>10% gap
It is fucking over, how will he ever recover...
>10% gap
It is fucking over, how will he ever recover...
Other urls found in this thread:
no, no he won't
man I want him to win so bad but honestly what chance does he even have?
Don't you get it? He's playing 1488-degree escalator squash. We're all being rused.
More like this tho amarite?
a pretty good one. aside from pretty much the top 1-5% of the country most people will probably vote for Trump.
The top 1-5% of the country are the only people you hear from in the media. They don't go around asking random middle class people who they're voting for
Trump will win in a landslide
Just a week ago he had a strong lead. I wouldnt worry about polls that change every fucking week
So i think i found ctr's kryptonite
whether its federal election law or their own policy, ctr can not deny working for ctr. i have NEVER seen one deny it, only deflect it.
if they do deny it, you have a troll or an actually hill supporter
I-it's rigged
> the DN rag
WTF I hate trump now
> They don't go around asking random middle class people who they're voting for
Who exactly do you think they poll?
I'm a CTR rep, ama
We are supposed to answer any questions you have. We are here to help afterall.
I got a vote since I'm duel citizen.
OMG how will George H.W. Bush ever recover!
Say it with me: PRESIDENT DUKAKIS!
The pure desperation of shills, I love it.
Shitting yourselves scared kek
how do I earn $$?
Anything before the debates are useless. At this point in 88 Dukakis lead bush by almost 20 points. Anyway a lot of people are throwing in the towel for no reason at all. Remember the debates are the most important.
Why wouldn't they be able to deny it?
Remember the brexit polls?
It would be pretty meme for Trump to win but holy fuck I'm enjoying all the tears.
Sounds like Germany when they were surrounded in Berlin.
Face it Sup Forums
This is Trump's der untergang
He will suffer the biggest political defeat ever if he doesn't step down
>expecting shills to read these
we've been getting raided for like a week or two now, they don't even try anymore.
please consider suicide
You're right OP, you've succeeded! You can now fuck off back to kikebook or twatter. Take this sage with you, faggot
i think shills know, releasing polls with questionable methodology has long been a way to manufacture consensus.
The $6 million budget you may have heard about is misleading, as is our pay structure. We work as volunteers* and the budget went to supplying resources for our project, not to expense labor costs.
*A few media experts were paid to put together an overall strategy and prepare general information dossiers on the communities we were tasked with
British media willfully ignored the accurate YouGov polls. Neither RCP nor 538 ignore them in their presidential polling, which overwhelmingly shows Clinton dominating.
Gonna be gud when Trump loses so we won´t have to look at that duphus everyday on pol lol
By that time we can hopefully, finally have real poltical discussions again
the owner of that newspaper is a giant kike, and trump insulted him on twitter
Did Huffington Post got their own paper?
or that he wins, and majority of threads disappear. If clinton wins you stupid cuck it will be non-stop anti-american bullshit just like with Trudeau.
You really corrected the record I'm #shilldog now
Naah the cries of them butthurts will die out like a toddler in his mothers arms before sleep. Desperate and demanding it will soon fade away and the child will sleep, only this time, it will never wake again.
This is my first election and pol and wew. I can´t wait to enjoy at least 3 solid years before all hell breaks lose again.
It was the same with the last election
>cnn, fox, New York Times, are all in on it.
Really made me think.
I always felt in mature company on here - right until this spring when the debates and shit began. Man. It´s only gotten worse. Pol is literally tumblr group-think tier right now. I hope it reverses, if not, im out. The americans on here brings some serious cancer. Just like in the real world - its like pottery really.
literally no one believed Romney would win, everyone here stopped caring after Ron Paul lost. If people honestly thought Romney would beat a nigger they were beyond delusional.
>literally who countries talking shit
Get off our lap, dog. Whoever wins determines the fate of your insignificant country.
Sorry mate, I have to Correct the Record here.
It's because all the weeabos from Sup Forums come here and feel like they're part of something.
Just compare the amount of anime being posted in trump general threads compared to every other thread on Sup Forums
Weeabos fuck everything up. Before when someone wrote something that challenged trump's point on something, people would reply with a reasonable argument.
