When will the muh buttstraps meme die?

when will the muh buttstraps meme die?

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>Danger's my middle name

>muh proletariat

Marxism please leave

Is it really exploitation if the working class chooses to work for an individual of their own free will in exchange for pay/goods/services that individual can provide them if they work for them since they contain the idea for those pay/goods/services?

You cannot have pay/goods/services without the person who thought of them and brings it all together so you can have them. And you can't have pay/goods/services without the people making them.

Its a fair deal Marx is full of shit.

The second one is according to poor people. It's why so many poor people play the lottery.

The reality is a mixture of both graphs, along with heritable traits.

When it stops being true. So probably never.

The funniest thing about communism is that you can do it right now, but nobody does it.


Okay skippy, go ahead and get together with your friends and buy a factory, and give each worker an equal share in the stock of the business, and let me know how you do.


Nobody told you to live in a shithole, gommie.

Marxist lazy faggot. Go get a job and work your ass off. Earn your bread with the sweat of your bow, and stop blaming the circumstances or sucessful people for your failure.

You can't possibly be this stupid. People need jobs dumbass.


Willingly taking a job for a preset amount of pay is on you. If you don't like it, find another job.

My generation is just full of self righteous entitled faggots, hence Barney Sandals being so popular. They think they deserve shit they didn't earn.

ITT: Either you're a neoliberal or you're a marxist
I bet you guys actually think you're temporarily unfortunate millionaires rather than actually worrying about America's income inequality being on third world levels.

>More than half of all Americans live paycheck to paycheck with close to no life savings

>muh gommunist rebolushun!
>sees da meens of produkshun!

Shit meme as it's been disproven literally thousands of times.

Hard work is and will always be key. Liberals want to be handed a fucking crown and told they're ruler of the universe for being dumb, boring mother fuckers that blame others for their hardships.

The truth hurts.

>Hard work is and will always be key.
Citation needed. Preferably an explanation that shows that the top 20% of Americans work 20 times harder than all other Americans combined.

>Implying cronyism, nepotism and the old boy network aren't a thing
And before you start with strawmen about racism or sexism, I'm not implying any of that. I'm only saying that who you know matters more than what you can do. The only hard work that directly shows big results (as in top 20% big) is networking.

Several people in my own family have gotten rich through hard work, including my own father. At least half a dozen of his friends also became wealthy.
I also know at least a dozen people from my own childhood who either moved from working class to upper middle class or just became wealthy. Some of them got into real estate and made a killing, one guy started a night club with a friend, two guys started their own carpentry/plumbing businesses, several guys got great jobs after getting their master's in engineering and one guy got rich from playing poker.

They'll never actually answer you because they're retarded. It's amazing so many people on Sup Forums can name the Jew, and yet when he throws them a penny and says "oy vey, work double as hard and maybe I'll give you two", they drink his jizz. Pretty sad honestly.

>"oy vey, work double as hard and maybe I'll give you two"
More like "oy vey, work double as hard or Pablo will do your work for half the price"

And building a wall won't help prevent that, because if Pablo can't come to the American company, the American company will go to Pablo instead.

>implying norway is in the same circumstance as the jewnited states
>implying you didn't just make shit up
>implying implications

Because the poor have a firm grasp on getting rich? Bit contradictory.

>America's income inequality

It's only an inequality because there is no distinguishment between real-wealth, like say physical property, and imagined-wealth, like say credit. Most of the wealth that 1% owns isn't real or at least isn't liquid-able enough to be of any daily use. The 1% has limited wealth, they are only rich to other 1%-ers.

What's it like in 1880, granddad? Ever since fiat currency, most wealth is "imagined-wealth". If you have a bank account, you have credit. It's basically an IOU from the bank, an IOU you can directly change away when paying with your bankpass, or cash in at an ATM.

Because of fiat currency, if everyone in the Western world, or even everyone in a single country, were to decide to cash their money in at the same time, there'd be a crisis. The economy in part runs on our faith in that "imagined-wealth" and our trust in both the system and eachother. That's why a lack of trust in the system either causes or intensifies a crisis (because as I explained earlier, that means a lot of people start cashing their money and investing it in physical things like gold).

More accurate.

