Man Beaten With Crowbar For Wearing Trump Shirt

>A 62-year-old male was assaulted in a Friendly's parking lot for wearing a Donald Trump T-shirt, Bloomfield police reported Tuesday.

>The victim was walking on West Passaic Avenue in Bloomfield at 5:41 p.m. Wednesday when a male in an older gray compact vehicle questioned him about his shirt of the Republican presidential candidate. The suspect directed profanities at the victim as he continued to follow the victim.

>The suspect followed the victim to the restaurant at 1243 Broad St. The suspect then approached the victim armed with a crowbar. An altercation occurred, with the suspect striking the victim several times, police said.



Sounds justified to me. Next.

Where's Ctr at? Hmm? Hill cucks are silent in this thread

He just corrected the guy's record. No harm done.

He's thinking much clearer now.

I live 5 minutes from there.
Biggest shitskin shithole in North Jersey.
It's a degenerate stew of spics, niggers and mudslimes.
Fucking guy was an idiot for wearing that shirt around that neighborhood


Good. This is just the beginning.

The American people won't tolerate fanning the flames of racial hatred.

Why does Gordon Freeman want to Correct the Record?

fuck off shills
arent you supposed to be in your POL BTFO threads?

Good job taking care of that violent, racist bigot :)!

I'm gonna start correcting people's clocks with my Glock if this shit keeps up.

Oh I was a nigga would try me.

more like
>man defaces another man's crowbar by wrapping a Trump shirt around it

These Drumphies are so nervy. Respect other people's property!

I can't wait until we let refugees in and your loved ones potentially get slaughtered.

Too bad he wasn't corrected to the morgue.

I hope they catch the bastard who did it, too bad the guy wasn't conceal carrying, one less leftist roaming around alive.

more like unlucky being born in a third world country where people batter you with a crowbar for wearing t-shirt

Faggot can't handle the banter

Ironic shitposting like that of this thread actually encourages retards who think like this

It's pathetic how they only attack older people or when they gang up on someone.

These fucks never say shit to me when I wear my shirt and I'm in southern california, the home of liberal cucktopia. I pray one of these fucks tries to attack me.

Russia I don't think this is an argument you can win

This is why we need guns

Was it a nigger?

Instead of crow bar you pull out baseball bats and it is all recorded on dash cam.


OF course it was a fucking nigger idiot, will smith and the media are painting the picture trump supporters need to be cleansed becayse they are racist.

I see what you did there

Could have been a spicy chicano, lad. I was just looking to confirm.

It's scary

Same. Some people express gestures of hatred toward me when they know I'm Trump supporter, but if I looked weak enough to be taken down by a 5'10'' liberal, they would surely attack me

I hope you burgers are prepped for the upcoming civil war.

The left rears it's ugly little face yet again.

The "bad guys" in this election have never been clearer.

I'm not playing into the elites hands

>When your sister is getting undressed, but the Trump rally is about to start

Stay on topic, cuckboy.

leftists think it's okay to assault people who disagree with them. They literally cannot fathom someone having different opinions, or begin to form an argument to debate them.

>this is the future that awaits every Trumpfag


Like I posted earlier, I live 5 minutes from there. Spic or nigger CONFIRMED

That happens in Russiastan regularly

Send to drudge

did the assailant look anything like this?

Going to Trump rally tonight, will keep this in mind.

>Confirmed for carrying a Bowie knife in boot

Literally been waiting 130+ years senpai
The left may be evil but they aren't stupid, if the thought they could take us they would have gone police state in the 30's

People won't do this in CC states for obvious reasons

Good. Beat them all. Main them all.

>no race of the perp
Coulter's Law
I wish some dindu would try that shit with me.

>of un-discloused skin color

It's always a nigger when they tip-toe around naming the race.

Damn Trump supporters are fucking violent. Absolutely disgusts me.

>not autism

Woo lad, you've gotta get better at your job.

When the day of the rope comes I hope you end up swinging from a light pole

I just openly support Trump with my words, people love to target others for their obvious differences, if you wait it out and see what they say you can catch them unsuspecting that this entire time they've been agreeing with Trump stuff or even better. Wear a MAGA hat and automatically people assume the worst.

>inb4 hurr durr edgy he had it coming

I'm sorry, I don't see the problem here OP.

A little less of pic related in the world would substantially cut down on the nationwide degeneracy index (NDI).

Good. Racism and fascism should be met with violence.

that fucking picture

>[insert something Sup Forums dislikes] gets their ass handed to them

>effeminate trumplet gets their ass handed to them
>le edgy XD XD

Not an excuse, also checked them repeating digits

why not ? Sup Forums loses their shit whenever they see the typical feminist "i wasnt asking for it" faggotry

Excellent bait CTR; you guys are learning fast to push the buttons on users who haven't been around long enough to know our board culture and the incredible amount of trolls.

You are CTR or a Sup Forums tier troll; find a new job or do something better with your life

>62 year old man gets attacked with a deadly weapon by a nigger for a shirt
>equivalent of niggers being niggers
Edgy indeed

>haha i am so redpilled i know EXACTLY when to use the "shill" meme



Fucking hate maple niggers, they just can't get off the Aussie cock and want to be funny so bad.

Make like your flag and...

Better than your worthless banter

Why are bible belt fags so worthless?

He was asking for it.

The country isn't 3rd world but I can't speak for NJ, I only hear bad things.

Also, listen to this man, anyone who thinks this attack was ok is no better than a violent nigger and are the worst of useful idiots

CTR get out

>all these shills/shitposters

They think it's okay because the person must be raycis because they are a trump supporter, they are fighting evil nazis and this is another way for them to virtue signal and hope to get laid by feminists

So you're saying we should be whipping anti-trump people's faces with chains and bats?

