't have cancer. That's proof that smoking is safe, the liberal media just doesn't want anyone to find out.
Julian Hall
You just earned yourself an indefinite prison sentence and a hefty fine, racist.
And it wasn't 6,000,000. It was 6,000,000,000 you virgin gamergator piece of DRUMPF shit.
Thomas Stewart
nice fallacy
Benjamin Parker
And again it fails to state whether the recipients had, or continued to smoke after the transplant. Lacking that I'm surprised they even bothered to to make the article. Obviously a smoker wouldn't care as much as a non smoker if they got a lung from another smoker, if it meant they'd have a second chance.
Ryan Cook
In your body there are specific enzymes called Cytochrome P450 that are responsible for dealing with xsenobiotics aka all the foreign shit you intake during the day. Some people have less active ones and they are prone to cancers and other diseases caused by various metabolites and some have more active ones and are able to smoke 2 packs a day drink a bottle of spirits and live to 100.Giving a person with a good imune system smoker lungs will have little effect on them but it will impare their quality of life there is no doubt in that, but if a person who recieved smoker lungs keeps a healthy life and doesn't smoke it is managable and can be improved.
Asher Diaz
>Austrian intellectual
Adam Young
>6,000,000,000 dont try to downplay the holocaust atleast 6,000,000,000,000,000 jews died
Juan Davis
No I haven't , but I'm a med fag so I'm always baited in these kinds of threads even if they are trolls :(
Adam Ross
Enjoy your dentures at 40 redneck
Brayden Morales
Hitler used to smoke a pack a day, the only reason he gave for quitting was that it's "a waste of money". Then all the smoking = bad propaganda started rolling in from the Nazis. It wouldn't surprise me if Hitler just hated himself and thought smoking was a reminder of who he used to be or some bullshit, but I don't buy into Nazi bullshit anyway.
The information you provided is mostly jut a series of myths and federally funded shit, from the same people who brought you reefer madness and the crack baby epidemic.
>but go ahead and smoke
I don't smoke, I just listen to those who do and they have a lot to say that isn't just "addicts trying to feed their addiction".
Also, watching smokers sit outside once every hour or thirty minutes is heartbreaking when they could be inside working. Sin taxes are also bullshit. BOTH of these things hinge on smoking and secondhand smoke being a hazard. Both of these things could be avoided if state wide bans and fear mongering weren't a thing that happens regularly in this country.
Henry Powell
>doubting the power of the liberal media.
Isaiah Richardson
Jason Jones
Fuck off Trump shill I want reddit to leave
Delet this your IP has been hacked
It was 6,000,000,000,000,000,000 innocent jews gassed right on the spot and a lesser amount of gays, gypsies, communists and the work shy.
>communists AND the work shy ah ah hue hue hue hue... but! you're STILL a racist and made a post on the internet that's AGAINST LAWS!
Thomas Barnes
Yeahhh ai't mayne u is rite you opened my eyes
Camden Reed
>The information you provided is mostly jut a series of myths and federally funded shit, >even though the Federal government makes over 15 billion a year off it by doing literally nothing O-ok
Connor Rivera
Hitler also had one testicle, fucked his 2 twin sisters, was PROVEN to have Jewish ancestry and his skull, last will, testament and written confession was found by Russians in the ruins of '45 Berlin.
Easton Ross
you can only have such vice profits if it is maligned more than required.
Leo Ross
I really want to see that mans dick..
Daniel Sullivan
That's retarded beyond reasoning but ok, why isn't prostitution taxed then? And how about weed? Only a few states got with the program, why not the feds? >inb4 some FDA/CIA/cartel conspiracy Why isn't file sharing or amature porn being cracked down on as hard?
Joshua Garcia
>Swedish snus
Set your desktop resolution to 800x600 and zoom out your browser
By all probability it's about ye
Chase Hall
My dad smoked 3 packs a day, doctor warned him to cut back so now he only smokes 2 packs. He can't even laugh without having a fucking coughing fit. Not something I want to end up like.
Luis Sanchez
it is better networks exist for them to infiltrate than to show their power level as you expect.
Carson Bailey
Yeah, through sin taxes and penalties for smokers. If smoking wasn't seen as harmful, those things wouldn't exist and the profit wouldn't exist either. They've raised the tax considerably over the years too. How do you not get this?
Grayson Wright
They'll tax the shit it of weed soon, trust me.
Robert Martin
How old is he? Most old people start to be more prone to coughing and decreased organ capacity anyway.
Daniel Murphy
I seriously cant believe there are people here who defend smoking cigarettes. There is literally nothing good that comes from smoking cigs. Youre wasting money and fucking up your lungs, increasing your chance of getting cancer, and becoming addicted to tobacco.
What the fuck is wrong with you? Morons. All of you. Fucking kill yourselves. Oh wait, you're already in the process of doing that.
Carter Long
Truth campaign astroturfer spotted. Nothing but insults as always.
Cameron Phillips
Fucking leafs
Ethan Sullivan
>Actually doubting the cancerous influence of cultural Marxism.
Colton Fisher
You still didn't answer my question regarding prostitution and any drugs more harmful than weed. Also the government taxes working, consumer products, capital gains, property and inheritance. Are these all bad?