You need to work hard AND be smart.
People forget you have to be smart and work hard

>Okay skippy, go ahead and get together with your friends and buy a factory, and give each worker an equal share in the stock of the business, and let me know how you do.
If any of these commie faggots where worth their salt, they could simply find work with an employee owned company but their so goddamn lazy and worthless that they would bring the whole company down along with it's owners (their coworker's)

When living comfortably on a paycheck, vacations paid, etc.
>Merciless exploitation of the working class.

When unemployed and not wanting to start own business.

>they could simply find work with an employee owned company
Uh-huh, and in a country with competition law as atrocious as in America small and middle sized companies aren't swept of the field by larger companies at all. For fucks sake, predatory pricing is actually legal in America. That's quite literally a corporate war of attrition, one that smaller companies simply cannot win.

So every time the money is inherited, divided by multiple relatives, and taxed, that's how people get rich?

Paris Hilton. Donald Trump. Your claim is bullshit. Most of the rich get at least a portion of their wealth from inheritance. The richest family who ever lived, the Waltons, inherited their wealth. There are only two ways to become rich in this age and probably any age, really: 1: Be a sociopath and con people out of their cash (Steve Jobs, Televangelists, etc.) or 2: monopolize commodities (Haliburtion, Monsanto, Chemical companies, etc.).

>Ownership of wealth comes with a considerable amount of risk
My god. What a revelation!

>How to get rich in the US
>be born in a rich family
>daddy pay entry into elite university
>work for friend of daddy's company
>get huge loan because of your background to start a business
>"I got here by pullin' muh bootstraps!"

>That's quite literally a corporate war of attrition, one that smaller companies simply cannot win.
Maybe if you live in some country called literally the Netherlands. However if taxes are low you are fully able to compete with yuge corporations. Taxes only affect the small businesses anyway.

How did Netflix beat Blockbusters?

How did Uber beat cab drivers?

Give a better service.

World is constantly changing, only way that a monopoly lasts longer than it should, is when the state enforces it by law.

>government policies make you can't work hard for your children because you want them to have a brighter sure

sounds like heaven

>Can't into business
Top fucking kek

My point is that if that risk isn't mitigated for, and if larger companies aren't limited in their ability to bully smaller companies off the market, you end up with a market dominated by larger companies where small companies either have a high barrier of entry and/or a low survivability rate. This is, among other reasons, why 80% of the wealth ends up in the hands of the top 20%.

>Maybe if you live in some country called literally the Netherlands.
Or France, or the UK, or Poland, or any other country governed by EU competition law.

>However if taxes are low you are fully able to compete with yuge corporations.
Explain how low taxes protect you from predatory pricing, the forming of cartels, larger companies packing their smaller products together with their larger, more popular products etc.

Competition law protects small companies from large companies. Not from fucking taxes.

>rich people
>sharing the secret of success
pick one
>"you work for me, so don't forget to work hard and always give the 100%, maybe you'll be rich like me someday :^), but enough chit chat, get back to work, goy"

>working for years to make a product everyone wants and pays for it
>100% luck



Libertarians literally can't grasp physics or basic math. Here, let me show you why you're a fucking retard. Imagine this scenario:

- 0 taxes from anyone ever. Period. NO FUCKING TAXES AT ALL. Everything is 100% privatized.
- Knowing that we don't live in a fantasy universe, some businesses will by nature be larger than others competing in the same field
- 1Corp is a larger company than 2Corp and has billions in rainy day assets. 2Corp is a mom n pop shop that happened to do well because it got its start in a small town.
- Something goes wrong with the economy - even in libertarian fantasyland this is bound to happen eventually.
- 1Corp uses its rainy day funds to drop its prices so low it's barely turning a profit at all anymore
- 2Corp simply can not compete since it needs immediate profits to survive because it's not a multibillion dollar franchise operation. Basic math.
- 2Corp goes out of business
- 1Corp becomes a monopoly

This is literally what happened to Wal*Mart. Taxes had almost nothing to do with it. Libertarians are morons. QED.


wtf is your image? why is it a thumbnail?

Don't forget being born into the right family.

Since the disappearance of the middle class, social mobility is at a standstill. Things are firmly back to the way they've always been.

>not killing your relatives for the money
don't think like poor people, user


Not only that, but American business owners currently pick Pablo over Steve because the minimum wage doesn't apply to Pablo. And then they go vote for Trump, which is confusing.

>Government policy makes sure that there is equal opportunity so that the most talented and dedicated can rise in the ranks
Also, it's because the rich knows that they or their offspring can become poor that they support the welfare state and the well being of the lower classes. Consequently, it is quite okay to be poor in Norway, and not a punishment.