Die in a fire you piece of shit.

This won't be my fate; anyone one who wants to try can taste any one of my different flavors of 7.62

>muh rope
Edgy faggot

>1 post by this ID

Dam i didnt know shills were so brutal, wont you get in trouble for saying something like that? Surely you wont get your 3 cents

probably a sanders supporter

So what? the guy supports a dumb racist bigot. He deserves to get the shit beat out of him and much much worst.

I guess you could make the issue that it's wrong to beat up a mentally handicapped person LOL

Also forgot to add paybacks a bitch for all those trump rallies where trump supporters attacked peaceful protestors but I guess Sup Forums will just ignore that since this place is full of hypocrites with double standards

You live in a country that restricts the government from infringing on your right to keep and bear arms. If you are not a convicted felon, you should be carrying legally. Exercise your rights that make most of the world jealous.

That's just edgy teenagers that don't know board culture yet; Sup Forums's board culture is Christian and looks down on nigger like behaviors, wearing a tshirt is not a reason for assaulting an old man.

I didn't use the word shill because you faggots are throwing it out there so much it loses its sting.

I called you out for exactly what you are, a Sup Forums tier troll or someone getting paid to post low level shit tier content. I never used the word shill, you did.


Trump 2016! You don't want the silent majority to start making noise I promise.

I live in the buffer zone for the turborich kikes in far hills ~40 mins away. The entire state sucks dick and is overrun with worthless shitskin animals.

Whites get attacked on a regular basis for no reason, people just don't always notice it because the race is never mentioned. This entire state will be nothing but third world monkeys in another 5-10 years.

I'm not Bible Belt and I'm not even trying to be funny. Everyone knows maple nuggets are the worst fucking posters on this board and are generally disliked. If you are a bro tier nationalist Canadian I'd start being a name fag otherwise you will be lumped in with all other shit leaf posters.

You think it's baby's but it's not, not when the board is being over run with shills, it's not funny any more any stopped being funny and is just trolling or shilling.

Hillary confirmed to use facist mob mentality tactics to persuade trump voters to switch. Hillary is literally Hitler.

not a single fuck was given

Not trying to be edgy, I want fucking commies out of this country.

Patriots have been at war with you fucking Marxist pieces of shit for the better part of a century. Your presence is merely tolerated at this point but you fucks are starting to wake a sleeping bear.

>all these shills
This thread is the good example that the only moral high is the leftards standing is just the high horse. Claming how humane they are but in an anonymous site they are just as merciless as their enemy.
Assuming the avarge Trump supporter equal to the most racist Sup Forumsak ,but dropping tantrum when you point out there are some problems with islam and black culture.

Die in a car crash, I can't believe those repeating digits were wasted on a faggot Ike you

Finally one good post from a leaf. You are one in a million user.

Carry your gun at all times

>you will never gun down a commie for attacking your for wearing a trump hat and then have a nice pancake breakfast

Oops this reply was for

I already see the headlines.
This might as well be the headline if poor fella had a gun and we can see shill screaming insted of shill cheering.

If he had watched DBZ at all, he would have known that you're supposed to hide your power level while traversing enemy territory.

I hope you CTR faggots get paid for all the replies I gave to almost every shill in this thread while you were trying to carry out operation "barrier breakers". I did it to help new snobs to be able to spot you fucking shills outside of seeing a leaf on their flag.

I'm reposting my own pasta I made as a reply to this post to hopefully help new anons see what our true board culture is and not be swayed by the massive attack Sup Forums is experiencing right now. I've been here 3 years and haven't seen shilling to this level ever; pls learn anons and fight the good fight.

We have the benefit being on the right side of history so don't listen to shills, read on!

Pls read, boycott now!

The best thing that can be done, at least with using Sup Forums and maybe even other boards; if you are a normie and go to /r/the_donald; super normie and have Facebook, or you are fighting the good fight on Twitter and dropping red pills on everyone talking shit to him on Twitter... Is to call for the wide spread boycott of these networks. Teach people and use archives instead of linking to their real site, don't ever share their actual page or you will drive social media traffic to them and it defeats the boycott. If you don't know how to use archives then learn and teach other annobs if you see them linking to the real site. Reply to them with an archive link and tell people not to use the real site. Start the boycott user!

Boycott all anti trump media, don't call everyone shills, it's losing its sting. Everyone reading this, CTR is trying to use our own board culture to change the culture of this board and it is working. I see them calling out people saying they are "paid trump shills" this is fake. New users read loud and clear; the board culture of Sup Forums is under attack. They are fighting for our hearts and minds and trying to use our own board culture against us. There are no paid trump shills. All pro Hillary threads are trolls and shills, they are trying to flip it on us and I have felt the board sway; new users are biting the bait, helping slide threads and pushing new ideologues here, it's scary too see the fight brought to where I browse.

Boycott, archive, spread the word. Don't reply to CTR posters, and if they are against trump they are not nationalists and are outsiders. Learn their techniques, recognize where our board culture is under attack.

The easiest way to spot the opposition is the fact they do not share our nationalist ideaology. I did not say "white" nationalists, but we do name the Jew here, anti senitism is real here, even the Jews here are self hating as they should be as most Jews are.

My repeating digits only further certify the evil that lives up north. Maple niggers take note, this is what a real Canadian feels and thinks; unless of course you like rainbow cop cars, your national anthem changed to be accepting of trans or LGBTQIRNFMPXZE+ people feelings, agree that it should be legal to fuck a history suck a dogs dick, or think that it's okay to let one fuck man named Justin ruin your culture and your country.

Maple niggers need to die with very few exceptions.

Come on. It's 2016 people

Democrats confirmed for high energy?