Now they just go full assburger autism
then they say SAGE and don't actually sage which shows literally how fucking good for nothing they are
No one here wanted magic underwear romney. This board just got flooded with outsiders like it is now. I hate us presidential elections now because they make Sup Forums shitty for like 6-8 months, last election was even worse. If you were here you would have seen it was half mittens half obama shilling threads with no discussion and all our candidates like paul and johnson getting shat on by random normies. Atleast now we are backing the actual (R) guy. But let's face it if you post the 2012 "Sup Forums btfo" screenshot you are bandwagon moron who simply wasn't here
Europe still ungrateful for saving you from being turned into Soviet land. We should of let you fuckers get in those bread lines and watched you fucking rot. Love when you faggots bash America like the ungrateful twats you are.
you would be acting like this too if the only options are saving what we have left or throwing out civilization as we know it
its really this, if you're not for Trump you're for Hillary, there is no if, ands or buts about it
call me delusional, tumblr or whatever you want but you know i'm right, a vote or post not for Trump is consenting to 8 more years of nonsense and bullshit.
Like I said, delusional retards, I knew Obama was going to win the second he announced he was running again, he had the nigger and white guilt vote on lockdown
End your life you cunt. Trump-posting is the most fun I've had in the last five years.
>being triggered this hard over an irrelevant country
You guys will eat anything raw, stupid as fuck and still believing that you """"saved us"""""
Lol you fucking enslaved us you fucks
Can´t believe what pol has become
The ironic part is one of the major reasons people on here were voting for obama was that he would be tougher on Israel. This was a major unironic talking point and argument in his support on this site. I know no one is going to bother going to the archive and looking at August of 2012 or Sept but don't pretend you were here if you were not.
you didn't even read my post you braindead potato gargling danecunt
Damn....... I feel like I'm not the one Correcting the Record anymore.............
The You Gov polls were frequently in remains favor there was one poll a few months before that was up 8 points for leave, and then a poll a few days before was 3 points for leave. But they weren't taken much notice of because the methodology was inaccurate, and still didn't actually predict the results. I know about this shit, i voted leave, i cared about the polls.
If Hillary isn't up by 10% consistently, turnout will give the presidency to based trump.
You must have a lot of fun user, I envy you
I truly do
>trump posting is the most fun I've had in the last five years
See, this is why Trump is losing.
Because of assburgers like you are a synonym to his campaign,
Sup Forums will get BTFO just like they got BTFO last time
Sup Forums is always wrong and Hillary will be the president :)
There is a difference between voting and becoming a literal fanatic over a con man
But Trump will rustle your jimmies, just like all of them ever have
It's true though. Look up this same day 2012 in the archive, everything I said is true, he'll at the end of the day the only major points mittens and Obama disagreed on was domestic social spending, the first debate they spent mostly agreeing with each other.
Hope all Europeans die.
I hope Hillary wins
You mean like when the New York Times said Iraq had weapons of mass destruction to propagandize the people into supporting going to war there?
I mean that pretty blatantly showed that it's a mouthpiece for the state department.
solid 50%, either he will or he won't.
rigged polls
Trump is losing because he's lost the non-white and female vote.
It could still turn out to be a shy conservative effect though.
It was just DNC bounce
Polls are biased and skewed
Khan bait and switch
Media went full blitztkreig on Trump and exaggerated his abilty to handle nuclear weapons
50 gaucbowls from the skull and bones society have raised the dead
lmao Trump's going to lose
now you have no reason not to send a message by voting Jill. You won't be 'taking votes away' bc Trump doesn't stand a chance.
He's polling worse with white males than Romney was.
All according to plan. I bet he's already in his office, kicking back drinks with Slick WIlly.
Donald Trump needs a miracle to win
Trump's voters are less likely to be open about their intentions, and Hillary's voters are less likely to bother voting. When you have one candidate smeared as a racist and an idiot by the media and his supporters violently attacked, and the other candidate an uninspiring figurehead of the establishment with absolutely nothing to offer, it's extremely difficult to poll accurately. It's not looking good for Trump, but it could still go either way.
here's your (you)
Pols of 2,000 people with hundreds of millions of voters , yes very accurate.
More like around 110 million voters.
hi shills
Small. Everything would have to go right for him from now until November, and sooner or later he's going to say something stupid and racist that'll knock him in the polls.
somebody fix my ledger
Hill Shills get out reeeeee