Dunno, I was sure that i downloaded the right one. Well, shit happens. I try to find the full version now.

>>sharing the secret of success

Yeah, like the secret to be thin and in good shape.

There is no freaking secret, but people only want shortcuts in life.

Guess we can stop giving them all that corporate welfare then, huh? They seem to be doing fine.

>Now hold on a second, I never said...

High quality shitpost

More like half luck, a quarter exploitation, and the rest divided up between the rest.

Unless you're Jewish, then it's half exploitation and half luck.

do you have downs?

>you end up with a market dominated by larger companies
It's already happened.
Exhibit A: Starbucks
Exhibit B: Heinz
There are a lot more but I can't remember.

it doesn't take tremendous amounts of money. But once you have a decent capital and arent full retard in investments you can easily multiply it over time. The thing is most middle class people don't get to scramble enough money to invest in something or just rather play it safe and put it on the bank.

>exploitation of the middle class

A boy sells lemonade on the street.

someone comes up, and buys his lemonade


But yes, there are rich people that are completely parasitic. It's not the majority of rich people, but for example, any business venture which has the incentives to destroy people in order to benefit themselves should be regulated

for example: The pharmaceutical industry. they benefit from people being sick, rather than healed. But the regulation of them only serves to further their interests, because the regulation agencies are headed by the owners of the companies

I didn't know it was that easy. Tomorrow I will start merciless exploiting the working class. If I'm luck I'll be rich.

>My point is that if that risk isn't mitigated for, and if larger companies aren't limited in their ability to bully smaller companies off the market, you end up with a market dominated by larger companies where small companies either have a high barrier of entry and/or a low survivability rate.
If a person/group of people are not willing to confront, assess and manage risk competently, then they are absolutely unfit for "owning the means of production" in the first place.

>This is, among other reasons, why 80% of the wealth ends up in the hands of the top 20%.
Actually, the main reason is because an overwhelming majority of Americans, Nay most people living in the first world, have absolutely no concept of what wealth truly means. They are nearly completely illiterate on the subject of investing because we've been hung up on this notion that going to college is the end-all-be-all solution to every last problem in life. Obviously, we here on Sup Forums are well aware of college's many limitations and shortcomings but that is beside the point

Define wealth

>people call "not taxing them over 50% of earnings" "corporate welfare"

>Small business is exactly identical to a monopoly devastated the environment and the community

I call giving them money directly corporate welfare.

Replace "luck" with "specific skill/knowledge".

Do you think they just get "lucky" finding a million dollar deal on a condo or something? No, they new real estate well enough to know the deal would be great.

They didn't just stumble unto a condo being sold for 100k that was worth 1mil. They had specialized knowledge that allowed them to see what others didn't to take advantage of that "lucky" deal.

Then replace "exploitation of the working class" with "relentless pursuit of knowledge". See above. I'd wager that less than 1 in 100 people read more than 1 non-fiction book a year. I'd also wager that those same people think they're the smartest people in the room, think they deserve to be rich, and make stupid pictures like this out of spite for themselves being a failure and not understanding why.

>self righteous entitled faggots
Fuck this man, most of my generation has the opinion that they didn't ask to be made, so why should society be our problem?

This world is garbage, I'll fucking vote for all the gibs I can get, I never asked to be made, I never asked to be shouldered with the burden of simultaneously financing the retirement of one generation, the rearing of another, as well as bailing out the American middle class, all while somehow supporting the ultra rich and looking back just one generation where our parents were all raised in that richest period of American history, and being held to that standard.

>hurr durr man up and play the cards you're dealt, kiddo
When millennials drop the fuck out of the race and vote for neet life, that's exactly what they're doing, fuck this gay earth

>the boy exploited his neighborhood

start a lemonade business hiring boys to sit in lemonade stands and get paid an hourly wage

congratulations, now you're exploiting people. if anyone tries to do it themselves you can use your capital to aggressively boot them out of the market, with better lemonade, lower prices, et cetera

the exploitation is that other people are doing the work for you and you sit on top like a fat parasite whose only contribution was coming up with it in the first place

>merciless exploitation of the working class

>So what do you do for a living?
I defend the working class against it's merciless exploitation.

>So what would you do if this actually granted you a living wage?
Oh I'd do this and that and all of those and live the dream life I've always wanted.
>So who's gonna have to pay for all this?
Racists, fascists and those dumb ass blue collar rednecks voting for Drumpf!

>I call tax returns corporate welfare if they have more monies than me cause it's not fair! they cheated! noones smarter than me!


Most poor people have drastic flaws that prevent them for exceeding.

In my college job I was promoted in 3 months and the other people at my position had been with the company for 10years but never advanced because they're immature children. People don't want to put the work in or have to go the extra mile. Poor people have the attitude of "I'll work hard when I get a raise", it should be the other way around "

>be from uruguay
>99% will always be poor

keep workin hard kiddo (^:

Not an argument

>easily multiply

And easily lose all the fortune. Even people who know what they're doing lose it all to the wrong call. Of course people who know what they're doing even up their failures with great successes sooner or later.

Granted with some common sense you can maintain your fortune all your life, without real hard work, with various safe investment, but those wont MULTIPLY your fortune, just allow you to live the lazy rich inheritor stereotype.

But even then many lazy rich inheritors or lottery winners manage to gamble and spend it all within their own lifetime, ending broke and addicted to drugs and/or alcohol. So I wouldn't overestimate good sense in managing money.

most poor of economics people are also poor of mind, you're right

They eat poorly, they have poor habits, they talk and act like poor people, they hate the rich

If you gave most poor people an opportunity to talk to a successful business man, they would completely fuck it up

People get rich based on
>making connections
>"luck"=making the right investions instead of just saving the money
All of these are legitimate and the money they make is earned.

>Middle class degenerates press for the "rich" to pay higher taxes because their moralfagging makes them feel good about themselves
>The "rich" redeploy their strategy, outsource jobs, use tax attorney's to exploit loopholes and do anything they can to get out of paying the extra taxes. The almost always succeed
>those tax hikes fall directly back on the middle class and they end up paying for it instead of the rich

Poetic justice at it's finest

>Except for the fallout; Working class suffers from layoffs, hours cut back, outsourcing and stagnant employment prospects due to the "rich" changing their strategy

Fuck the fucking middle class.

the average millionaire operates seven different income
the average socialist works 15 hours a week flipping burgers and is stoned or sleeping the other 150
and no, EBT is not a source of income

When did I ever mention "owning the means of production", other than the time I mentioned I specifically WASN'T talking about that? It's about creating a market that favors competition. Isn't that what the whole pro-capitalist argument runs on? The idea that a capitalist system encourages competition? Then how could you oppose creating more competition?

>Actually, the main reason is because an overwhelming majority of Americans, Nay most people living in the first world, have absolutely no concept of what wealth truly means.
Uh-huh, which is why countries in Western Europe have both lower poverty and lower income inequality than America. It has nothing to do with competition law, Western Europeans are just some übermensch race entirely unrelated to white Americans that is both hyperintelligent and incredibly hard working.

Unless your last name is Rockefeller, I can't understand why anyone would ever promote a system with LESS competition without being a full-fledged commie.

>...the transition from capitalism to socialism should be as democratic as possible.

And if the impoverished masses are wanting of bread, let them eat cake instead.

Then why don't you kill yourself

Find it

>I call tax returns corporate welfare if they have more monies than me cause it's not fair! they cheated! noones smarter than me!
>I don't have to pay taxes, but you still do
So we're ignoring the free money given directly the the welfare parasite known as Elon Musk also are we? Could you possibly shill harder for big business?

Elon Musk BY HIMSELF has sucked up $5 billion from the government tit.

"The federal government also provides GRANTS or tax credits to cover 30% of the cost of solar installations."
Hmm, now I'm a bit fuzzy on this, but could you tell me what a grant is, shill? Because, see I was under the impression that it was LITERALLY free money handed to you.

For comparison, here is what the food stamps program costs American taxpayers:

“SNAP benefits cost $74.1 billion in fiscal year 2014.”

And it serves LITERALLY hundreds of millions of people.

If it weren’t for government subsidies, his companies WOULD NOT EXIST.

>But giving taxpayer money to the rich is okay because reasons!! They're not welfare whores! It's those god damned poor people! FUCK THEM!

Economic "conservatives" are just plain liars. Period.

If the 99% stopped shopping at Wal*Mart and buying iPhones tomorrow the inequality would disappear overnight.


god this image BTFOs commie faggots every time


>people who are rich, are rich

what kind of meme is this?

>Working smart


>guys the way that the government blows money on social engineering projects is evidence that no one can get ahead on their own and we all need to be more collectivist